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S2C Sandbox: Cross compile Evins

komar edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions


Erlang version 19.2

You need download and install Erlang/OTP version 19.2 for your distribution:

Download toolchain and repository for Sandbox

You need download toolchain and repository for sandbox, as described

Download evins

You need clone git repository with evins

Download erlang base for S2C Sandbox

Cross compile evins

Unpack evins-user-helpers.tar.gz

You need unpack evins-user-helpers.tar.gz and copy ./evins-repack-for-stamp9g20 to directory with evins

Setup toolchain enviroment

Setup toolchain enviroment:

$ . /usr/local/oecore-i686/environment-setup-armv5te-angstrom-linux-uclibceabi

You will get somthing like that:

make -C /home/komar/work/proj/am/evins/c_src
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/komar/work/proj/am/evins/c_src'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/komar/work/proj/am/evins/c_src'
===> Starting relx build process ...
===> Resolving OTP Applications from directories:
===> Resolved evins-0.3
===> Including Erts from /usr/lib/erlang
===> release successfully created!
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/komar/work/proj/am/evins'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/komar/work/proj/am/evins'
===> Starting relx build process ...
===> Resolving OTP Applications from directories:
===> Resolved evins-0.3
===> tarball /home/komar/work/proj/am/evins/_rel/evins/evins-0.3.tar.gz successfully created!

Prepare evins for sandbox installation

You need run evins-repack-for-stamp9g20 from evins-user-helpers (you need put you path to evins-0.3.tar.gz):

$ ./evins-repack-for-stamp9g20 /home/komar/work/proj/am/evins/_rel/evins/evins-0.3.tar.gz

You will see something like that:

Archive for deplying to S2C Sandbox for arch arm ready:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 komar komar 2.1M Feb  6 13:00 evins-0.3.tar.xz
lrwxrwxrwx 1 komar komar   16 Feb  6 13:00 evins-arm-angstrom-linux-uclibceabi.tar.xz -> evins-0.3.tar.xz

Install evins to S2c Sandbox


You need upload to directory /tmp in sandbox such files:

  • evins-arm-angstrom-linux-uclibceabi.tar.xz
  • erl-base-19.2.tar.gz
  • from evins-user-helpers.tar.gz
  • init.d-evins from evins-user-helpers.tar.gz

Install evins

root@evo-sandbox:/tmp$ ./ evins-arm-angstrom-linux-uclibceabi.tar.xz erl-base-19.2.tar.gz

Install startup script for evins

root@evo-sandbox:/tmp$ mv init.d-evins /etc/init.d/evins
root@evo-sandbox:/tmp$ update-rc.d evins defaults

After this evins will run as daemon at boot time

Running evins

Test evins run

root@evo-sandbox$ /opt/evins/bin/evins console

You must see something like that:

Exec: /opt/evins/erts-8.2/bin/erlexec -boot /opt/evins/releases/0.3/start -mode interactive -boot_var ERTS_LIB_DIR /opt/evins/lib -config /opt/evins/releases/0.3/sys.config -args_file /opt/evins/releases/0.3/vm.args -pa -- console
Root: /opt/evins
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.2] [source] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V8.2  (abort with ^G)
(evins@evo-sandbox)1> !!! Name of current protocol csma_aloha
1580.993200.158868             mod_nl:201:mod_nl_nl1: NL Protocol sncfloodr 
1580.993200.163373         fsm_conf:199:mod_mac_alh1: Unhandled event: {allowed}
1580.993200.169543             mod_nl:202:mod_nl_nl1: Routing Table 63 

If it so, you can connect to port 1111 from another shell

$ nc <modem-ip> 1111
=========================================== HELP ===========================================
?                       - List of all commands

===================================== Send and receive ======================================
NL,send[,<Type>],[<Datalen>],<Dst>,<Data>   - Send data, <Datalen> - optional,

Run evins as daemon

/etc/init.d/evins start