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x teaser

Estefania Morton edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 4 revisions


This module provides templates for use with o-teaser. Teasers are used to present content.

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This module is supported on Node 12 and is distributed on npm.

npm install --save @financial-times/x-teaser
bower install --save o-teaser

The x-engine module is used to inject your chosen runtime into the component. Please read the x-engine documentation first if you are consuming x- components for the first time in your application.



Because teasers are very complex with thousands of possible permutations the component has been split into logical groups of features. These are:-

  • Meta, the element above the title categorising the content
  • Title, the title of the content
  • Standfirst, a subtitle or description of the content
  • Status, the date of, or time since the content was published
  • Related links, An additional list of links to related content
  • Image, the poster image for the content
  • Headshot, an image of the content author when content is published in their column
  • Video, for video content able to play videos in-situ
  • Custom slot, a free slot to insert custom components or markup

screenshot of a teaser with features highlighted


Teasers display content but our content items are also decorated with hints and traits which further describe them. Content items may only be available to premium subscribers, excluded from syndication licenses, or selected as an editor's choice. This extra data may not always produce visible output, or be visible to all users. However, they can be used in addition to the content itself to make decisions with.


Because there are so many teaser properties some options can conflict. In these cases one option must take precedence over the others. These sitations are resolved by using a ruleset. A ruleset is a function which implements a series of conditions in order of precedence. When a condition evaluates to true it must return.

For example to decide which media type to display (a video, headshot, or image) we define the following ruleset:

const media = (props) => {
	if (props.showVideo && && {
		return 'video';

	if (props.showHeadshot && props.headshot && props.headshot.url && props.indicators.isColumn) {
		return 'headshot';

	if (props.showImage && props.image && props.image.url) {
		return 'image';


The components provided by this module are all functions that expect a map of teaser properties. They can be used with vanilla JavaScript or JSX (If you are not familiar check out WTF is JSX first). For example if you were writing your application using React you could use the component like this:

import React from 'react';
import { Teaser } from '@financial-times/x-teaser';

// A == B == C
const a = Teaser(props);
const b = <Teaser {...props} />;
const c = React.createElement(Teaser, props);

All x- components are designed to be compatible with a variety of runtimes, not just React. Check out the x-engine documentation for a list of recommended libraries and frameworks.

Child components

All the sub-components used to build a complete teaser may be imported and used individually. Every component can be given the full set of teaser properties.

import { Title, Standfirst } from '@financial-times/x-teaser';

const TeaserIsh = (title, standfirst) => (
	<div className="teaser-ish">
		<Title title={title} />
		<Standfirst standfirst={standfirst} />


A TypeScript definitions file is included which covers all of the properties expected by this component. You can use it like this:

import { TeaserProps } from './Props';

const props: TeaserProps = {};


As covered in the features documentation the teaser properties, or props, have also been split into logical groups. No props are mandatory and no defaults are set, but presets are available for common combinations. In cases where props conflict rules should decide which should take precedence. There is a TypeScript definition available for props.

Feature Props

Feature Type Notes
showMeta Boolean
showTitle Boolean
showStandfirst Boolean
showStatus Boolean
showImage Boolean
showHeadshot Boolean Takes precedence over image
showVideo Boolean Takes precedence over image or headshot
showGuidance Boolean Show video captions guidance
showRelatedLinks Boolean
showCustomSlot Boolean

General Props

Property Type Notes
id String Content UUID
url String Canonical URL
relativeUrl String URL path, will take precendence over url
type String Content type (article, video, etc.)
indicators indicators
dataTrackable String Tracking data for the teaser

Meta Props

Property Type Notes
metaPrefixText String
metaSuffixText String
metaLink meta link
metaAltLink meta link
promotedPrefixText String Will take precedence over links
promotedSuffixText String

Title Props

Property Type Notes
title String
altTitle String Used for testing content variations

Standfirst Props

Property Type Notes
standfirst String
altStandfirst String Used for testing content variations

Status Props

Property Type Notes
publishedDate String, Number, Date Last published date
firstPublishedDate String, Number, Date
useRelativeTime Boolean Display time since publish
status String Live blog status

Image Props

Property Type Notes
image media
imageSize String XS, Small, Medium, Large, XL or XXL
imageLazyLoad Boolean, String Output image with data-src attribute. If this is a string it will be appended to the image as a class name.
imageHighestQuality Boolean Calls image service with "quality=highest" option, works only with XXL images

Headshot Props

Property Type Notes
headshot String Only displayed if showHeadshot and columnist indicator is true
headshotTint String See the image service API for usage

Video Props

Property Type Notes
video media Requires o-video to create a video player
systemCode String Required by o-video to pass with requests.
         |                       | Should be the Biz-Ops code for the implementing system

Related Links Props

Property Type Notes
relatedLinks Array of link

Context Props

Property Type Notes
headlineTesting Boolean Enables alternative content for headline testing
parentLabel String Shows the alternative meta link when the label matches
parentId String Shows the alternative meta link when the ID matches

Variant Props

Property Type Notes
layout String "small", "large", "hero", or "top-story"
theme String Package theme, setting this will override any other indicators
parentTheme String Theme inherited from any parent package
modifiers String[] Extra modifier class names to append

Meta Link Props

Property Type Notes
prefLabel String
url String Canonical URL
relativeUrl String URL path, will take precedence over url

Link Props

Property Type Notes
id String Content UUID
url String Canonical URL
relativeUrl String URL path, will take precedence over url
type String Content type (article, video, etc.)
title String

Media Props

Property Type Notes
url String Content UUID or, in the case of images, data: or blob: URL
width Number
height Number

Indicator Props

Property Type Notes
accessLevel String "premium", "subscribed", "registered", or "free"
isOpinion Boolean
isColumn Boolean
isPodcast Boolean
isEditorsChoice Boolean
isExclusive Boolean
isScoop Boolean


Because there are so many options presets are available for the most commonly used configurations, these are:-

  • Small
  • SmallHeavy
  • Large
  • Hero
  • HeroNarrow
  • HeroVideo
  • HeroOverlay
  • TopStory
  • TopStoryLandscape

To use a preset import the presets property along with the teaser component and mix your chosen preset in with your other properties.

import { Teaser, presets } from '@financial-times/x-teaser';

const html = Teaser({...props, ...presets.Hero, showStatus: false });
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