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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 1, 2021. It is now read-only.


⚠️ This project is no longer maintained.


Terracord is a DiscordTerraria bridge plugin for TShock. The plugin enables the bi-directional flow of messages between a Discord text channel and a TShock server. This project is inspired by DiscordSRV which is a Discord ↔ Minecraft chat relay plugin for PaperMC and Spigot.

Terracord is written in C# and is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3. This project makes use of Discord.Net and the Terraria API.

A DLL built from the latest source code can be found on AppVeyor.

Installation and Configuration

Discord Bot

  1. Follow the instructions here to create a bot and invite it to your server. Make note of the bot token as you'll need it later.

  2. Give the bot the following server-wide permissions:

    Permission Required Effect Scope
    Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels/Read Messages ✔ Yes Allows the bot to view channels and messages within a text channel Server/Channel
    Send Messages ✔ Yes Allows the bot to send messages in a text channel Server/Channel
    Read Message History ✔ Yes Allows the bot to see previous messages in a text channel Server/Channel
    Change Nickname ❌ No Allows the bot to change its own nickname when the configuration is reloaded Server
    Embed Links ❌ No Allows the bot to embed links within a text channel Server/Channel
    Manage Channel(s) ❌ No Allows the bot to dynamically update the channel topic with info about the Terraria server Server/Channel
    • Server scope means the permission is added to the bot's role in Server SettingsRoles.
    • Channel scope means the permission is added to the bot (or its role) directly in the desired text channel using Edit ChannelPermissions.
    • Server/Channel scope means the permission can either be a Server or Channel permission.
  3. Copy the ID of the desired text channel following the instructions here. The owner ID can also be acquired using the same instructions. Make note of both IDs.

TShock Plugin

  1. Copy Terracord.dll and its dependencies into your TShock ServerPlugins directory. The dependencies are the following: Discord.Net.Core.dll, Discord.Net.Rest.dll, Discord.Net.WebSocket.dll, Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll, System.Collections.Immutable.dll, System.Interactive.Async.dll, and System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll. These files should be contained in any release archive.

    Ensure that the version of Newtonsoft.Json.dll copied to the ServerPlugins directory is ≥ 11.0.2. This is a required dependency of Discord.Net. The instance of this DLL included with TShock 4.4.0 is older (10.0.3) and using it results in the inability to establish a connection to the Discord service.

  2. Edit terracord.xml to set your bot token, Discord channel ID, and owner ID. The Discord Bot section demonstrates how to obtain these items. terracord.xml should be saved to the tshock > Terracord directory. Other settings in this configuration file may also be changed to your liking.

  3. Restart your TShock server to load the plugin. For review or troubleshooting purposes, terracord.log can be found in the tshock > Terracord directory.

⚠️ Unfortunately, Terracord may not work with Mono. This is due to Discord.Net not supporting Mono. Building a Terracord DLL that targets net46 or net461 has been confirmed to work with Mono version 6.8 however.

Discord Commands
Command Description
help Display command list
playerlist Display online players
serverinfo Display server details
setgame [status] Set Discord bot game/playing status
uptime Display plugin uptime

If a command is not in the above list and the issuing Discord user has one of the admin roles or is the bot owner (both configured in terracord.xml), the command will be forwarded onto the Terraria server. The server and any relevant plugins will handle the command at this point and provide output if applicable.


Visual Studio

  1. Download and install Visual Studio if you do not have the software. The community edition is free and contains the essentials to build Terracord. In particular, you want the ".NET desktop development" workload. The "NuGet package manager" is also required to pull in the Discord.Net dependencies. Other individual components such as debuggers, profilers, "Git for Windows", and the "GitHub extension for Visual Studio" may be useful.

  2. Obtain a copy of the Terracord source code if you have not already. This can be performed with git clone You may alternatively download a zip archive of the source and extract the contents to an arbitrary location.

  3. Download the latest TShock release.

  4. Create a directory named lib at the same path where Terracord.sln resides.

  5. Extract OTAPI.dll, TerrariaServer.exe, and TShockAPI.dll from the TShock zip archive and then place these 3 files under the lib directory you recently created during step 4.

  6. Open Terracord.sln using Visual Studio.

  7. NuGet should automatically download Discord.Net and its dependencies based on Terracord.csproj. If not, you can manually install Discord.Net.Core and Discord.Net.WebSocket via NuGet. You may also attempt to right-click the solution in the "Solution Explorer" of Visual Studio and then left-click "Restore NuGet Packages".

  8. Use BuildBuild Solution or Ctrl+Shift+b to build Terracord.

  9. If all goes well, you should have a shiny new Terracord.dll at the path referenced in the build output. Enjoy!

.NET Core/.NET 5

  1. Install .NET Core SDK. .NET Core SDK 3.1.100 is known to successfully build Terracord. You can also configure various Linux package managers to install .NET core. This has the added benefit of being able to easily update the software.

  2. Obtain a copy of the Terracord source code:

    git clone


    wget && unzip

  3. Download and extract the latest TShock release:

    wget && unzip

  4. Create a directory named lib at the same path where Terracord.sln resides:

    mkdir terracord/lib

  5. Copy OTAPI.dll, TerrariaServer.exe, and TShockAPI.dll to lib:

    cp OTAPI.dll TerrariaServer.exe ServerPlugins/TShockAPI.dll terracord/lib

  6. Install dependencies:

    cd terracord

    dotnet restore

  7. Begin build:

    dotnet build -c <Debug|Release>

  8. You should now have a Terracord.dll.


⚠️ As mentioned previously, loading Terracord.dll with Mono may not work considering that Discord.Net does not support Mono. Therefore, the following steps should be considered experimental. Building a Terracord DLL that targets net46 or net461 has been confirmed to work with Mono version 6.8.

  1. Install Mono and NuGet. Under Debian, this can be achieved via:

    apt-get install mono-complete nuget

  2. Obtain a copy of the Terracord source code:

    git clone


    wget && unzip

  3. Download and extract the latest TShock release:

    wget && unzip

  4. Create a directory named lib at the same path where Terracord.sln resides:

    mkdir terracord/lib

  5. Copy OTAPI.dll, TerrariaServer.exe, and TShockAPI.dll to lib:

    cp OTAPI.dll TerrariaServer.exe ServerPlugins/TShockAPI.dll terracord/lib

  6. Install dependencies:

    cd terracord

    nuget restore Terracord.sln

  7. Begin build:

    xbuild /p:Configuration=<Debug|Release> Terracord.sln


    msbuild /p:Configuration=<Debug|Release> Terracord.sln

  8. With luck, a wild Terracord.dll will appear.

Related Projects

@Dids has contributed a Docker image of TShock bundled with Terracord at:

Contributing and Support

Feel free to submit an issue if you require assistance or would like to make a feature request. Any contributions such as plugin testing and pull requests are appreciated. Please see the fork and pull guide for direction if you are not certain how to submit a pull request.