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Command Reference: Users

Eric Kincl edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

GAM Users Command Reference

Adapted with love from the GAM Cheat Sheet

gam create | update user <user email> [options]

gam <who> update user [options]

Common options:

  • [firstname <First Name>]
  • [lastname <Last Name>]
  • [password <Password>]
  • [email <New Email>]
  • [gal on|off]
  • [suspended on|off]
  • [sha]
  • [md5]
  • [crypt]
  • [nohash]
  • [changepassword on|off]
  • [org <Org Name>]

Extended options:

  • [relation <relation type> <relation value>]
  • [externalid <id type> <id value>]
  • [phone type <phone type> value <phone value> primary|notprimary]
  • [organization
    • name <org name>
    • title <org title>
    • type <org type>
    • department <org dept>
    • symbol <org symbol>
    • costcenter <org cost center>
    • location <org location>
    • description <org desc>
    • domain <org domain>
    • primary|notprimary]
  • [address
    • type <address type>
    • unstructured <unstructered address>
    • extendedaddress <address extended address>
    • streetaddress <address street address>
    • locality <address locality>
    • region <address region>
    • postalcode <address postal code>
    • pobox <address pobox>
    • countrycode <address country code>
    • primary|notprimary]
  • [im type <im type> protocol <im protocol> primary <im value>]
  • [location
    • type <location type>
    • area <area>
    • building <building>
    • desk <desk>
    • floor <floor>
    • section <section>
    • endlocation]
  • [sshkeys
    • expires <date>
    • key <keyvalue>]
  • [posixaccounts
    • gecos <gecos>
    • gid <numeric gid>
    • uid <numeric uid>
    • home <home path>
    • primary true|false
    • shell <shell>
    • system <systemid>
    • username <username>
    • endposix]
  • [agreedtoterms on|off]
  • [schemaname.fieldname <fieldvalue>]
  • [schemaname.multivaluefieldname multivalued <fieldvalue>]

Extended options for update only:

  • [customerid <string>]
  • [otheremail home|work|other|<custom> <email address>]

gam info user <user email>

  • [nogroups]
  • [noaliases]
  • [nolicenses]
  • [noschemas]
  • [schemas list,of,schemas]
  • [userview]
  • [skus <list,of,skus>]

gam delete user <user email>

gam undelete user <user email> [org <org Name>]

gam <who> print

gam print users

  • [allfields]
  • [custom all|list,of,schemas]
  • [userview]
  • [ims]
  • [emails]
  • [externalids]
  • [relations]
  • [addresses]
  • [organizations]
  • [phones]
  • [licenses]
  • [photo]
  • [firstname]
  • [lastname]
  • [emailparts]
  • [deleted_only]
  • [id]
  • [orderby email|firstname|lastname]
  • [query <query>]
  • [ascending|descending]
  • [domain <Domain Name>]
  • [fullname]
  • [ou]
  • [suspended]
  • [changepassword]
  • [gal]
  • [agreed2terms]
  • [admin]
  • [creationtime]
  • [aliases]
  • [lastlogintime]
  • [groups]
  • [ismailboxsetup]
  • [todrive]

gam <who> show gmailprofile|gplusprofile [todrive]

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