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Linkage Checker Exclusion File

Tomo Suzuki edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 10 revisions

A Linkage Checker exclusion file is an XML file to specify exclusion rules for linkage errors.

A linkage error is an invalid reference from a class to a symbol in another class. A symbol may be a class, a method, or a field. We call the referencing class “source”, and the referenced symbol as “target”. The relationship is illustrated below. The allow indicates an invalid reference from a source class to a target symbol.

References from source class to target symbol

For the example usage of this file, refer to Default Exclusion Rules section.


The exclusion file is an XML file (See a complete example file is in Example). Its top-level element is LinkageCheckerFilter.


  • A LinkageCheckerFilter element has zero or more LinkageError elements.
  • A LinkageError element has at least one of Target element and Source element. It also has optional Reason element.
  • A Target element has one Package, Class, Method, and Field elements.
  • A Source element has one Package, and Class elements.
  • A Reason element has a text node to explain why it is fine to suppress the linkage error.


  • Package, Class, Method, and Field elements have “name” attribute.
    • A package's name works as a prefix match. Package name "" matches "", for exmaple.
  • Method and Field elements have “className” attribute.


Here is an excerpt from the default exclusion XML file. It filters linkage error by source and target.

      <Package name="reactor.core.publisher" />
      reactor-core's Traces catches Throwable to detect classes available in
      Java 9+. As Linkage Checker targets Java 8, it ignores these errors to avoid
      false positives.

      <Package name="" />
      <Package name="" />
      GraalVM-related libraries depend on Java Compiler Interface (JVMCI) that
      only exists in special JDK. These missing classes are false positives, because
      the code is only invoked when running in a GraalVM.

Default Exclusion Rules

By default, Linkage Checker uses exclusion rules in linkage-checker-exclusion-default.xml.