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Client Building

Greg edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 11 revisions

Build your own client.jar

  1. Checkout in IntelliJ
  2. Project Structure | Artifacts | Add | Jar -> From Modules with Dependencies
  3. Set Main Class: Loader
  4. Change MANIFEST.MF directory to ./void-client/ (default will be ./void-client/client/src)
  5. OK
  6. File | Build | Artifacts | void-client:jar | build

void-client.jar will be located in /out/artifacts/void_client_jar/

Modify an existing 634 deob

  1. Update the RSA keys to match - modified-files
  2. Disable the lobby by setting the initial login stage to 2 - modified-files
  3. Fix the area sound packet from (id = 5, size = 6) to size = 8 - modified-files
  4. Support java 6+ by skipping Runtime.load0 call - modified-files

Code changes can be found here however naming will likely differ in your deob client.

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