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Drop Tables

Greg edited this page May 9, 2024 · 12 revisions

Players are rewarded for killing monsters with Item that are dropped on the floor on their death, the items dropped are selected at random from a table of options which vary depending on the type monster defeated.


Drop tables are defined inside drops.yml

chicken_drop_table:        # Name of the table
  type: all                # How to pick from this table
  drops:                   # List of potential drops
    # Nested sub table for 100% drops
    - type: all            # Drop every item in this sub-table
      # Default roll is 1
        - id: raw_chicken  # Default 100% chance to drop 1
        - id: bones
    # Nested sub-table for main drop
    - roll: 128            # Roll a random number between 1-128
      # Default type "first" stops after one drop
        - id: feather
          amount: 5
          chance: 64       # Drop 5 feathers if roll lands between 1-64 (50% chance)
        - id: feather
          amount: 10-15    # Drop between 10 and 15 feathers if roll lands between 64-96 (25% chance)
          chance: 32
          members: true    # Only drop on members worlds
      # Drop nothing if roll lands between 96-128 (25% chance)
    # Nested sub-table for rare drop
    - roll: 300                    # Roll between 1-300
        - id: clue_scroll_easy     # Drop easy clue scroll if lands on 1 (0.3% chance)
          chance: 1
          lacks: clue_scroll_easy* # Drop only if player doesn't already own an easy clue scroll
        - id: super_large_egg
          chance: 1
          variable: cooks_assistant_egg # Variable to check
          equals: false                 # Check if the variable is equal to this
          default: false                # The default value of the variable if it's not set on the player


There are two table types by default a tables type will be first.

  • all - drop every item listed
  • first - drop only one item

Type: All

Tables with type all will drop every item or call every sub-table listed, as such no chance parameter is required as all items have a 100% chance of being selected.

    type: all
        - id: cowhide
        - id: raw_beef
        - id: bones

Type: First

Most tables however roll a random number between 0 and roll and select the first drop in the list that the cumulative chance is within.

For example take this table:

  roll: 70
    - id: air_talisman
      chance: 10
    - id: body_talisman
      chance: 10
    - id: earth_talisman
      chance: 10
    - id: fire_talisman
      chance: 10
  • First we roll a random number between 0-70. Let's say 22.
  • We check down the list of items starting from the top and a chance of 0
  • For air_talisman 22 is not within 0-10; so we move on adding 10 to our total.
  • For body_talisman 22 is not within 10-20; so we move on, adding 10 to our total.
  • For earth_talisman 2 is within 20-30. So earth_talisman is our selected drop.


Drops chances should never exceed the tables roll as that could mistakenly give some drops a 0% chance.


Tables can also be drops themselves allowing for nesting and control over "groups" of drops.

The following example will always drop bones and raw_rat_meat but giant_rat_bones will only have a 25% of being dropped

  type: all
    - drops:
        - id: bones
        - id: raw_rat_meat
    - roll: 4
        - id: giant_rat_bone
          chance: 1



Items can have optional conditions for being dropped by specifying a variable and the value it should match

  - id: blood_rune
    chance: 2
    amount: 2
    members: true                   # Spawn only on members worlds
  - id: clue_scroll_elite
    variable: elite_clue            # The variable to check
    equals: false                   # The value to compare against equally
    default: false                  # The default value if the variable is not set
  - id: rats_paper
    variable: what_lies_below_stage # The variable to check
    within: 2-4                     # The range the variable value must be within (inclusive)
    default: 0


Drops can also have optional conditions if a player owns (has on them or in their bank) or does not own a particular item using the owns or lacks fields.

  - id: small_pouch
    chance: 6
    lacks: small_pouch   # Only drop if the player doesn't have a small pouch already
  - id: medium_pouch
    chance: 6
    charges: 45
    owns: small_pouch    # Only drop if player owns a small pouch
    lacks: medium_pouch* # But not if the player owns any type of medium pouch (i.e. medium_pouch or medium_pouch_damaged)

Monster drops

You can specify a drop table for a monster simply by naming a table in either a <npc_id>_drop_table, or <npc_race>_drop_table format.

The more specific table name will be used first, for example the King Black Dragon will use the king_black_dragon_drop_table even though it is classified as one of the dragon race in npcs.yml, where a Green Dragon will use dragon_drop_table as a green_dragon_drop_table doesn't exist.

  id: 941
  race: dragon
  examine: "Must be related to Elvarg."
  id: 50
  race: dragon
  examine: "One of the biggest, meanest dragons around."

Converting from wiki

Drop tables can be converted from the osrs and rs3 wiki pages (with some exceptions) using DropTableConverter.kt.

Find the drops section of an npcs wiki page, in this example we'll use Dark wizards.

Clicking on "edit source" will reveal the underlying Wikitext:


Copy and paste the wikitext into and run the DropTableConverter


The converter will print out the drop table in YAML with the quanities and rarities converted

  roll: 128
    - id: nature_rune
      chance: 7
      amount: 4
    - id: chaos_rune
      chance: 6
      amount: 5
    - id: mind_rune
      chance: 3
      amount: 10
    - id: body_rune
      chance: 3
      amount: 10
    - id: mind_rune
      chance: 2
      amount: 18
    - id: body_rune
      chance: 2
      amount: 18
    - id: blood_rune
      chance: 2
      amount: 2
      members: true
    - id: cosmic_rune
      amount: 2
    - id: law_rune
      amount: 3



The converter doesn't verify item ids, so an item named "Wizard hat" will be converted to wizard_hat even though the items.yml id is black_wizard_hat. Any incorrect ids will be printed out on server startup: [ItemDrop] - Invalid drop id wizard_hat.


The converter won't correctly convert most variable conditions such as drop limits, dynamic drop rates, quest requirements or other exceptions. These will need to be added manually.

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