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Akeru Search

Akeru Search is a next-generation search engine powered by decentralized AI protocols and living knowledge.

Akeru Search Logo

Features and Tech Stack

  • Next.js 14: Utilizing the latest features of Next.js for optimal performance and developer experience.
  • React: Building interactive UI components with React.
  • TypeScript: Ensuring type safety and improved developer productivity.
  • Tailwind CSS: Rapidly styling the application with utility-first CSS.
  • Framer Motion: Creating smooth animations for an enhanced user experience.
  • Radix UI: Leveraging accessible and customizable UI components.
  • Vercel OG: Generating dynamic Open Graph images for better social media sharing.

Powered by GaiaNet Node and Brave Search

Akeru Search is built on a custom API powered by a GaiaNet node and utilizes Brave Search. This integration allows for:

  • Decentralized AI-driven search results
  • Real-time data processing and retrieval
  • Enhanced privacy and data ownership for users
  • Comprehensive search results combining Brave Search with GaiaNet's summarization capabilities

Future Goals

Our vision for Akeru Search extends beyond its current capabilities:

  1. Open Source Agents Protocol: We aim to develop an open-source protocol that acts as a Layer 2 solution for decentralized AI protocols, inspired by GaiaNet's approach to living knowledge systems.
  2. Expanded AI Capabilities: Integrating more advanced AI models and techniques to improve search accuracy and relevance, leveraging GaiaNet's continuous adaptation and growth principles.
  3. Decentralized Infrastructure: Further decentralizing our infrastructure to enhance reliability and reduce single points of failure, aligning with GaiaNet's decentralized platform model.
  4. Community-Driven Development: Encouraging community contributions to shape the future of decentralized search technology, similar to GaiaNet's collaborative environment for sharing knowledge and innovation.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions from the community! Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the Akeru Search repository.
  2. Set Up Your Environment: Follow the setup instructions in the "Getting Started" section below.
  3. Create a Feature Branch: Make your changes in a new git branch.
  4. Write Clean Code: Ensure your code adheres to our coding standards and is well-documented.
  5. Test Thoroughly: Add or update tests as necessary for your changes.
  6. Submit a Pull Request: Open a PR with a clear description of your changes and their purpose.

For more detailed contribution guidelines, please see our file.

Getting Started

Before running the development server, please note:

Important: You will need to contact the project maintainer @guibibeau for a set of API keys to work on this repository.

Once you have the necessary API keys, you can run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Backend Repository

The backend for Akeru Search is located in a separate repository. You can find it at This repository contains the server-side code and API implementations that power the Akeru Search engine.