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Finding the Harmonic Intervals in Pieces

We have just seen how the melodic() function allows us to examine the points in the score where the pitch changes in a single voice, resulting in a melodic intervals. We are also able to examine harmonic intervals, which is the difference in pitch between two voices who sound a note simultaneously. This can be accomplished with the harmonic() function.

The harmonic() Function

Harmony is one of the most important elements of music, and of musical similarity. By searching for patterns where pieces utilize certain harmonic intervals, we are able to find points of similarity within and between different pieces. In its simplest form, harmonic() simply produces a DataFrame of each harmonic interval present in a piece, between all possible voice pairs:


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The function can, however, be modified by each of its parameters:

  • kind, for controlling if diatonic, chromatic, or other types of intervals are reported; default is diatonic
  • directed, for controlling whether the report is simply a raw interval, or also reports whether it goes up or down (indicated with a '-' if down); default includes direction
  • compound, whether intervals larger than an octave are reported as simpler versions; default reports compounds as they actually appear
  • againstLow, whether harmonic intervals are produced for every combination of voices, or just between each non-lowest voice and the lowest active voice at each harmonic offset; default generates every combination of voices

harmonic() Parameters

Differentiating Between Diatonic, Chromatic, and Other Intervals: The kind Parameter

The harmonic() function contains a parameter kind, which has a default value of "q". These inputs are case sensitive:

Diatonic with qualities. These qualities are outputs such as "P8" for a perfect octave (e.g. C4 -> C5), "M3" for a major third interval (e.g. C5 -> E5), and "m3" for minor third interval (e.g. C5 -> E-5):

piece.harmonic(kind = 'q')

Diatonic without qualities. Provides outputs such as "8" for an octave, and "3" for a third interval:

piece.harmonic(kind = "d")

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Chromatic. Simply the difference in pitch including all intermediary notes. Outputs "12" for an octave interval (e.g. C4 -> C5), "6" for a tritone interval (e.g. C5 -> F#5), and "0" for a unison (e.g. C5 -> C5):

piece.harmonic(kind = "c")

Zero-based. Diatonic intervals, begins counting at 0 rather than 1. Outputs "7" for a perfect octave interval up (e.g. D3 -> D4), "-4" for a fifth interval down (e.g. F5 -> A5), "2" for a third interval up (e.g. G4 -> B5):

piece.harmonic(kind = "z")

Up and Down vs. Aboslute: The directed Parameter

By default, directed = True, which causes the melodic intervals to report their direction; "4" is an ascending fourth; "-4" is descending. It might be useful, however, simply to report the absolute distance without direction, such as if the aim is to know how many harmonic intervals of a sixth appear in a piece regardless of their direction. In this case, use directed = False.

#Default value:  
piece.harmonic(directed = True)

[C5 -> G5] will return a diatonic interval of "4"
[G5 -> C5] will return a diatonic interval of "-4"

piece.harmonic(directed = False)

[C5 -> G5] will return a diatonic interval of "4"
[G5 -> C5] will return a diatonic interval of "4"

Managing Intervals Greater than an Octave: The compound Parameter

The harmonic() function contains a parameter compound, with a default value of True. This means that intervals with a span greater than an octave will always be returned as such. The interval from C4 to E5 would be a diatonic 10, a chromatic 16, M10 using 'with quality', and 9 using 'zero-based diatonic'.

piece.harmonic(compound = True)

Using piece.harmonic(compound = False), in contrast, analyzes all intervals as if they are within a octave (what musicians call the 'simple' intervallic distances). In this case the interval from C4 to E5 would be a diatonic 3, a chromatic 4, M3 using 'with quality', and 2 using 'zero-based with quality'. Note that an octave itself is not reduced to a unison.

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Harmonic Intervals Between All Voice Pairs, or Only Comparing to the Lowest Voice? The againstLow Parameter

By default, harmonic() generates a DataFrame of the harmonic intervals between ALL voice pairs present at a given offset. This is the case when the againstLow parameter is set to its default, False. Alternatively, however, we may wish to explore each voice's harmonic relationship only to the lowest voice present at each offset, and not need other harmonic pairs creating clutter in our DataFrame output. When changed to True, harmonic intervals will only be shown between the lowest voice and each other voice at a given offset:

piece.harmonic(againstLow = True)

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This means that if a piece contained a Bass, Tenor, Alto, and Soprano voice, all four voices were sounding, and againstLow was set to True, harmonic() will generate the interval between the Bass and the Tenor, the Bass and the Alto, and the Bass and the Soprano. It will NOT generate any harmonic interval between the Tenor and Alto, Tenor and Soprano, or Alto and Soprano. The same logic would also apply even if the Bass was not present, where only the harmonic intervals appearing would be between the Tenor and Alto voices, and between the Tenor and Soprano voices.

The sonorities Function: Reporting All Harmonic Intervals in One Column

There is also a separate sonorities function, which in turn uses the results from harmonic to produce a single column representing all of the vertical intervals heard at each 'onset' of any note throughout the piece. The result is something like a figured bass representation of the harmonies at each moment.

In its simplest form, we call this on piece as follows:


There are also several parameters. The first three are simply those used with harmonic, as described above. There are their defaults:

kind='d' directed=True compound='simple'

One additional parameter, sort, determines the order of the intervals. If sort=True (which is the default), then the intervals will be sorted from largest to smallest. Duplicates and unisons will be removed.


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But if sort=False, then all intervals will be reported (unisons and duplicates included), and they will appear in order from top staff to bottom.


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It would also be possible to pass these to the ngram method to see higher level patterns:

son = piece.sonorities(sort=False)
piece.ngrams(df = son)

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Dealing with Consecutive Pitch Repetition/Rests: The combineUnisons and combineRests Parameters:

Unlike the notes() functions, the harmonic() function does not contain combineUnisons or combineRests parameters. These parameters, however, can still be used in conjunction with the harmonic() function as follows:

nr_no_unisons = piece.notes(combineUnisons = True)
piece.harmonic(df = nr_no_unisons)

Or (though less useful),

nr_separate_rests = piece.notes(combineRests = False)  
piece.harmonic(df = nr_separate_rests)

fillna() and dropna() Functions

We have previously seen the fillna() function which, when applied to a DataFrame, replaces all "NaN" objects with the chosen text. For example:


We are also able to apply the dropna() function, which (by default) removes all rows (beats) from the table consisting entirely of "NaN" values.


This would be equivalent to specifiying the function as follows:

piece.harmonic().dropna(how = 'all')

Alternatively, rows could be dropped if they contian any "NaN" values:

piece.harmonic().dropna(how = 'any')

More About Measures, Beats, and Offsets: The detailIndex() Function

By default, the harmonic() function returns a DataFrame which indexes by offsets: That is, events in the piece are counted by which overall beat in the piece they fall on. This is useful for measuring time distances between events, but not for a human reader to refer back to the musical score itself. It is easy to include measure and beat indexes by passing the result of the function to the detailIndex() function as shown:

har = piece.harmonic()  
har_DI = piece.detailIndex(har)

For more information about the detailIndex function, consult the function's documentation.

Harmonic Intervals in a Corpus

The corpus.batch method will help you produce a combined picture of harmonic intervals across any corpus.

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Code to Run
def corpus_har(corpus, combine_unisons_choice, combine_rests_choice, kind_choice, directed, compound):
    func = ImportedPiece.notes  # <- NB there are no parentheses here
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func, 
                                kwargs = {'combineUnisons': combine_unisons_choice, 'combineRests': combine_rests_choice}, 
    func1 = ImportedPiece.numberParts
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func1,
                               kwargs = {'df' : list_of_dfs},
    func2 = ImportedPiece.harmonic
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func2,
                               kwargs = {'df' : list_of_dfs, 'kind' : kind_choice, 'directed' : directed, 'compound' : compound},
                               metadata = False)
    func3 = ImportedPiece.detailIndex
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func3, 
                            kwargs = {'df': list_of_dfs}, 
                            metadata = True)
    har = pd.concat(list_of_dfs)
    cols_to_move = ['Composer', 'Title', 'Date']
    har = har[cols_to_move + [col for col in har.columns if col not in cols_to_move]]
    return har

# define the settings
combine_unisons_choice = False
combine_rests_choice = False
kind_choice = 'd'
directed = True
compound = True

# run the function
har = corpus_har(corpus, combine_unisons_choice, combine_rests_choice, kind_choice, directed, compound).fillna('')

Charts with Harmonic Intervals

As we explain the Visualizations_Summary, the Plotly library provides some powerful tools for displaying tabular data in various charts and plots.

For a Single Piece

First with the voices as separate charts:

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Code to Use
url = ''
piece = importScore(url)

# give the chart a meaningful title based on your piece:
md = piece.metadata  
chart_title = "Distribution of Harmonic Intervals in " + md['composer'] + ", " + md['title']

# custom interval order
int_order = ["-P8", "-M7", "-m7", "-M6", "-m6", "-P5", "-P4", "-M3", 
                          "-m3", "-M2", "-m2", "P1", "m2", "M2", "m3", "M3",
                          "P4", "P5", "m6", "M6", "m7", "M7", "P8"]
# get the harmonic intervals
har = piece.harmonic().fillna("-")  
har = har.apply(pd.Series.value_counts).fillna(0).astype(int).reset_index().copy()  
har.rename(columns={'index': 'interval', 'voice' : 'voices'}, inplace=True)  
har['interval'] = pd.Categorical(har["interval"], categories=int_order)  
har = har.sort_values(by="interval").dropna().copy()  
voices = mel.columns.to_list()[1:]  # Exclude 'interval' column
# Create a custom color palette
custom_palette = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly + px.colors.qualitative.Dark24 + px.colors.qualitative.Light24
color_dict = {voice: custom_palette[i % len(custom_palette)] for i, voice in enumerate(voices)}
# Melt the DataFrame to long format suitable for
melted_har = har.melt(id_vars='interval', var_name='voices', value_name='count')
# Plot using Plotly Express
fig =, 
             category_orders={'interval': int_order}, 
             color_discrete_map=dict(zip(voices, custom_palette)),
             facet_col_wrap=4,  # Wrap facets after every 4 columns; adjust according to your results
             height=1000,  # Overall figure height
             facet_row_spacing=0.08,  # Spacing between rows; adjust according to height chosen
for i in range(len(set(melted_har['voices']))):

And then combined:

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Code to Use
url = ''
piece = importScore(url)

# give the chart a meaningful title based on your piece:
md = piece.metadata  
chart_title = "Distribution of Harmonic Intervals in " + md['composer'] + ", " + md['title']

# custom interval order
int_order = ["-P8", "-M7", "-m7", "-M6", "-m6", "-P5", "-P4", "-M3", 
                          "-m3", "-M2", "-m2", "P1", "m2", "M2", "m3", "M3",
                          "P4", "P5", "m6", "M6", "m7", "M7", "P8"]
# get the harmonic intervals
har = piece.harmonic().fillna("-")  
har = har.apply(pd.Series.value_counts).fillna(0).astype(int).reset_index().copy()  
har.rename(columns={'index': 'interval'}, inplace=True)  
har['interval'] = pd.Categorical(har["interval"], categories=int_order)  
har = har.sort_values(by="interval").dropna().copy()  
voices = har.columns.to_list()[1:]  # Exclude 'interval' column
# Create a custom color palette
custom_palette = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly + px.colors.qualitative.Dark24 + px.colors.qualitative.Light24
color_dict = {voice: custom_palette[i % len(custom_palette)] for i, voice in enumerate(voices)}
# Melt the DataFrame to long format suitable for
melted_har = har.melt(id_vars='interval', var_name='voice', value_name='count')

# Create the stacked bar chart
fig =, 

For a Corpus

Here is a chart for an entire corpus:

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Code to Use
# har corpus function for batch processing
def corpus_har(corpus, combine_unisons_choice, combine_rests_choice, kind_choice, directed, compound):
    func = ImportedPiece.notes  # <- NB there are no parentheses here
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func, 
                                kwargs = {'combineUnisons': combine_unisons_choice, 'combineRests': combine_rests_choice}, 
    func1 = ImportedPiece.numberParts
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func1,
                               kwargs = {'df' : list_of_dfs},
    func2 = ImportedPiece.harmonic
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func2,
                               kwargs = {'df' : list_of_dfs, 'kind' : kind_choice, 'directed' : directed, 'compound' : compound},
                               metadata = False)
    func3 = ImportedPiece.detailIndex
    list_of_dfs = corpus.batch(func = func3, 
                            kwargs = {'df': list_of_dfs}, 
                            metadata = True)
    har = pd.concat(list_of_dfs)
    cols_to_move = ['Composer', 'Title', 'Date']
    har = har[cols_to_move + [col for col in har.columns if col not in cols_to_move]]
    return har

# settings
combine_unisons_choice = False
combine_rests_choice = False
kind_choice = 'd'
directed = True
compound = True

# orderings

interval_order_quality = ["-P8", "-M7", "-m7", "-M6", "-m6", "-P5", "-P4", "-M3", 
                          "-m3", "-M2", "-m2", "P1", "m2", "M2", "m3", "M3",
                          "P4", "P5", "m6", "M6", "m7", "M7", "P8"]

# load corpus

file_list = ['', '']

corpus = CorpusBase(file_list)

# run function and create plot

har = corpus_har(corpus, combine_unisons_choice, combine_rests_choice, kind_choice, directed, compound)
filtered_har = har
har_no_mdata = filtered_har.drop(['Composer', 'Title', "Date"], axis=1)
har_no_mdata =
har_counts = pd.DataFrame(har_no_mdata.apply(pd.Series.value_counts).fillna(0))

# drop row of nas:
har_counts = har_counts.drop('nan', axis=0)

if exclude_rests == True:
    har_counts = har_counts.drop('Rest', axis=0)
# apply the categorical list and sort.  
if kind_choice == 'q':
    # har_counts = har_counts.drop(index='')
    har_counts.index = pd.CategoricalIndex(har_counts.index, categories=interval_order_quality, ordered=True)
    har_counts.index = pd.to_numeric(har_counts.index, errors='coerce')

    # Filter out rows with NaN index if necessary
    # df = df.dropna(subset=[])
    negative_df = har_counts[har_counts.index < 0].sort_index(ascending=True)
    non_negative_df = har_counts[har_counts.index >= 0].sort_index(ascending=True)
    # Step 2: Concatenate the two DataFrames
    har_counts = pd.concat([negative_df, non_negative_df])
    # har_counts = har_counts.drop(index='')
    har_counts.index.rename('interval', inplace=True)
voices = har_counts.columns.to_list() 

chart_title = "Distribution of Harmonic Intervals in Corpus"

fig =, x=har_counts.index, y=list(har_counts.columns),

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