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GaLAHaD corpus data

GaLAHaD-related Repositories

This repository contains the gold standard data for tagging and lemmatization developed in the CLARIAH-PLUS project. The datasets are pos-tagged and lemmatized according to the TDN (Tagset voor Diachroon corpusmateriaal van het Nederlands) guidelines.

The repository currently only publishes a tab-separated format with four columns: token, pos, lemma and group_id. The last column requires some explanation; it is used to indicate that for instance the two tokens of te rugghe are considered a single word:

te	ADV(type=reg)	terug	mw_184982
rugghe	ADV(type=reg)	terug	mw_184982

The group_id column is also used to link the parts of proper nouns and separable verbs (which may be discontinuous):

De      NOU-P   De Wilde        mw_217988
Wilde   NOU-P   De Wilde        mw_217988
was     VRB(finiteness=fin,tense=past)  zijn    
beter   AA(degree=comp,position=free)   beter   
en      CONJ(type=coor) en      
stondt  VRB(finiteness=fin,tense=past)  opstaan mw_974168
op      VRB(finiteness=fin,tense=past)  opstaan mw_974168         
ende    CONJ(type=coor) en      
nam     VRB(finiteness=fin,tense=past)  innemen mw_113851
een     PD(type=indef,subtype=art,position=prenom)      een     
purgatie        NOU-C(number=sg)        purgatie        
in      VRB(finiteness=fin,tense=past)  innemen mw_113851 

Training data

Data in training-data/ is tsv only and ready to be used by galahad-train-battery. The files should not have column headers, so they can be merged by simply appending them.


datasets.json contains information about all public corpora and datasets that can be found in Galahad. Example usage:

    "sourcePath": "source-data/gysseling",
    "trainingPath": "training-data/gysseling",
    // Columns as they appear in the tsv files at trainingPath.
    "columns": [ 
    "name": "Gysseling",
    "eraFrom": 1200,
    "eraTo": 1300,
    "tagset": "Gysseling",
    // If true, this corpus will appear in Overview -> Datasets and in Annotate -> Corpora -> Public Corpora
    "dataset": true, 
    // If true, this corpus will appear in Annotate -> Corpora -> Public Corpora
    // You might want to make some corpora publicly available without polluting the lists of datasets.
    "public": true,
    "sourceName": "Corpus Gysseling",
    "sourceURL": ""
{...} // Etc.

The real file cannot contain comments because json does not support that by default.


In combinations/*.json some combinations of datasets are defined.


    "name": "17-19",
    "datasets": [
    "tagset": "TDN-Core",
    "version": "0.9.1",
    "eraFrom": "1700",
    "eraTo": "1900"