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This document describes how the theme was originally configured by INN.

Job listings

Make sure the WPJobBoard plugin is activated.

To set up PayPal:

  • From the WordPress dashboard, go to Settings (WPJB) > Configuration > PayPal (under "Payment Methods")
  • Next to "Availability" select "Enable this payment method"
  • In the PayPal section:
    • Enter your PayPal account email address
    • For "PayPal Environment" choose "Production (Real money)"
  • You can set prices for single job postings by going to Settings (WPJB) > Pricing

To set up Indeed:

  • From the WordPress dashboard, go to Settings (WPJB) > Configuration
  • Input your Indeed publisher ID in the "Indeed Publisher API Key" field
  • Click update

To import jobs from Indeed:

  • From the WordPress dashboard, go to Settings (WPJB) > Import
  • Click "Schedule New Import"
  • Values for new import as configured by INN:
    • Set "Import from" to "Indeed"
    • "Keyword" field can be anything. On initial set up, I used the labels for the default job categories. For example, "Advocacy and Community Organization"
    • Set the "Import Category" field to the appropriate value
    • "Job Country" set to "United States"
    • "Job Location" set to "New York" -- note: this field can not be left blank
    • "Posted within" - 7 days
    • "Add jobs" - 10

Event Listings


  • Gravity Forms, Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro plugins should be enabled for event listings
  • Since we're using Gravity Forms to feed data to the Events Calendar plugin, the "Event calendar submission form" should not be modified
  • If any form fields are changed, there is a check in place that will correct those changes so that the connection between Gravity Forms and Events Calendar will not be broken
  • You can modify the price to list an event by editing the "Event listing" field of the "Event calendar submission form" — the very last field on the form edit page
  • Accepting payments requires the "PayPal Add-On" for Gravity Forms

Set up PayPal to accept payments for event listings:

  • From the WordPress dashboard, go to Forms > PayPal
  • If there is NOT an existing entry for "Event calendar submission form" click "Add New"
  • Enter your PayPal email address, set the "Mode" to "Production," set "Transaction Type" to "Products and Services"
  • The rest of the configuration form will appear below the "Transaction Type" field
  • For "Gravity Form" choose "Event calendar submission form"
  • You can safely ignore the rest of the configuration fields


  • The registration page is a standard WordPress page (titled "Register") with a Largo registration short code embedded in it

  • In the event that it is lost or accidentally modified, the original registration short code for is:

    [largo_registration_form first_name last_name]

  • The URL for the Register page is "/register." Other components of the theme depend on this URL, so it should not be altered

Newsletter sign up

The Constant Contact plugin should be enabled.

  • To configure Constant Contact plugin:
    • From the WordPress dashboard, go to Constant Contact > Constant Contact to enter your username and password
    • Go to Constant Contact > Registration & Profile and set:
      • "User Subscription Method": "List Selection"
      • "List Selection Format": "Checkboxes"
      • "Active Contact Lists": choose which lists to make available for users to subscribe to
      • "Signup Title": "Newsletter preferences"


  • To enable the donate link on your site
  • From the WordPress dashboard: Appearance > Theme Options > Basic Settings
  • Check the box next to "Show a button in the top header to link to your donation page or form"
  • You'll need the link to your donate page, which you can get by creating a donate button via PayPal