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IainS1986 edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Back during my time working at Jagex we developed a game in the style of Worms called Arcanists. The game was hugely popular amongst our playerbase.

A brief synopsis of the game...

It was a 2D, turn based, online multiplayer game. Very much in the style of Worms. Each player controlled a single character (an Arcanist), that was a small wizard. This character's appearance could be customised with cosmetic items. Each wizard would have a spellbook consisting of I believe 10 spells, selected from collection of various spells of different styles and themes...resulting in all players having their own unique book of 10 spells.

Turns would then play our sequentially. Each player had 30-60 seconds to move, select a spell and fire it. This would repeat until 1 player remained.

During my career at Jagex, we delved into producing a sequel to this game,using the Unity3D engine. This never saw the light of day but since then I have often thought about returning to the ideas that were generated during this process.

The first being, the terrain system used within the game. So here is a small repository I've setup purely to prototype and recreate the sort of terrain we had working. The concept is the same but over the years my memory of the implementation...and my own coding styles and approach has certainly changed so the approach taken here I'm sure differs in many ways.

The aim for this project is the following...

  • Have a simple, demoable Unity3D project that shows 2.5d terrain that can be deformed and altered in real time at a decent frame rate.
  • To have some graphical styling, although I'm no artist.
  • Potentially, the rendering is in 3D but the core data structure inside the engine is purely 2D with no depth (hence 2.5D)
  • To then document the system as a whole purely for my own benefit as a technical exercise
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