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General Naming and Coding Guidelines for Ignite UI for Angular

Damyan Petev edited this page Mar 22, 2024 · 1 revision
Version User Date Notes
0.1 Zdravko Kolev June 10, 2019 Initial version
0.2 Nadia Robakova January 10, 2020 Move tests guidelines to new file
0.3 Konstantin Dinev January 27, 2021 Updating guidelines
  • Radoslav Karaivanov | Date:
  • Konstantin Dinev | Date: 01/27/2021
  1. Use upper camel case (PascalCase) when naming classes and interfaces (exceptionService to ExceptionService)
  2. Use camelCase for methods, properties and local variables.
  3. Use capitalized enums. Different in TypeScript guidelines.
  4. Use underscore for private properties (private _size: string). Different in TypeScript guidelines.
  5. Use underscore for private events (private _onOpening(event: OverlayCancelableEventArgs))
  6. Use "I" as a prefix for Interface names. Different in TypeScript guidelines.
  7. Explicitly set the type of a returned element. Example with HTMLElement below:
public get element(): HTMLElement {
    return this.elementRef.nativeElement;
  1. Use @hidden tag to hide classes, methods, properties, and events from the API documentation:
 * @hidden
public toggleRowEditingOverlay(show) { .. }
  1. Provide detailed descriptions to classes, properties, methods and events. This is mandatory for public and optional for private and protected members:
 * An @Input property that autogenerates the `IgxGridComponent` columns.
 * The default value is false.
 * ```html
 * <igx-grid [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
 * ```
 * @memberof IgxGridBaseDirective
public autoGenerate = false;
  1. Using of Anonymous objects is not a good practice. Instead of having an anonymous object type define a specific Interface that can be referenced by our code.
  2. Use whole words in names when possible.
  3. Strive for Cyclomatic Complexity not higher than 7
  4. Use PascalCase enum naming.
  5. ViewChild, ViewChildren, ContentChild, ContentChildren should have private accessibility in components, unless the component can be inherited and you want to reuse it's view/content children, in which case the accessibility should be protected. If you want to access view/content childrent in tests, then cast the component to any type and access the private member this way.
  6. When fixing a bug or making a change with a very specific reason you need to leave a comment above the code block change with the following format:

Leave a comment above your change in the format <initials> <date> <Issue Number|Issue Link> <Comment for the change>
e.g. K.D. June 28th, 2021 #1234 Adding this comment as an example
e.g. K.D. June 28th, 2021 Adding this comment as an example

  1. Use upper camel case for class names export class IgxAvatar
  2. Add 'Igx' prefix to class names export class IgxAvatar
  3. Do use consistent names for all pipes, named after their feature
  4. Don't name events with the prefix on. Angular guideline.
  5. Use attribute directives when you have presentation logic without a template.
  6. Use dashes to separate words in the descriptive name (Separate File Names with Dots and Dashes)
  7. File names, do give the filename the conventional suffix (such as .component.ts, .directive.ts, .module.ts, .pipe.ts, or .service.ts) for a file of that type. Follow a pattern that describes the symbol's feature then its type. Example: The recommended pattern is feature.type.ts (badge.component.ts)
  8. Do name test specification files the same as the component they test (with a suffix of .spec; Examplebadge.component.spec.ts)
  9. Extract templates and styles into a separate file, when more than 3 lines. Name the template file [component-name].component.html, where [component-name] is the component name the style file with [component-name].component.css.
  10. Do define small functions and consider limiting to no more than 75 lines.
  11. Component selectors - Use igx as a selector prefix and dashed-case or kebab-case for naming the element selectors of components.
  12. Component styling follows the BEM methodology
selector: 'igx-badge',
templateUrl: 'badge.component.html'
export class IgxBadgeComponent {}
  1. Directive selector - Use igx as a selector prefix and lower camel case for naming the selectors of directives.
selector: '[igxAutocomplete]'
export class IgxAutocompleteDirective
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