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IgxSelect Specification

IvayloG edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 101 revisions

IgxSelect Specification


  1. Overview

  2. User and Developer Stories

  3. Functionality

    3.1. Keyboard Navigation

    3.2. API

  4. Test scenarios

    4.1. Automation

    4.2. Manual tests

  5. ARIA support

  6. Assumptions and Limitations

  7. References

Revision History

Version User Date Notes
0.1 Milko Venkov Dec 12, 2018 Initial Draft
0.2 Milko Venkov Jan 07, 2019 Placeholder and form scenarios added
0.3 Ivaylo Ganchev Jan 09, 2019 Adding initial API
0.4 Ivaylo Ganchev Jan 15, 2019 Adding Keyboard Navigation section
0.5 Ivaylo Ganchev Jan 22, 2019 Update API section
0.6 Ivaylo Ganchev Feb 05, 2019 Update positioning and keyboard navigation
0.7 Ivaylo Ganchev Feb 15, 2019 Cleanup and fixed screenshot reference


The igxSelect provides an input with dropdown list allowing selection of a single item.

User Stories

As an end user, I want to:

  • have an input that allows me to select a single item from a dropdown list
  • be able to easily and quickly navigate through the list of items
  • be able to select and confirm one option from the dropdown list by using my keyboard
  • be able to iterate selection through all items that begin with a certain character by pressing that key
  • be able to type the first few characters of the option to select and confirm it from the dropdown list by using my keyboard
  • be able to close the dropdown list without selecting anything
  • see the currently selected item when opening the dropdown list

Developer Stories

As a developer, I want to:

  • get/set the value that is selected
  • set place holder to show in the input when there is no selected value
  • specify a template with items for the dropdown list
  • be notified, when the value of the input has changed
  • be notified, when the dropdown list of the input is shown
  • be notified, when the dropdown list of the input is hidden
  • put igxSelect on a form and validate the input

End User Experience


  • Enough space on top&bottom. Always display the selected item on top of the input. If there is scroll, scroll to the selected item as well. (Imgs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

  • Not enough space on top to display all the visible list items above the selected item: (Imgs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

    • Display the items list starting on top of the input and list the items below.
    • There is some partial space on top for one/several items + padding 5px. Display the items list in the visible port with default padding (5px). The container is scrolled with the remaining distance in order to Display the selected item on top of the input.(Img 2.2)
    • Display the items list starting on top of the input and list the items below. Selected item is visible. (not enough space on top & no more scrolling )(Img 2.3)
  • Not enough space on bottom to display all the visible list items bellow the selected item: (Imgs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

    • Display the items list starting on top of the input and list the items above.(Img 3.1)
    • There is some partial space on bottom for one/several items + padding 5px. Display the items list in the visible port with default padding (5px). The container is scrolled with the remaining distance in order to Display the selected item on top of the input.(Img 3.2)
    • Display the items list starting on top of the input and list the items above. Selected item is visible. (not enough space on bottom & no more scrolling ) (Img 3.3)
  • Less items and no scroll (Imgs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

    • Not enough space on top or bottom – display all items in one direction starting on top of the input.(Imgs 4.1, 4.3)

  • Dropdown list gets displayed when:

    • input field is clicked
    • dropdown button is clicked
    • up/down arrow + ALT keys are pressed
    • ENTER key is pressed when select is active
    • SPACE key is pressed when select is active
  • When opened the dropdown list can be closed by:

    • click on a selectable item (including already selected) of the dropdown list (excluding disabled, header, group header)
    • dropdown button click
    • pressing up/down arrow + ALT keys
    • pressing ENTER key
    • pressing SPACE key
    • pressing ESC key
    • pressing TAB key
    • pressing SHIFT + TAB keys
    • clicking outside the dropdown list
  • An item from the dropdown list can be selected by:

    • mouse click
    • ENTER key when item is focused
    • SPACE key when item is focused
  • When expanded, the list items are navigable with up and down arrow keys and navigation is not wrapped.

  • HOME/END keys scroll up/down to the first/last list item and focus it when dropdown is expanded.

  • When the component is collapsed and focused, the user can navigate and select list items with up and down arrow keys. Navigation is not wrapped.

  • Character key/s iteratively navigate through all item values that start with the corresponding character/s. It is case insensitive and wraps selection.



Name Description Type
value Sets/Gets the IgxSelect value. any
collapsed Gets if the IgxSelect is collapsed. boolean
overlaySettings Sets optional overlay settings. overlaySettings
disabled Sets/Gets if the IgxSelect is disabled. boolean
type Sets Input Group style type. string / line, box or border
displayDensity Sets Input Group displayDensity. string / compact, cosy orcomfortable
placeholder Sets the Select placeholder. string


Name Description Type
value The item value. any
selected Sets/Gets if the item is the currently selected one in the dropdown boolean
disabled Sets/Gets if the given item is disabled boolean



Name Description Parameters
toggle Toggles the IgxSelect. overlaySettings?
open Opens the IgxSelect. overlaySettings?
close Closes the IgxSelect. none



Name Description Cancelable Parameters
onSelection Emitted when item selection is changing, before the selection completes true {ISelectionEventArgs}
onOpening Emitted before the IgxSelect is opened. true
onOpened Emitted after the IgxSelect is opened. false
onClosing Emitted before the IgxSelect is closed. true
onClosed Emitted after the IgxSelect is closed. false
  • Dropdown list is expanded when:
    • input field is clicked
    • dropdown button is clicked
    • up/down arrow + ALT keys are pressed
    • ENTER key is pressed when select is active
    • SPACE key is pressed when select is active
    • using API open()/toggle() methods
  • When opened the dropdown list can be collapsed by:
    • click on an item of the dropdown list
    • pressing up/down arrow + ALT keys
    • pressing ENTER key
    • pressing SPACE key
    • pressing ESC key
    • pressing TAB key
    • pressing SHIFT + TAB keys
    • clicking outside the dropdown list
    • dropdown button is clicked again
    • using API close()/toggle() methods
  • The container is not displayed if the items property is not set.
  • Opening/closing events are emitted on input click.
  • Closing events are emitted on item click.
  • Opening/closing events are emitted on toggle button click.
  • Opening/closing events are triggered on key interaction.
  • Closing events are emitted on clicking outside the component.
  • When dropdown list is opened, items are navigable with Home, End and arrow keys.
  • When dropdown list is opened, items are navigable with Up/Down arrow keys until there are list items and selection is not wrapped.
  • When dropdown list is opened, navigation with Up/Down arrow starts from the selected item if any or first list item otherwise.
  • When dropdown list is opened, navigation with Up/Down arrow keys skips disabled items.
  • When Dropdown list is opened, pressing character key/s iteratively navigates through all item values that start with the corresponding character
  • Character key navigation when dropdown is opened is case insensitive
  • Character key navigation when dropdown is opened wraps selection
  • When Dropdown list is opened, pressing non-English character key/s iteratively navigates through all item values that start with the corresponding character
  • Character key navigation when dropdown is opened does not change focus on pressing non-matching characters
  • When Dropdown list is closed, interaction with Up/Down arrow keys navigates through items selecting the current one until there are list items and selection is not wrapped.
  • When dropdown list is closed, navigation with Up/Down arrow starts from the selected item if any or first list item otherwise.
  • When dropdown list is closed, navigation with Up/Down arrow keys skips and does not select disabled items.
  • In case there is an item with no value set, it will be possible to navigate with Up/Down arrow keys trough it when the select is in collapsed state(clearing input value).
  • When Dropdown list is closed, pressing character key/s iteratively selects through all item values that start with the corresponding character
  • Character key navigation when dropdown is closed is case insensitive
  • Character key navigation when dropdown is closed wraps selection
  • When Dropdown list is closed, pressing non-English character key/s iteratively navigates through and selects all item values that start with the corresponding character
  • Character key navigation when dropdown is closed does not change selection on pressing non-matching characters
  • An item from the dropdown list can be selected by:
    • mouse click
    • ENTER key when item is focused
    • SPACE key when item is focused
    • setting the value property in code
    • setting item's selected property
  • The igxSelect allows single-selection only
  • First item in the dropdown list is focused if there is not a selected item.
  • The input box is populated with the selected item value
  • The input box text is updated when the selected option text is changed
  • The input box is not populated with the text of an item that is focused but not selected
  • No text is appended to the input box when no item is selected and value is not set or does not match any item
  • Selection is cleared when setting the value property to non-existing item value
  • Disabled items are not selectable (both as user interaction AND trough API)
  • Group headers are not selectable
  • Selection is removed if selected option has been deleted
  • When value is set to the value of duplicated items, the first one gets selected
  • onSelection event is emitted on item selection by mouse click
  • onSelection event is emitted on item selection by ENTER/SPACE key
  • onSelection event is emitted on setting the value property
  • onSelection event is emitted on setting item's selected property
  • The component renders all aria attributes properly
  • All aria attributes of the dropdown items are set properly
  • Selected item is displayed over the input when there is enough space above and below the input.
  • The component scrolls to the selected item and displays it over the input when there is enough space above and below the input.
  • When there is some space above the input for one/several items to be displayed and first item is selected, the list displays starting from the input top left point so that the selected item is over the input.
  • When there is some space above the input for one/several items to be displayed and the selected item is in the middle of the list, the list displays above as many items as possible so that the selected item is over the input.
  • When there is some space above the input for the dropdown list to be displayed and one of the last items is selected, the dropdown is displayed over the input so that it starts from its top left point and the selected item is visible.
  • When there is some space below the input for one/several items to be displayed and last item is selected, the list displays starting from the input bottom left point so that the selected item is over the input.
  • When there is some space below the input for one/several items to be displayed and the selected item is in the middle of the list, the list displays above and below as many items as possible so that the selected item is over the input.
  • When there is some space below the input for the dropdown list to be displayed and first item in list is selected, the dropdown is displayed over the input so that it starts from its bottom left point and the selected item is visible.
  • Options text is indented to the input text even if there are one or more prefixes in the input
  • The items list default expansion arrow uses IgxSuffix and can be changed by the user.
  • If several IgxSuffixes are used, the expansion arrow is displayed always at the rightmost side.
  • Cover positioning scenarios listed in the End User Experience section above.
  • When the items container is opened, it is correctly re-positioned relative to the input, upon wrapper element/document X or Y axis scroll.
  • Disabled select - can not be interacted with as an user.
  • Disabled select - can select item via API.
  • The IgxSelect's list shows/hides in a timely manner with a big number of items
  • Focus is changed in a timely manner when navigating via keyboard
  • The user may have more than one IgxSelect controls on the same page.
  • The IgxSelect's list content should not "flicker" when opening

In 2014 the W3C finalized their WAI-ARIA specification which defined how to design Web content and Web applications to be more accessible to users with disabilities. The IgxSelect has been designed so that it follows these guidelines.

The IgxSelect is decorated with

  • combobox role
  • aria-haspopup="listbox" attribute to indicate that IgxSelect can popup a container to suggest values.
  • aria-owns attribute referring the element holding the listbox items.
  • aria-expanded attribute showing if items container is visible.

The items list container of IgxSelect is decorated with:

  • listbox role

Each item in the dropdown list of IgxSelect is decorated with:

  • option role
  • aria-selected attribute showing if the item is selected
  • aria-disabled attribute showing if the item is disabled
  • the only mode of selection will be single

IgxSelect Issue

Angular Material Select Form Control

ARIA 1.1 Combobox role and ARIA 1.1 Combobox with Listbox Popup Examples

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