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Repository files navigation


Contains my dotfiles and vim plugin setup as well as an install script to manage the setup.


GNU Stow every folder depending on what is needed.


  • alacritty (terminal)
  • dunst (notification daemon)
  • git (it git)
  • i3 (i3-gaps)
  • nvim (neovim, installed via snap for latest version)
  • pgp
  • polybar (status bar)
  • ranger (file explorer)
  • rofi (launcher)
  • scripts (directory with some bash scripts)
  • tmux (tmux with tpm for plugins)
  • x (x server)
  • zsh (shell)

Daily driver apps other than above (not included in this repository):

  • brave-browser (browser)
  • vs code (code editor)
  • keepassxc (password manager)
  • eddie-ui (vpn)
  • docker
  • teams (work?)
  • git-lfs
  • github cli
  • cuda, nccl, cudnn etc