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a Parse Server mail adapter using `sendmail` with compatibility for .txt and .html templates


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This mail adapter for Parse Server uses sendmail to send emails.

This code is inspired by parse-server-sendmail-adapter.


Put parse-server-sendmail-template-adapter in the dependencies object of your project's package.json file.

    "parse-server-sendmail-template-adapter": "^1.0.0"


The initializer takes a single object parameter with the following fields:

Field Name Description
fromAddress the address to send from (i.e. [email protected])
verificationSubject the subject for new account verification emails
verificationBody the body for new account verification emails (inline text or a filename)
passwordResetSubject the subject for password reset emails
passwordResetBody the body for password reset emails (inline text or a filename)
userFields the custom items from the user object to pull for use in templates

fromAddress is the only required field to get setup.

mailAdapter object

For readability I confine all the mail adapter configuration items for parse servers in their own object called emailAdapter that I then supply to the server's constructor.

var server = new ParseServer({
    // sends a verification when users add and email to their account
    verifyUserEmails: true,
    // the amount of time they have to reset their password in seconds
    emailVerifyTokenValidityDuration: 2 * 60 * 60,
    // the settings for the mail adapter for the server
    emailAdapter: emailAdapter

Here are some examples of how to set up the emailAdapter object using this mail adapter with text files, HTML templates, or inline strings.

Simple example

This example uses the default verification and password reset subjects and bodies.

var emailAdapter =
    module: require('parse-server-sendmail-template-adapter'),
        fromAddress: '[email protected]',

Example using file bodies and inline subjects

This example uses HTML files as templates for the body.

var emailAdapter =
    module: require('parse-server-sendmail-template-adapter'),
        fromAddress: '[email protected]',
        verificationSubject: 'Confirm your %appname% account',
        verificationBody: 'templates/inlined/verify_email.html',
        passwordResetSubject: 'Reset your %appname% password',
        passwordResetBody: 'templates/inlined/reset_password.html'

Example using inline fields

This example uses inline strings to define the body contents of the emails.

var emailAdapter =
    module: require('parse-server-sendmail-template-adapter'),
        fromAddress: '[email protected]',
        verificationSubject: 'Confirm your %appname% account',
        verificationBody: `Hi,

        You are being asked to confirm the e-mail address %email% with %appname%

        Click here to confirm it:
        passwordResetSubject: 'Reset your %appname% password',
        passwordResetBody: `Hi,

        You requested a password reset for %appname%.

        Click here to reset it:


The adapter uses templating to use generalized email formats to provide unique information to users. By default there are 4 items that can be used in templates:

Template Key Description
%appname% The name of the app as it appears in the Parse Server configuration
%link% The unique link to provide in the email for web app feature integration
%username% The username of the user receiving an email
%email% The email address of the user receiving an email

Example using custom user fields in templates

This example uses custom fields from the user object in its templates. to access the dynamic values in userField in a template, surround it with %s. i.e. if a user is sent an email using the following template it would be replaced with items from the user object.

  • Hi %firstName% %lastName%! -> Hi Jacob Smith!
var emailAdapter =
    module: require('parse-server-sendmail-template-adapter'),
        fromAddress: '[email protected]',
        userFields: ["firstName", "lastName"]