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A minimalist discord bot API

from miniscord import Bot
import discord

async def hello(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message, *args: str):

bot = Bot(
    "test-app",     # name
    "0.1-alpha",    # version
    alias="|"       # respond to '|command' messages
    "hello",                    # command text (regex)
    hello,                      # command function
    "hello: says 'Hello!'",     # short help
    "```\n"                    # long help
    "* |help\n"
    "\tSays 'Hello!'.\n"
bot.start()  # this bot respond to "|help", "|info" and "|hello"

⚠ Disclaimer: I intend to use this project personally, I'm open to ideas but I don't care if it doesn't work for you. Same for the name, feel free to use it, I'm not registering it on PyPI


  • Easy command registration
  • Automatic help message
  • Arguments splitting
  • Message watcher registration
  • Message handling configuration
  • Static and dynamic custom game statuses


1. Install package

pip install git+git://

2. Make a .env file as following

DISCORD_TOKEN=<bot token from>


Bot init and launch

bot = Bot(  
    "test-app",     # name
    "0.1-alpha",    # version
    alias="|"       # respond to '|command' messages

# configure bot and register commands

bot.start()  # blocking function

Bot configuration properties

  • token_env_var (default: "DISCORD_TOKEN")
    • Which var to read in the .env file.
  • remove_mentions (default: False)
    • Remove any mention in the message / arguments.
  • any_mention (default: False)
    • If the bot respond to a mention in the middle of messages.
  • log_calls (default: False)
    • Log any calls to the Python logging.
  • guild_logs_file (default: "guilds.log")
    • Log guilds join/leave on a file.
  • enforce_write_permission (default: True)
    • If the bot can't respond on a channel it was called, it sends a DM to the caller.
  • lower_command_names (default: True)
    • Use lowercase on command names (if false, commands are case-sensitive).
  • game_change_delay (default: 10)
    • Change the game status every n seconds.
  • error_restart_delay (default: 2)
    • On crash, restart after n seconds.
  • answer (default: True)
    • Use the answer capability on help and info functions
  • answer_mention (default: True)
    • Mention author in the answer

Registering commands

Register a custom function to be called on a certain keyword.

Note : You can override the "help" and "info" commands by your own.

async def hello(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message, *args: str):
    client : discord.client
        Discord object used by the bot to interact with Discord API
        (see Discord documentation)
    message : discord.Message
        Discord object describing the message received via the Discord API
        (see Discord documentation)
    *args : str
        The message viewed as string arguments like a CLI
        (argument 0 will always be the command itself)
    if len(args) > 1:
        await"Hello {args[1]}!")
    else :
        await"Hello stranger!")

    "hello",                    # command text (regex)
    hello,                      # command function
    "hello: says 'Hello!'",     # short help
    f"```\n"                    # long help
    f"* |help\n"
    f"\tSays 'Hello!'.\n"

Registering fallback

Register a custom function to be called when the bot is mentioned but no command was found.

async def mention(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message, *args: str):
    """See 'Registering commands' for arguments description"""
    await"Did you mention me {}?")

bot.register_fallback(mention)  # the bot was mentioned or the alias was used

Registering watcher

Register a custom function to be called on every messages except this bot own messages.

async def message(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message):
    """See 'Registering commands' for arguments description"""
    if "catapult" on message.content:
        await"No profanity on this server")

bot.register_watcher(message)  # any message was sent (except this bot messages)

Registering events

Register a discord API event

The function must be exactly named after the event

async def on_ready() -> bool:
    return True  # if False is returned, prevent miniscord's handling of the event


Game status

On starting, the bot will cycle through 2-3 "game status" (under its name as "playing xxx") :

  • v<version>: current version registered in code
  • <n> guilds: number of connected guilds
  • <alias>help: command for help (if an alias is registered)

It will change its status every game_change_delay (default as 10 seconds).

You can add custom game statuses like this : += ["My custom message"]  # static message

value = 0 += [lambda: f"value:{value}"]  # dynamic message, computed at change

You can also remove the pre-existing statuses : = ["My custom message"]

Exposed utility functions

Along with the bot are exposed several utility functions.


Delete the given Discord message from the channel. Return True if the message was deleted successfully.

from miniscord import delete_message
import asyncio

async def message(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message):
    if "catapult" in message.content:
        sent_msg = await"{} No profanity on this server")
        if await delete_message(message):
            await asyncio.sleep(5)
            await delete_message(sent_msg)

channel_id / sender_id

Helps identify where the discussion is happening (Might be used as a key in a state dictionary)

An user on multiple channels will have a unique id on each.

from miniscord import channel_id, sender_id
from collections import defaultdict

channels = defaultdict(lambda:0)
senders = defaultdict(lambda:0)

async def mention(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message, *args: str):
    channels[channel_id(message)] += 1
    senders[sender_id(message)] += 1
        f"{} mentioned me {senders[sender_id(message)]} times on this channel\n"
        f"{channels[channel_id(message)]} mentions on this channel so far"

Full example

import logging
import discord
import asyncio
from collections import defaultdict
from miniscord import Bot, delete_message, channel_id, sender_id

channels = defaultdict(lambda:0)
senders = defaultdict(lambda:0)

logging.basicConfig(format="[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s][%(module)s] %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)

async def hello(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message, *args: str):
    client : discord.client
        Discord object used by the bot to interact with Discord API
        (see Discord documentation)
    message : discord.Message
        Discord object describing the message received via the Discord API
        (see Discord documentation)
    *args : str
        The message viewed as string arguments like a CLI
        (argument 0 will always be the command itself)
    if len(args) > 1:
        await"Hello {args[1]}!")
        await"Hello stranger!")

async def mention(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message, *args: str):
    channels[channel_id(message)] += 1
    senders[sender_id(message)] += 1
        f"{} mentioned me {senders[sender_id(message)]} times on this channel\n"
        f"{channels[channel_id(message)]} mentions on this channel so far"

async def message(client: discord.client, message: discord.Message):
    if "catapult" in message.content:
        sent_msg = await"{} No profanity on this server")
        if await delete_message(message):  # False if "manage messages" permission not allowed
            await asyncio.sleep(5)
            await delete_message(sent_msg)

bot = Bot(
    "test-app",     # name
    "0.1-alpha",    # version
    alias="|"       # respond to '|command' messages

    "hello",                    # command text (regex)
    hello,                      # command function
    "hello: says 'Hello!'",     # short help
    "```\n"                    # long help
    "* |help\n"
    "\tSays 'Hello!'.\n"

bot.register_fallback(mention)  # the bot was mentioned or the alias was used

bot.register_watcher(message)  # any message was sent (except this bot messages) = [lambda:f"{sum(senders.values())} mentions"]  # custom dynamic game status
bot.game_change_delay = 1  # refresh game status every second

bot.start()  # this bot respond to "|help", "|info" and "|hello"


  • v0.1.0 : Discord v2 API with intents
  • v0.0.3 : custom events handling
  • v0.0.2 : new answer capability
  • v0.0.1 : initial version


  • Expose more events
  • Write more tests
  • Add comments to code
  • Separate branches
  • Working CI
  • Fix bugs