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This plugin is in its early stages, and the data structures is like to undergo significant changes over time.

Philosophy · Install & Configuration · Usecases

Instead of keymaps, you can put your actions in the context menu

  • Menu is a buffer, use hjkl to navigate the items and trigger it or just trigger it by the number
  • Build your own menu, (items order) and (display or hide) are easily configurable
  • Split you config in multiple places, encapsulating those item in its own place
  • Adjust your config at runtime, simply source the setup function again
  • Local keymaps of the items



  • Minimise the cognitive overload in the head, but still put every functionality around you hand
  • Less keybindings but remian productivity
  • Configuration can be put in seperated spec files, and behaviour can be config at runtime and take effect immediately

Install & Configuration

For more complex usecases, you can use my config as a reference

local default_config = {
  -- add menu_items, if you call setup function at multiple place, this field will merge together instead of overwrite
  menu_items = {
      cmd = "Run File",
      order = 1,
      not_ft = { "markdown" },
      action = {
        type = "callback",
        callback = function(context)
          if context.ft == "lua" then
            return vim.cmd([[source %]])
          elseif context.ft == "javascript" then
            return vim.print("run javascript:: haven't impl yet")
  enable_log = true, -- Optional, enable error log be printed out. Turn it off if you don't want see those lines
  default_action_keymaps = {
    -- hint: if you have keymap set to trigger menu like:
    -- vim.keymap.set({ "v", "n" }, "<M-l>", function() require("context-menu").trigger_context_menu() end, {})
    -- You can put the same key here to close the menu, which results like a toggle menu key:
    -- close_menu = { "q", "<ESC>", "<M-l>" },
    close_menu = { "q", "<ESC>" },
    trigger_action = { "<CR>", "o" },
  ui = {
    selected_item = { bg = "#244C55", fg = "white" },
Click here to check the items config demo
---@enum ContextMenu.ActionType
M.ActionType = {
  callback = "callback",
  sub_cmds = "sub_cmds",

---@class ContextMenu.Item
---@field cmd string **Unique identifier** and display name for the menu item.
---@field action ContextMenu.Action
--- filter
---@field ft? string[] Optional list of filetypes that determine menu item visibility.
---@field not_ft? string[] Optional list of filetypes that exclude the menu item's display.
---@field filter_func? fun(context: ContextMenu.Context): boolean Optional, true will remain, false will be filtered out
--- order
---@field fix? number Optional, fix the order of the menu item.
---@field order? number Optional, order of the menu item.
---@field keymap? string Optional, local keymap in menu

---@class ContextMenu.Action
---@field type ContextMenu.ActionType
---@field callback? fun(context: ContextMenu.Context): nil Function executed upon menu item selection, with context provided.
---@field sub_cmds? ContextMenu.Item[]

return {
  config = function(_, opts)
    -- setup function can be called multiple time at multiple places
    -- MenuItems will be merged instead of overwrite
    -- You can also source the setup function at runtime to test your configuration
    -- run `:lua = vim.g.context_menu_config` to check your current configuration
      menu_items = {
          order = 1,
          cmd = "Code Action",
          not_ft = { "markdown" },
          action = {
            type = "callback",
            callback = function(_)
              vim.cmd([[Lspsaga code_action]])
          cmd = "ChatGPT :: New",
          keymap = "a", -- keymap `a` will trigger this action when it show in the menu
          action = {
            type = "callback",
            callback = function(_)
              vim.cmd([[GpChatNew vsplit]])
          order = 2,
          cmd = "Run Test",
          filter_func = function(context)
            local a = context.filename
            if string.find(a, ".test.") or string.find(a, "spec.") then
              return true
              return false
          action = {
            type = "callback",
            callback = function(_)


No default keymaps, you need to set the shortcut by yourself, here's a reference

vim.keymap.set({ "v", "n" }, "<M-l>", function()
end, {})


Copy paste the module into your config.

Please share your usecases by provided a PR.


Don't hesitate to ask me anything about the codebase if you want to contribute.

By telegram or 微信: CateFat

Some Other Neovim Stuff


  • make configuration source-able in the runtime
  • configurable keymaps
  • Show shortcut in the menu
  • fix the reorder function
  • fix_order field in MenuItem
  • enhance j/k: k jump from the first item to the last time, j jump from the last item to the first item
  • navi back/forward
  • beautify menu buffer
    • highlight item under cursor
    • sub menu position
    • render shortcuts at the end of the line


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