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lolMiner 1.43 dual and split mining options

jgonzis edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 3 revisions

lolMiner 1.43 extends the possibilities to run the miner with two user connections compared with earlier versions. This page documents the opportunities given and how to set the parameters.

All of the below methods have in common that they require a second stratum connection to be set up. For this purpose the common parameters exists, which are exactly behaving as their counterparts for single mining, but to set up the secondary connection:

Parameter Description
--dualpool the address and port of the 2nd pool
--dualuser the wallet address to mine on on the 2nd connection
--dualworker (optional) the worker name for the 2nd connection
--dualtls (optional) a toggle to switch tls on or off on the 2nd connection
--dualpass (optional) a password if required from the 2nd pool
--dualdevices (optional) a switch to select the subset (!) of devices using the 2nd connection.

Dual Mining: Eth/Etc or Ubiq + Ton

In this mode the miner will mine Eth, Etc or Ubiq on your primary connection and mine Ton in parallel on the 2nd connection. Hereby the second algorithm will use otherwise unused capacities on your GPU. The mining speed of the secondary algorithm is adjusted to your overclock settings on startup of the miner, in order not to reduce the speed of the first algorithm unduly. The primary connection for this dual mode needs to be configured just as for normal Eth/Etc or Ubiq mining, while the --dual options are used to setup the connection for Ton mining.

Use --dualmode TONDUAL in order to activate this mode.

The parameter --dualdevices is meaningless for this mode.


Split Speed evenly for Eth/Etc or Ubiq

In this mode the miner will split the speed of the GPUs to two connections without actually run two algorithms. This is useful for mining rigs of shard owners or to apply an own small fee in case of mining hosting. The primary algorithms needs to be configured just for normal single stratum mining.

Use --dualmode SPLIT-D to activate this mode, where D is a floating point number indicating the % of hash rate that should go to the 2nd connection.

For example --dualmode SPLIT-30.5 will put 69.5% of the total mining speed to the first and 30.5% of the total mining speed to the 2nd connection.


Sequential Mining Eth/Etc or Ubiq + ZIL

Zilliqa (Zil) is a blockchain, that has only timely limited PoW windows, which are active about every two hours. Some of its mining pools allow mining Ethash - or a derivative of it - and pass through the shares for this algorithms to an other pool. While this is working good in general, it has some negative impact to the latency on Ethash work while there is no Zil mining going on.

To mitigate this situation, lolMiner allows to bypass the Zil mining pool and send Eth/Etc or Ubiq shares directly to their pool, while the Zil connection is listening and waiting for the next Zil mining window - just to switch over in the right moment. The primary connection for this dual mode needs to be configured just as for normal Eth/Etc or Ubiq mining. The above mentioned options for the secondary options will be used for the Zil pool.

Use --dualmode ZIL to activate this mode.


Mine any two supported algorithms on different GPUs

In this mode lolMiner 1.43 can mine any two supported algorithms, but on different GPUs. This can be useful in mixed rig configurations, e.g. when there are algorithms ideal for your GPU that have different memory requirements.

Use --dualmode <2ndAlgoName> to use this mode. Make sure that <2ndAlgoName> is a parameter, that else would be accepted by --algo as primary mining parameter.

In this mode --dualdevices controls which GPUs will switch to the 2nd algorithms instead of mining the primary one. The default is "4G" which means that the miner tries to put all cards with 4 GByte or less memory to the 2nd algorithm. Note that --dualdevices describes a subset of --devices, so a card that shall mine the 2nd algorithms needs to be activated in both parameters.


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