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A Spigot plugin and programming language to schedule and program commands to be run at specified timecodes


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ShowScript is a Spigot plugin that defines a programming language (v2 is backed by YAML and v3 is a Groovy DSL) that allows console commands and other actions to be scheduled to run at specified timecodes. A file that defines a series of timecodes and actions is called a "Show."

The technicians on MCParks use ShowScript to make our fireworks shows, theatre attractions, ambient effects, and to schedule effects to run on our rides.

Join the ShowScript Discord server for help & support:

Currently, ShowScript has only been tested to work on Spigot/Paper 1.12.2. PR's welcome to extend support to other versions!



A file that defines a series of timecodes and actions is called a "Show." Your shows live in plugins/ShowScript/Shows. You may nest your shows in directories; it's considered good practice to do this to organize different projects. You can write your shows in Groovy (ShowScript 3), or YAML (ShowScript 2). The YAML syntax of ShowScript 2 might be easier for those unfamiliar with programming to understand, but ShowScript 3 unlocks more capabilities and advanced usage.

ShowScript 3 (file ending in .groovy)

ticks(0) {
  cmd {
    "broadcast Hello World!"

seconds(2) {
  cmd {
    "broadcast This will run 2 seconds after the show starts"
  cmd {
    "broadcast you can run as many commands as you want in a timecode"

def blueFairyPrefix = "&1[&9Blue Fairy&1] &9"

ticks(967) {
  text {
    world = "world"
    x = -247
    y = 53
    z = 759
    range = 300
    text = "${blueFairyPrefix}When stars are born,"

ticks(1010) {
  text {
    world = "world"
    x = -247
    y = 53
    z = 759
    range = 300
    text = "${blueFairyPrefix}they possess a gift or two."

ticks(1163) {
  cmd {
    "summon fireworks_rocket -221 70 689 {Motion:[-1.0,10.0,0.0],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Trail:1,Colors:[16776688],FadeColors:[16775387]}]}}}}"

ShowScript 2 (file ending in .yml)

  - item: 'cmd'
    cmd: "broadcast Hello World!"
  - item: 'cmd'
    cmd: "broadcast This will run 2 seconds after the show starts"
  - item: 'cmd'
    cmd: "broadcast you can run as many commands as you want in a timecode"

  blueFairyPrefix: "&1[&9Blue Fairy&1] &9"

  - item: 'text'
    text: '^blueFairyPrefix^When stars are born,'
    x: -247.0
    y: 53.0
    z: 759.0
    range: 300.0
    world: world
  - item: 'text'
    text: '^blueFairyPrefix^they possess a gift or two.'
    x: -247.0
    y: 53.0
    z: 759.0
    range: 300.0
    world: world
  - item: 'cmd'
    cmd: summon fireworks_rocket -221 70 689 {Motion:[-1.0,10.0,0.0],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Trail:1,Colors:[16776688],FadeColors:[16775387]}]}}}}

Command Usage

NOTE: Any commands run in show files run as CONSOLE with full permissions. Shows can include ARBITRARY CODE, so be careful who you let write to files in your Shows directory.

All of these commands require the castmember permission:

  • /show start <showName>: Starts a specific show. Replace <showName> with the name of the show you want to start (without the file extension). This command also accepts optional flags:

    • --log: Enables logging of actions. The sender of the command will receive chat messages whenever a Show Action executes.
    • --async: Runs the show asynchronously. Individual Show Actions will still run synchronously.
    • --startAt <timecode>: Specifies the timecode (in ticks) at which to start the show.
    • --args: Specifies additional arguments for the show, if the show requires them

    Usage: show start <showName> [--log] [--async] [--startAt <timecode>] [--args <arguments>]

  • /show stop <showName>: Stops all instances of a specific show. Replace <showName> with the name of the show you want to stop.

  • /show toggledebug: Toggles the debug mode. It doesn't require any arguments.

  • /show stopall: Stops all currently running shows.

  • /show list: Lists all currently running shows.


To build the plugin, run ./gradlew shadowJar


ShowScript is licensed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. This means that you MUST make available the complete source code of any derived works under the same license. If you use a modified version of this plugin on a Minecraft server, you must make the complete source code of the modified version available under the same license to all users of your server. We'd appreciate if you did so with a pull request!


A Spigot plugin and programming language to schedule and program commands to be run at specified timecodes





