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Martin Noya edited this page Jan 25, 2016 · 5 revisions

List of keyvalues utilized

All KVs should go between quotation marks.

Abilities & Items


Key Value Description
Building 1 Marks this as a building ability
AbilityCastRange Number Max range at which the building will be placed
AbilityGoldCost Number Gold cost for building placement
BuildTime Number Time it takes to complete this building
PlayerCanControl 1 or 0 Whether the building is controllable by the placer
Scale 1 or 0 Whether the building should scale progressively or start at full size.
UnitName String The unit to build.
With the special keyworld "self", the builder will place itself as the new building.


Key Value Description
OverrideBuildingGhost String npc_dota_hero to override, necessary when UnitName is hero-based with AttachWearables
AbilityCooldown Number Seconds between building placement
MaxScale Number Final model size. By omission, the unit's ModelScale will be used instead


Adding any of this keyvalues to the ability will change the way that the building is constructed. The default behavior for building placement is "Place and Forget", the building will construct by itself over its BuildTime.

  • BuilderInside: Hides the builder the building during construction
  • ConsumesBuilder: Kills the builder after the construction is done
  • RequiresRepair: Place the building and doesn't update its health nor send the OnConstructionCompleted callback until its fully healed.
    It queues the usage of a RepairAbility, more on this on the Unit area.


As a third component to any ability/item for building placement, it should have a "RunScript" call to a lua file such as builder.lua with all the exposed callbacks and can hold any sort of custom actions your gamemode requires.

Building Units

Custom unit definition for each "UnitName" is used to stablish the rest of the building properties.


Key Value Description
ConstructionSize Number Blocks construction of other buildings in this area. Requires a valid square of this same size.
BlockPathingSize Number Blocks pathing with obstruction entities, for mazing. It can be 0


Key Value Description
DisableTurning 1 or 0 Whether the building should hide its turning-rotation or not
DestructionEffect .vpcf String The particle effect to play when the building is destroyed
FireEffect .vpcf String The particle effect to play when the building is below the FIRE_EFFECT_FACTOR (0.5 default)
ModelRotation Angle Number Rotates the building by a certain amount for particle ghost and placement.
ModelOffset Number Positions the building at a height offset from the ground.
PedestalModel .vmdl String Puts a model prop at the buildings feet.
PedestalModelScale Number Defines the model scale of the pedestal

Grid Options

Key Value Description
Requires Spaced String Adds an specific restriction when placing this building.
Default by omission is Buildable, but this can be skipped if necessary.
Example: "GoldMine" or "Buildable Blight"
Prevents Spaced String Disallows building on grid defined by any of the passed types.
RestrictGoldMineDistance Number Used to prevent a building from being placed too close to another.
Hardcoded to only check gold_mine for now.
Grid Table Block that tells the Grid types generated by this entity. Radius/Square determines the size, RemoveOnDeath is used to clear or keep the grid when the building is destroyed.
Examples below
        "Square"        "8"
        "RemoveOnDeath" "true"
        "Radius"        "768"
        "RemoveOnDeath"	"false"

Builder Unit

Key Value Description
RepairAbility String The name of the ability to use when placing buildings with RequiresRepair.
It needs to be already added and learned on the builder unit.