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wb (wordbook)

wb is a lightweight vocabulary note management application that provides listing, deletion, insertion and showing functions. by doing that it helps user to manage words and fasters the learning process.


Programming Language and Tools

Programming Language: C, Bash
Compiler: GNU GCC
Build Tool: CMake


NCurses Library
CMake (MIN 3.22)


Step 1: Download the Source codes

Step 2: Change permissions of

chmod 755

running this command will change the permission of the

Step 3: Run


running this bash file will build the application and create the folders.

Note: it can ask for sudo permission

Step 4: Test Application

try running

wb -h

if there are some output related to wb then it means it is successfully builded

How to use

Adding Words

wb -a
wb --add

opens a ncurses terminal UI and prompts vocabulary data from the user

Listing Words

wb -l
wb --list

opens a ncurses terminal UI and lists every word in the words.txt file

Showing Words

wb -w [WORD NAME]
wb --word [WORD NAME]

outputs the vocabulary notes of the given word cli-argument

Deleting Words

wb -d [WORD NAME]
wb --delete [WORD NAME]

deletes the word from the words.txt and the word file


wb -h
wb --help

outputs a detailed manuel about wb

Showing Version

wb -v
wb --version

outputs the version of wb

Showing Github

wb -g
wb --github

outputs the source code link of wb

Exporting Data

wb -E
wb --export

creates a file named wbdata.txt and exports the application data to it

Importing Data

wb -I
wb --import

imports the data to the system if wbdata.txt is in the working directory