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NuGet Restore Manager

Alex Panov edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 22 revisions

NuGet Restore Manager

Introducing NuGet Restore Manager (NRM) - unified component handling restore operations in VS "15" in efficient and user friendly fashion.


User experience in VS "15" is broken when working with .NET Core and UWP projects (or any other project facilitating project.json dependency management).

  • Intellisense feature is not available until build is started or "Restore NuGet Packages" menu is clicked. This problem occurs when existing project was checked out from a git repository with no project.lock.json file added.

  • Changes made to project.json (or msbuild project file in future) via manual file editing are not reflected in Intellisense immediately. Restore operation is not triggered automatically. NuGet Package Manager UI won't suggest restoring packages as it does in packages.config world.

  • Restore operation blocks UI with showing modal restore popup dialog.


Who is the customer?

Software developers using Visual Studio "15" to build .NET Core and UWP applications and libraries.

Current Behavior

In VS2015 NuGet employs different mechanisms to initiate restore operation.

Project Model Project Open Sidecar File Save Package Manager UI Project Build
Packages.config If restore is needed and any NuGet UI is open, we’ll yellow bar notify them to “restore” via clicking a button. Not a scenario to only edit the file, because you wouldn’t get references added or packages downloaded. *websites are different… Adaptions to UI requests are made right then. Build will do a restore, if one is needed.
UWP style project.json Adaptions to UI requests are made right then. Restore happens (currently started by NuGet vsix in OnBuild event – downside is that the vsix needs to be loaded before build)
Xproj style project.json Restore happens (.net core project system does this) Restore happens (.net core project system does this) Adaptions to UI requests are made right then.


Future VS "15" Restore Behavior

Project Model Project Open Project.json File Save Package Manager UI Settings Change, dependent project happens, lock file gone Project Build
automatic restore Restore Happens Restore Happens Adaptions to UI requests are made right then. Restore Happens Restore is assumed to be not needed.
on-build only same Restore happens
manual only


  1. Unified architecture for all VS project models.
  2. Native support for .NET Core restore. Replace WebTools restore.
  3. Lightweight restore agent (NuGet.RestoreManager.dll). Loads fast. No dependencies.
  • Project load cannot be blocked by NRM. Avoid any heavy activity within time to first edit.
  1. Export MEF restore packages service. Implements standard "generic" restore service interface.
  2. Restore is the first part of build.
  3. Evaluate when a restore is needed.

Design Notes

Separate Note: will we have a ResolvePackageReferences. So that we can have a target add a packageref

In VS, we do not call msbuild. We call restore with appropriate state.

Bootstrap the NRM

Define second packagedef in vsix by introducing new VsPackage. Inherits from AsyncPackage. Loads on specific UIContext asynchronously. Exports MEF restore component/service.

Evaluate when restore is needed

Project Model When Description
All any changes watcher
Settings changes (nuget.config) NuGet.Config discovery is expensive.
What if user adds new nuget.config in a search path? User needs to force a restore.
[use VS file monitor…much better than .net fx one]
Packages.config Always read xml file, and verify packages are installed in project packages folder.
Bootstrap Read project directories, packages directory.
Don't use com marshalling, marshall ourselves (JTF)
Run at a priority less than user input
[NOTE: do this more places…in NuGet code]
Tracking Changes packages.config is not monitored today. POR is the same for the NRM.
UWP Always lightweight noop pass:
- does assets file exist
- are all libraries listed in the assets file installed in fallback folders/or user package folder.
- Minimize the package is installed verification (compare hashes of inputs).
- Are nuget.config files same that were used to build assets files.
- if project.json file is different than the one used to build the assets file…
Bootstrap dg info (needs to keep updated)
can be gotten from SolutionBuildManager.GetProjectDependencies().
We don't need updates … we just get the projectdependencies() when we decide the project likely needs to be restored.
Tracking Changes Project.json
Note: need logic for a blank file on how to persist projectref
Dependency changes / dg info for uwp (check if we need this as separate update)
Assets file presence
Csproj with package refs only Always the same as UWP except theres no project.json.
Bootstrap Get dg info (updated), plus whatever restore algorithm needs ???
Tracking Changes Don't watch for .csproj file changes.
Listen to project system event (new event that needs to be raised by legacy project system).
Csproj with package refs and CPS Always restore projects are nominated by CPS.
Bootstrap No action is needed at bootstrap time. CPS will find us via the MEF import
Tracking Changes

CPS "Restore Nominator" Capability

When nominating, CPS supplies project dir, intermediate dir, restore output type (uap, netcore), dg graph. This info could be done either way. Pass in from nominator, or query async apis at that point.

Blocking the build until restore is complete

SolutionBuildManager should provide an async pre-build event. We would drain all restores…then build


  • The queuing method returns a task (IVSTask). NRM would “complete” the task once a no-op restore is done…or a restore. VS/project system would block build while any tasks are still not complete.
  • We either need to have a non-project that can participate?
  • Or we need to use a virtual project?
  • Or OnBuild event…we kick vs into build state and we cancel the original build. After restore you kick off build again.

Open Issues

  • Throttling and dials to control how often a restore can happen.
  • Surfacing restore errors regardless of when restore happens.
    • Restore fails … doing a build … how can these errors still show?
    • Show the errors in the asset file, or next to the assets file? who puts them back in the error list. How does that work for CPS/csproj.
  • Coordination with Project system. Should they show 1000 intellisense errors before restore is done?
    • While restore happens do not show errors
    • How does VS know? Notify Language Service.
  • UI Notification of restore process… ideally, we show progress bar in vs status bar.
  • Coordinate VS restore with command line restore


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

Common Problems

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