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03 detection demo

Paul Duvall edited this page Jan 6, 2021 · 38 revisions

Security Hub Workshop

The code in this demo is from the AWS Security Hub Workshop authored by AWS.

Launch a CloudFormation Stack

  • From your Cloud9 terminal, run the following commands to get the latest code from the AWS Security Hub Workshop.
mkdir ~/environment/csoa-3
cd ~/environment/csoa-3
git clone
cd ~/environment/csoa-3/aws-security-hub-workshop/templates
  • Launch the CloudFormation stack by running the command below.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name csoa-3-securityhub --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --disable-rollback --template-body file://sechub-workshop-setup-template.json --parameters ParameterKey=EnableGuardDuty,ParameterValue="Yes-Enable GuardDuty" ParameterKey=EnableSecurityHub,ParameterValue="Yes-Enable Security Hub" ParameterKey=EnableConfig,ParameterValue="Yes-Enable Config"

It takes about 4 minutes to launch AWS Security Hub and related stack resources in your AWS account.

Access Consoles

After the CloudFormation stacks (main and nested stacks) are complete, go to the web consoles for Security Hub, Config, GuardDuty, Inspector, and Secrets Manager to see the resources that were created when launching the stack. See the links below.

View the Source Files

  • In your Cloud9 environment, go to the csoa-3/aws-security-hub-workshop/templates directory and open each of the files to review the contents.

Delete CloudFormation Stacks

  • Once you've completed the demo, delete the CloudFormation stacks with the commands below.
aws s3api list-buckets --query 'Buckets[?starts_with(Name, `csoa-3-`) == `true`].[Name]' --output text | xargs -I {} aws s3 rb s3://{} --force

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name csoa-3-securityhub
