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Ross Bencina edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 5 revisions

Tasks for New and Casual Contributors

We'd be happy for you to contribute to PortAudio. We've tagged tasks that we think are suitable for new and casual PortAudio contributors with the "good first issue" label. You can get a list of active "good first issue" tasks here:

Open "good first issue" tickets

  • Most "good first issue" tickets involve a small code or documentation change, or a number of repeated similar code changes. They may also be QA type tasks such as compiling and running a set of manual tests against a particular host API.

  • Some "good first issue" tickets are more substantial and may require study of the code to work out how to implement the ticket. Usually there's existing code in another host API that you can refer to.

If you'd like to work on one of these tickets let us know on the mailing list, or in the ticket comments, so we can assign the ticket to you, help you out and answer your questions, review your work and commit the results.

We've tried to annotate each "good first issue" ticket with enough information to make it clear what needs to be done. Please ask for more info on the mailing list if a ticket doesn't make sense to you, or doesn't have enough detail for you to act on.

Guidelines for developers tagging new "good first issue" tickets

If you find other tasks that belong here please tag them or post to the mailing list to discuss.

Make sure the task can be done by a competent developer with minimal experience with the PortAudio source code.

Make sure the ticket includes a description and comments sufficient for the contributor to understand what needs to be done.

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