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Closed Dec 22, 2015 100% complete
  • Remove PureSwift JSON parsing engine based on JSONCore.
  • B64 in separate module
  • PureSwift Base64 encoding can stay in PureSwift
  • JSON Serialization (backed by JSON-C) in separate module
  • SwiftFoundation bridge OS X only
  • UnitTests based on Foundation moved to FoundationUnitTests
  • New PureSwift Unit tests that don't rely on Foundation
  • Remove PureSwift JSON parsing engine based on JSONCore.
  • B64 in separate module
  • PureSwift Base64 encoding can stay in PureSwift
  • JSON Serialization (backed by JSON-C) in separate module
  • SwiftFoundation bridge OS X only
  • UnitTests based on Foundation moved to FoundationUnitTests
  • New PureSwift Unit tests that don't rely on Foundation

This milestone is closed.

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