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Kinetic backend for OpenIO SDS


AGPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0 licenses found

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OpenIO Data backends

The present repository provides several tools:

A set of libraries:

  • oio-utils: miscellaneous utility tools, e.g. checksum functions, network management, http parsing, etc.
  • oio-http-parser: Wraps the http-parser
  • oio-data: an API for Blob store into OpenIO
  • oio-data-kinetic: a Kinetic blob store implementation (cf. KOSP)
  • oio-data-http: an HTTP blob store implementation
  • oio-data-rawx: a specialization of oio-data-http, with more constraints on the fields
  • oio-data-ec: a wrapper of other data backends, performing Erasure Coding

A set of binary CLI tools

  • kinetic-stress-put: stress a kinetic drive with a massive PUT load and a configurable naming of the keys (random, ascending, decreasing)
  • oio-kinetic-proxy: a minimal coroutine-based HTTP server wrapping the oio-kinetic-client.
  • oio-kinetic-listener: listens to the multicast UDP announces of kinetic drives and register those in the configured conscience.
  • oio-rawx: an ersatz of the officiel OpenIO SDS rawx service, used to validate the design. Also coroutine-based.
  • oio-ec-proxy: an ersatz of the official OpenIO ecd. Also coroutine-based


This repository is under an active development effort and is subject to frequent changes.


Copyright (C) 2016 OpenIO SAS

License: LGPL v3 The content under ./src and ./tests is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. These libraries are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. See the LICENCE.lgpl3 file.

License: AGPL v3 The content under ./bin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. See the LICENSE.agpl3 file.


  • libcrypto: for MD5 and SHA computations, coming from your favorite SSL vendor
  • libattr: to handle extended attributes, necesseray for the rawx backend
  • protobuf: Google's Protocol Buffers, necessary for the Kinetic Protocol.
  • ragel: Used as a lexer to easily and efficiently recognize HTTP headers.
  • http-parser included as a Git submodule
  • the Kinetic protocol included as a Git submodule, a Protocol Buffer definition maintained by the Kinetic Open Storage group.
  • the Kinetic Java code included as a Git submodule, used when testing has been enabled, for the simulator it embeds.
  • libmill: for easy cooperative concurrency, thanks to Martin Sustrik's coroutines.
  • glog
  • gtest
  • gflags
  • liberasurecode
  • rapidjson

Build & Install

Get the sources and all the dependencies

git clone
cd oio-kinetic
git submodule init
git submodule update

Build the project using the pkg-config management for the dependencies:

cmake .
make install

Alternatively, you could only use shipped third-party dependencies:

make install

Possible CMake options:

Name Value Description
SYS ON/OFF ON by default, allows locating dependencies with pkg-config
GUESS ON/OFF ON by default, allows locating dependencies at standard places
TESTING ON/OFF ON by default, enables testing targets, implying new dependencies
RAGEL_EXE PATH Specify the absolute path to the ragel CLI tool. If not set, ragel will be located in the PATH environment variable.
PROTOBUF_EXE PATH Specify the absolute path to the protoc CLI tool. If not set, protoc will be located in the PATH environment variable.
Name Value Description
GFLAGS_SYSTEM ON/OFF Use system-wide gflags known by pkg-config
GFLAGS_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of gflags
GFLAGS_INCDIR path Custom path to gflags headers directory
GFLAGS_LIBDIR path Custom path to gflags libraries directory
Name Value Description
GTEST_SYSTEM ON/OFF Use system-wide gtest known by pkg-config
GTEST_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of gtest
GTEST_INCDIR path Custom path to gtest headers directory
GTEST_LIBDIR path Custom path to gtest libraries directory
Name Value Description
GLOG_SYSTEM ON/OFF Use system-wide glog known by pkg-config
GLOG_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of glog
GLOG_INCDIR path Custom path to glog headers directory
GLOG_LIBDIR path Custom path to glog libraries directory
Name Value Description
EC_SYSTEM ON/OFF Use system-wide glog known by pkg-config
EC_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of glog
EC_INCDIR path Custom path to glog headers directory
EC_LIBDIR path Custom path to glog libraries directory
Name Value Description
MILL_SYSTEM ON/OFF Use system-wide libmill known by pkg-config
MILL_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of libmill
MILL_INCDIR path Custom path to libmill headers directory
MILL_LIBDIR path Custom path to libmill libraries directory
Name Value Description
ATTR_SYSTEM ON/OFF Use system-wide libattr known by pkg-config
ATTR_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of libattr
ATTR_INCDIR path Custom path to libattr headers directory
ATTR_LIBDIR path Custom path to libattr libraries directory
Name Value Description
RAPIDJSON_SYSTEM ON/OFF Use system-wide rapidjson known by pkg-config
RAPIDJSON_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of rapidjson
RAPIDJSON_INCDIR path Custom path to rapidjson headers directory
Name Value Description
RAPIDJSON_GUESS ON/OFF Guess the system-wide place of rapidjson
RAPIDJSON_INCDIR path Custom path to rapidjson headers directory

For GTEST, GFLAGS and GLOG, if neither SYSTEM, GUESS nor explicit paths worked, a cmake ExternalProject will be used. For EC, no external project is involved (liberasurecode is not managed by CMake yet)

For each dependency, 4 options are available: _SYSTEM, _GUESS, _INCDIR and _LIBDIR. The precedence order is always the same: _INCDIR/LIBDIR >> SYSTEM >> GUESS. If no explicit INCDIR/LIBDIR is set, if SYSTEM is set to OFF, and GUESS also set to OFF, then cmake will use an ExternalProject and build it on the moment.




Implemention of a blob store where all blobs are completely held in memory. Currently for testing purposes, there is neither thread safety at all managed around the shared map of items, nor any capacity limit on the cache.


File based implementation of a blob store, "à la" RAWX.


HTTP-based classes used in oio, all written in an imperative style. Two ways to parallelize the communicaitons are offered: either you play with a combination of std::thread and net::RegularSocket, or you play with libmill's coroutines and net::MillSocket.

Though incompatible with reactive frameworks where all the sockets are explicitely organized around a main event loop, the imperative way of oio::http::blob offers the advantage of an extreme simplicity.


Wrapper around oio::http::blob with few additional checks to match the expectations of a RAWX service.


Kinetic based backend, written around libmill's coroutines.


When uploading, oio::ec::blob::Upload computes the Erasure Coded form of the input then Wrapper implementation around other blob stores.


Kinetic backend for OpenIO SDS



AGPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0 licenses found

Licenses found






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  • C++ 91.9%
  • CMake 5.3%
  • Other 2.3%
  • C 0.5%