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A beautiful, powerful and customizable neovim config that is blazing fast


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IceNvim is a beautiful, powerful and customizable neovim config. Powerful, yet blazing fast.

For a detailed introduction on the various features of and on how to use IceNvim, refer to the wiki.



  • Ideal for development:
    • Set up for C# / Flutter / Lua / Python / Rust / Web development and markdown writing
    • Git integration
  • Enhanced editing experience:
    • Plugins such as hop.nvim, undotree and vim-surround
    • For Chinese users, automatic IME switching when changing modes (needs additional setup)
  • Nice looks:
    • Multiple colorschemes made ready
    • A custom colorschemes picker
  • User friendly:
    • Uses which-key.nvim for new comers to check out keymaps
  • Well equiped:
    • An icon viewer to check whether your font works well with icons
    • A configuration file selector
  • Modern: uses Lazy and Mason
  • Customizable:


  • IceNvim requires neovim 0.9.0+, but version 0.10.0+ is preferred
  • Additionally, you need to install these also:
    • A nerd font: this is optional, but things may look funny without one installed
    • git: almost all the plugin and lsp installations depend on it
    • Required by Mason:
      • curl
      • gzip / 7zip
      • wget
    • Required by telescope:
      • fd
      • ripgrep (also required by grug-far.nvim)
    • Required by nvim treesitter:
      • gcc
      • node
      • npm
    • Required by rust-tools:
      • rust-analyzer (NOT the rust-analyzer provided by Mason!!!)
    • python3 and pip3
    • Additional dependencies on Linux / WSL:
      • unzip
      • python virtual environment
      • xclip (for accessing system clipboard)
      • zip

Note that some of the packages might have different names with different package managers!

Installing dependencies on Arch:

sudo pacman -S --needed curl gzip wget fd ripgrep gcc nodejs npm python python-pip unzip zip xclip python-virtualenv

Installing dependencies on Windows (via scoop):

scoop install curl gzip wget fd ripgrep mingw nodejs-lts python


On Windows:

git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim"

On Linux:

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Download im-select.exe (recommended for windows / wsl users)

For automatic IME switching when inputing Chinese, im-select.exe is needed.

Download it from and place to the bin directory in the configuration directory.

Additionally, if you are using wsl, you might have to do this:

chmod +x ~/.config/nvim/bin/im-select.exe

Download uclip.exe (recommended for windows / wsl users)

Although text yanked from within IceNvim is already available from outside, one might find that unicode characters are not copied properly on Windows and WSL. This is because the functionality is dealt with by Windows' CLIP command which does a poor job when used with utf-8 characters.

To solve this, one might need to download uclip.exe and place it in the bin directory in the configuration directory.

Additionally, if you are using wsl, you might have to do this:

chmod +x ~/.config/nvim/bin/uclip.exe

Custom Configuration

This neovim configuration allows users to override the default configuration by creating a custom dir under lua/.

IceNvim will try to detect and load custom/init.lua. Since custom/ is git-ignored, it will be easy for you to make your own configurations without messing up the original git repo and missing follow-up updates.

Most IceNvim config options can be found under a global variable Ice. The entire setup follows this routine:

  • IceNvim sets its default options and store some of them, e.g., plugin config and keymaps, in Ice
  • IceNvim loads custom/init.lua
  • IceNvim uses Ice to set up plugins and create keymaps

Therefore, almost everything IceNvim defines can be re-configured by you.

An example custom/init.lua:

Ice.plugins["nvim-transparent"].enabled = false

Ice.keymap.general.open_terminal = { "n", "<leader>terminal", ":split term://bash<CR>" }

local autogroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("OverrideFtplugin", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufEnter", {
    group = autogroup,
    callback = function()
        if == "lua" then
            vim.cmd "setlocal colorcolumn=120"


Installing Omnisharp / Csharpier

When installing omnisharp, make sure that dotnet sdk is installed.

When receiving nuget-related errors when installing csharpier, you might have to configure nuget source (see

dotnet nuget add source -n

Rust not Working Properly

You need to check how you installed rust. I have not been able to set up rust-analyzer when installing rust only (e.g., via scoop install rust or sudo zypper in rust) either, but with the officially recommended way, i.e., by installing rustup, everything works properly.

Also, you might find that completion does not work when first opening a rust project. That is because some time needs to be taken to index the code, and completion would only work after indexing is done.

Installation Failure for typst-preview.nvim

When installing typst-preview.nvim, you might have this error: Downloading typst-preview binary failed, exit code: 35. This might be due to the use of proxies. Shut down softwares of such kind and run this command again:

lua require("typst-preview").update()