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Robin CHARPENTIER edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 1 revision

IMPORTANT: This only works with single player and single bracket tournament for now.

Game mode

If you are hosting a tournament with a different game mode than standard, you will to tell the bot which game mode it is.

Command: ;set_game_mode <game_mode> where <game_mode> is one of osu!'s game mode.

Examples: ;set_game_mode taiko or ;set_game_mode ctb or ;set_game_mode mania


Before being here, you should have set at least the players spreadsheet and the team range. But those are not the only ranges available, especially if you want more information about the player when they register. Here are the additional ranges you can set.

Range discord (use range discord id instead if possible)

If you want to not make the player use the link command, you will need to set the discord or discord id range, as it will be used to identify/ping the players.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_discord [<range>]

Range discord id

If you want to not make the player use the link command, you will need to set the discord or discord id range, as it will be used to identify/ping the players.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_discord_id [<range>]

Range rank

Rank of the player in the specified game mode.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_rank [<range>]

Range bws rank (DO NOT USE FOR NOW)

BWS rank of the player in the specified game mode.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_bws_rank [<range>]

Range osu id

osu! id of the player.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_osu_id [<range>]

Range pp

pp of the player in the specified game mode.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_pp [<range>]

Range country

Country of the player.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_country [<range>]

Range timezone

Timezone of the player. This information is given by the player.

Command: ;set_players_spreadsheet_range_timezone [<range>]

Start and stop registration phase

Start registration phase

To start the registration phase of the tournament, use this command: ;set_registration_phase True.

Stop registration phase

Here you have 2 choices.

set_registration_end (recommended)

This command takes a date as parameter and will stop the registration phase for a bracket specifically at this date.

Command: ;set_registration_end <date> where <date> is a date in any format.

Examples: ;set_registration_end tomorrow 12:00 or ;set_registration_end 12 May 18:00


Or you can just use ;set_registration_phase False when the registration phase is over. The downside is that you need to do it manually.

Player registration

For players to be able to register to the tournament, they first need to have linked their osu! account to the bot (;link command).

Command: ;register [<timezone>] where <timezone> is in the format +HH:mm or -HH:mm, and needed only if you set up the timezone range.

Example: ;register +02:00

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