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A cross-platform P2P file sharing CLI tool & protocol


  1. Download one of the releases.
  2. Execute the HyperbolicDownloader file.
  3. Wait until the setup process is finished.
  4. Next steps:
    • Add a host to your client using the add command and use the get command to retrieve a file.
    • Add the host (add host to the hosts list to obtain a few existing hosts and immediately gain access to all of my files hosted on the HyperbolicDownloader network.\
    • Use the generate command to generate a .hyper file and the get from command to retrieve a file through the generated .hyper file.

How it works

When you start the program, it first tries to open a public port via UPnP/NAT-PMP. If it succeeds, you can communicate with the client using the public IP address and port. If it is unable to find a UPnP/NAT-PMP device, you will need to manually set up port forwarding on your client's IP address to port "3055". The public port has to be between 1000 and 6000 here.

HyperbolicDownloader can retrieve files from other computers (aka hosts) using an SHA 512 hash. The client checks all known hosts to see if it could find the requested file. If one of the hosts has the requested file, it immediately downloads it. After the file is completely downloaded, it is validated by comparing the hash entered with that of the file received. If the hash does not match, you will receive a warning message, and you can download the file again if needed.
This makes it very difficult to tamper with requested files, as long as the source from which you obtain the hash/.hpyer file is trusted.

You can generate .hyper files with your client using the generate. Command
These files contain the hash value of the actual file and the hosts that should have the requested file. You can use the get from command to retrieve the file or if you are using Windows you can right-click the .hyper file, select open with and select the HyperbolicDownloader executable.


Keep in mind that all network traffic is not encrypted. So, do not send sensitive information with HyperbolicDownloader. Since none of the files are stored anywhere centralized, the quality of the files cannot be controlled. Therefore, pay attention to what you download.


Most commands have aliases (separated by |)
Some commands also have subcommands. <command> subcommand means that you can replace <command> with any version of the parent command.

exit | quit

Description: Exits the application.
Parameter: none

clear | cls

Description: Clears the console.
Parameter: none

info | inf

Description: Displays the private and public IP address.
Parameter: none

discover | disc

Description: Tries to find other active hosts on the local network.
parameter: none

check | status

Description: Checks the status of known hosts.
parameter: none

list | ls

Description: Lists all files
parameter: none

<list> files

Description: Lists all files.
parameter: none

<list> hosts

description: Lists all hosts.
parameter: none


Description: Adds a file to the tracking list.
parameter: <file path>

<add> file

Description: Adds a file to the tracking list.
parameter: <filepath>

<add> host

Description: Adds a host to the list of known hosts.
parameter: <IpAddress:port>

remove | rm

Description: Removes a file from the tracking list.
parameter: <FileHash>

<remove> file

Description: Removes a file from the tracking list.
parameter: <FileHash>

<remove> host

Description: Removes a host from the list of known hosts.
parameter: <IpAddress:Port>


Description: Attempts to retrieve a file from another host using a hash.
parameter: <FileHash>

<get> from

Description: Attempts to retrieve a file from another host using a .hyper file.
Parameter: <FilePathToHyperFile>

generate | gen

Description: Generates a .hyper file from a file hash.
Parameters: <FileHash>

<generate> noscan

Description: Generates a .hyper file from a file hash without checking the known hosts. This adds only the local host to the file.
Parameter: <FileHash>