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Dave French edited this page May 23, 2020 · 3 revisions

I like standards.

I like well tested external standards.

I like sticking to standards.

I like limiting the number of standards used.

Standards Used

  • All code contributed should be compatible with GPL3 or later

  • Panel SVG's should follow and always reflect the current code

  • The plugin Manifest should follow

  • Voltage standards for inputs and outputs should follow

  • Source code should follow the JUCE coding standards a .clang-format file is provided in the root of the repository, and checked upon all Github pushes

  • Code should be accompanied by unit tests. We have adopted the squinky labs testing framework.

  • The manual shall be updated in the pull request containing any changes

  • MattCollier is QA, If you don't agree with his requests, please discuss with him until a solution is found

  • All Github automated test shall pass

Unit testing

unit tests are based on squink-labs code,

to run the tests on Linux or windows with mysys:

make clean cleantest test followed by ./test.exe

Performance testing

unit tests are based on squink-labs code

to run the tests on Linux or windows with mysys:

make clean cleantest perf followed by ./perf.exe

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