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ENH: Convert the input images to the user-specified internal pixel type
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Both ElastixRegistrationMethod and TransformixFilter now convert their input images to the internal pixel type, specified by elastix/transformix parameters, "FixedInternalImagePixelType" and "MovingInternalImagePixelType" (which are "float" by default).

The conversion is performed internally by `itk::CastImageFilter`. It is only performed when the pixel type of an input image is actually different from the specified internal pixel type.

The converted images are cached in memory, to avoid repeating the very same (potentially expensive) image conversion multiple times.

GoogleTest unit tests are included.

Related to issue #322 "TransformixFilter does not process non-float pixel type images"
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N-Dekker committed May 8, 2023
1 parent 73a0d3a commit 58e0a7b
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Showing 9 changed files with 688 additions and 48 deletions.
131 changes: 128 additions & 3 deletions Core/Main/GTesting/elxCoreMainGTestUtilities.h
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#include <iterator> // For begin and end.
#include <map>
#include <numeric> // For iota.
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits> // For is_pointer, is_same, and integral_constant.
#include <vector>
Expand All @@ -50,6 +51,13 @@ namespace elastix
namespace CoreMainGTestUtilities

/// Eases passing a type as argument to a generic lambda.
template <typename TNested>
struct TypeHolder
using Type = TNested;

/// Simple exception class, to be used by unit tests.
class Exception : public std::exception
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,6 +251,14 @@ ParameterObject::Pointer inline CreateParameterObject(

ParameterObject::Pointer inline CreateParameterObject(const ParameterObject::ParameterMapType & parameterMap)
const auto parameterObject = ParameterObject::New();
return parameterObject;

inline std::vector<double>
GetTransformParametersFromMaps(const std::vector<ParameterObject::ParameterMapType> & transformParameterMaps)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,6 +291,11 @@ GetTransformParametersFromFilter(TFilter & filter)

// ITK's RecursiveSeparableImageFilter "requires a minimum of four pixels along the dimension to be processed", at
constexpr itk::SizeValueType minimumImageSizeValue{ 4 };

// The image domain. ITK calls it the "geometry" of an image. ("The geometry of an image is defined by its position,
// orientation, spacing, and extent", according to
// The elastix manual (elastix-5.1.0-manual.pdf, January 16, 2023) simply calls it "the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,6 +325,14 @@ struct ImageDomain
: size(size)

explicit ImageDomain(const ImageBaseType & image)
: direction(image.GetDirection())
, index(image.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex())
, size(image.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize())
, spacing(image.GetSpacing())
, origin(image.GetOrigin())

// Constructor, allowing to explicitly specify all the settings of the domain.
ImageDomain(const DirectionType & direction,
const IndexType & index,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,16 +361,103 @@ struct ImageDomain
AsParameterMap() const
return {
// Parameters in alphabetic order:
{ "Direction", elx::Conversion::ToVectorOfStrings(direction) },
{ "Index", elx::Conversion::ToVectorOfStrings(index) },
{ "Origin", elx::Conversion::ToVectorOfStrings(origin) },
{ "Size", elx::Conversion::ToVectorOfStrings(size) },
{ "Spacing", elx::Conversion::ToVectorOfStrings(spacing) },
{ "Origin", elx::Conversion::ToVectorOfStrings(origin) },

friend bool
operator==(const ImageDomain & lhs, const ImageDomain & rhs)
return lhs.direction == rhs.direction && lhs.index == rhs.index && lhs.size == rhs.size &&
lhs.spacing == rhs.spacing && lhs.origin == rhs.origin;

friend bool
operator!=(const ImageDomain & lhs, const ImageDomain & rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);

template <typename TRandomNumberEngine>
GenerateRandomSign(TRandomNumberEngine & randomNumberEngine)
return (randomNumberEngine() % 2 == 0) ? -1 : 1;

template <unsigned int VImageDimension>
CreateRandomImageDomain(std::mt19937 & randomNumberEngine)
using ImageDomainType = ImageDomain<VImageDimension>;

const auto createRandomDirection = [&randomNumberEngine] {
using DirectionType = typename ImageDomainType::DirectionType;
auto randomDirection = DirectionType::GetIdentity();

// For now, just a single random rotation
const auto randomRotation = std::uniform_real_distribution<>{ -M_PI, M_PI }(randomNumberEngine);
const auto cosRandomRotation = std::cos(randomRotation);
const auto sinRandomRotation = std::sin(randomRotation);

randomDirection[0][0] = cosRandomRotation;
randomDirection[0][1] = sinRandomRotation;
randomDirection[1][0] = -sinRandomRotation;
randomDirection[1][1] = cosRandomRotation;

return randomDirection;
const auto createRandomIndex = [&randomNumberEngine] {
typename ImageDomainType::IndexType randomIndex{};
std::generate(randomIndex.begin(), randomIndex.end(), [&randomNumberEngine] {
return std::uniform_int_distribution<itk::IndexValueType>{
std::numeric_limits<itk::IndexValueType>::min() / 2, std::numeric_limits<itk::IndexValueType>::max() / 2
return randomIndex;
const auto createRandomSmallImageSize = [&randomNumberEngine] {
typename ImageDomainType::SizeType randomImageSize{};
std::generate(randomImageSize.begin(), randomImageSize.end(), [&randomNumberEngine] {
return std::uniform_int_distribution<itk::SizeValueType>{ minimumImageSizeValue,
2 * minimumImageSizeValue }(randomNumberEngine);
return randomImageSize;
const auto createRandomSpacing = [&randomNumberEngine] {
typename ImageDomainType::SpacingType randomSpacing{};
std::generate(randomSpacing.begin(), randomSpacing.end(), [&randomNumberEngine] {
// Originally tried the maximum interval from std::numeric_limits<itk::SpacePrecisionType>::min() to
// std::numeric_limits<itk::SpacePrecisionType>::max(), but that caused errors during inverse matrix computation.
return std::uniform_real_distribution<itk::SpacePrecisionType>{ 0.1, 10.0 }(randomNumberEngine);
return randomSpacing;
const auto createRandomPoint = [&randomNumberEngine] {
typename ImageDomainType::PointType randomPoint{};
std::generate(randomPoint.begin(), randomPoint.end(), [&randomNumberEngine] {
return GenerateRandomSign(randomNumberEngine) * std::uniform_real_distribution<itk::SpacePrecisionType>{
itk::SpacePrecisionType{}, std::numeric_limits<itk::SpacePrecisionType>::max() / 2.0
return randomPoint;

return ImageDomainType{ createRandomDirection(),
createRandomPoint() };

// Creates a test image, filled with zero.
template <typename TPixel, unsigned VImageDimension>
Expand All @@ -357,18 +473,27 @@ CreateImage(const itk::Size<VImageDimension> & imageSize)
// Creates a test image, filled with a sequence of natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, ..., N.
template <typename TPixel, unsigned VImageDimension>
CreateImageFilledWithSequenceOfNaturalNumbers(const itk::Size<VImageDimension> & imageSize)
CreateImageFilledWithSequenceOfNaturalNumbers(const ImageDomain<VImageDimension> & imageDomain)
using ImageType = itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension>;
const auto image = ImageType::New();
const itk::ImageBufferRange<ImageType> imageBufferRange{ *image };
std::iota(imageBufferRange.begin(), imageBufferRange.end(), TPixel{ 1 });
return image;

// Creates a test image, filled with a sequence of natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, ..., N.
template <typename TPixel, unsigned VImageDimension>
CreateImageFilledWithSequenceOfNaturalNumbers(const itk::Size<VImageDimension> & imageSize)
return CreateImageFilledWithSequenceOfNaturalNumbers<TPixel>(ImageDomain<VImageDimension>{ imageSize });


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