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AngularJS UI Bootstrap Module for adding context menus to elements. Demo

bower install angular-bootstrap-contextmenu



Add a reference to contextMenu.js. In your app config add ui.bootstrap.contextMenu as a dependency module.

There are two ways of setting up a context menu: by template or by options.

By Template

To setup the context by a html template, you need to provide an <ul> with the attribute context-menu-template.The value of this attribute is a string to identify the context-menu owning it.

    <div ng-repeat="item in items" context-menu="custom">Right Click: {{}}</div>
    <ul context-menu-template="custom">
      <li><i class="fa fa-check"></i><a ng-click="select(item)">Select</a></li>
      <li class="divider"></li>
      <li ng-class="{'disabled':item.otherProperty!='Foo'}"><a ng-click="item.otherProperty!='Foo' || remove(item)">Remove</a></li>
<div ng-bind="selected"></div>

ngDisabled does not work with a, so if you want to use it you'll need to replace the a with button and style it accordingly. Above we used lazy evaluation to prevent the click behaviour when disabled. You can use ngClick and all ngRepeat scope functions.

$scope.selected = 'None';
$scope.items = [
    { name: 'John', otherProperty: 'Foo' },
    { name: 'Joe', otherProperty: 'Bar' }
$ = function(item){
  $scope.selected = $;
$scope.remove = function(item){
  $scope.items.splice($scope.items.indexOf(item), 1);

By Menu Options

To setup the context by menu options you need to provide an object model that defines the context.

    <div ng-repeat="item in items" context-menu="menuOptions">Right Click: {{}}</div>
<div ng-bind="selected"></div>

A menu options model can be a contextMenuBuilder, an Array, or a Function returning one of those. An empty contextMenuBuilder or Array will not display a context menu. The following uses the contextMenuBuilder to provide the context definition.

$scope.selected = 'None';
$scope.items = [
    { name: 'John', otherProperty: 'Foo' },
    { name: 'Joe', otherProperty: 'Bar' }

var builder = contextMenuBuilder();
builder.newMenuItem('Select', function ($itemScope) {
    $scope.selected = $;
builder.newMenuItem('Remove', function ($itemScope) {
    $scope.items.splice($itemScope.$index, 1);

$scope.menuOptions = builder;

Menu Options as Function

<div ng-repeat="item in items" context-menu="menuOptions(item)">Right Click: {{}}</div>

Returning an Array:

$scope.menuOptions = function (item) {
    if ( == 'John') { return []; }
    return [{
		text: function ($itemScope) {
            return $;
		click: function ($itemScope) {
            // Action

Returning a contextMenuBuilder:

$scope.menuOptions = function (item) {
	var builder = contextMenuBuilder();
    if ( != 'John') { 
		builder.newMenuItem(function ($itemScope) {
            return $;
		function ($itemScope) {
            // Action
	return builder;

Menu Options as Array

Using an Array to build your options, every item is an object with the properties below. To add a separator, leave the item as null;

	text: "item name",
	icon: "icon class",
	enabled: true,
	click: function($itemScope, $event, $model){}

The properties definitions are:

Property Type Details
text String, Function, Promise The text property will define the text that will appear for the menu item. If String, the literal will be put in the item. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be put in the item. If Promise, the resolve of the promise will be put in the item.
icon (optional) String, Function The icon property is the class that will be appended to <i> in the menu item. If this property is not present, no icon will be inserted. If String, the literal will be added as class. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be added as class.
enabled (optional) Boolean, Function The enabled property will define if the item will be clickable or disabled. Defaults to true. If Boolean, the item will ALWAYS be enabled (when true) or disabled (when false). If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The Boolean result of it will determine if the item is clickable or not.
click Function The click property is the action that will be called when the item is clicked. The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model.

Menu Options as contextMenuBuilder

Using a builder to construct your context menu is the recommended approach.


The contextMenuBuilder has the following methods:


Create and add a new item to the context menu at the current position.

Param Type Details
text (optional) String, Function, Promise The text param will define the text that will appear for the menu item. If String, the literal will be put in the item. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be put in the item. If Promise, the resolve of the promise will be put in the item.
fnAction (optional) Function The fnAction param is the action that will be called when the item is clicked. The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model.

contextMenuItem The return is an instance of a contextMenuItem containing functions to help setup the item.

newMenuItemAt(index, [text],[fnAction]);

Create and add a new item to the context menu at the given position.

Param Type Details
index Number The index to insert the new menu item at.
text (optional) String, Function, Promise The text param will define the text that will appear for the menu item. If String, the literal will be put in the item. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be put in the item. If Promise, the resolve of the promise will be put in the item.
fnAction (optional) Function The fnAction param is the action that will be called when the item is clicked. The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model.

contextMenuItem The return is an instance of a contextMenuItem containing functions to help setup the item.


Add a separator to the context menu at the current position.


Add a separator to the context menu at the given position.

Param Type Details
index Number The index to insert the separator at.

Remove the last menu item.


Remove the menu item at the given position.

Param Type Details
index Number The index to remove the item from

Remove all menu items.


The contextMenuItem is an object that holds the whole item definition and contains various functions to help you set it up. It contains the followig properties and methods:

Property Type Details
text String, Function, Promise The text property will define the text that will appear for the menu item. If String, the literal will be put in the item. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be put in the item. If Promise, the resolve of the promise will be put in the item.
icon String, Function The icon property is the class that will be appended to <i> in the menu item. If this property is left undefined, no icon will be inserted. If String, the literal will be added as class. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be added as class.
enabled Boolean, Function The enabled property will define if the item will be clickable or disabled. Defaults to true. If Boolean, the item will ALWAYS be enabled (when true) or disabled (when false). If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The Boolean result of it will determine if the item is clickable or not.
click Function The click property is the action that will be called when the item is clicked. The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model.

Set the text property of the menu item.

Param Type Details
text String, Function, Promise If String, the literal will be put in the item. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be put in the item. If Promise, the resolve of the promise will be put in the item.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.


Wrapper for the setText function that accepts only function.

Param Type Details
fn Function The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be put in the item.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.


Wrapper for the setText function that accepts only promises.

Param Type Details
promise Promise The resolve of the promise will be put in the item.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.


Set the icon property of the menu item.

Param Type Details
icon String, Function If String, the literal will be added as class. If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be added as class.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.


Wrapper for the setIcon function that accepts only functions.

Param Type Details
icon Function The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The result of it will be added as class.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.


Set the enabled property of the menu item.

Param Type Details
enabled Boolean, Function If Boolean, the item will ALWAYS be enabled (when true) or disabled (when false). If Function, the function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The Boolean result of it will determine if the item is clickable or not.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.


Wrapper for the setEnabled function that accepts only functions.

Param Type Details
enabled Function The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model. The Boolean result of it will determine if the item is clickable or not.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.


Set the click property of the menu item.

Param Type Details
click Function The function will be called with params $itemScope, $event, $model.

contextMenuItem Returns the self instance to enable chain calls.

Model Attribute (optional)

In instances where a reference is not passed through the $itemScope (i.e. not using ngRepeat), there is a model attribute that can pass a value.

<div context-menu="menuOptions" model="expression">Some item name here</div>

The model is evaluated as an expression using $scope.$eval and passed as the third argument.

var builder = contextMenuBuilder();
builder.newMenuItem(function ($itemScope, $event, $model) {
		return $;
	function ($itemScope, $event, $model) {
		// Action
	.setEnabled(function($itemScope, $event, text, $model){
	    // Enable or Disable
        return true; // enabled = true, disabled = false
$scope.menuOptions = builder;

Context Menu Events

The context menu supports these three events:

Event Details
opening This event happens before the context menu is open and it must return a Boolean. If the return is false, the context will not be shown.
open This event happens after the context menu is open. Its return is irrelevant.
close This event happens after the context menu is closed. Its return is irrelevant.

Adding handlers

To handle any of these events, add a tag with the same name to the context menu tag.

    <div ng-repeat="item in items" context-menu="menuOptions" opening="willOpen(item)" open="onOpen(item)" close="onClose(item)">Right Click: {{}}</div>

The expression on the events will be evaluated using $scope.$eval.

$scope.willOpen = function(item) {
	//Do something
	return true; // true will show the context, false will not

$scope.onOpen = function(item) {
	//Do something

$scope.onClose = function(item) {
	//Do something

Style Overlay

The <div> holding the menu item list is decorated with the class ng-bootstrap-contextmenu.

Also to give a light darker disabled tint while the menu is open add the style below.

body > .dropdown {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

Limitations (work in progress)

Nested lists are not supported yet, because I have not needed it yet. If you add it please do a pull request.

$scope.menuOptions = [
    ['Parent Item 1', function ($itemScope) {
        // Code
    },  ['Child Item 1', function ($itemScope) {
            // Code
        ['Child Item 2', function ($itemScope) {
            // Code


AngularJS Bootstrap UI Context Menu







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