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Xoson - Xojo JSON Object Serialization

Xoson provides utilities to convert plain Xojo objects to and from JSON. It utilizes Xojo's built-in JSON Serialization spiced with some introspection magic. The project contains a simple example on how to use the API.


The project makes use of the new Xojo.Data.* functions, meaning that Xojo 2015 and above are required (not all versions are tested). Note that the project was developed using Xojo 2019 r1.1.


Copy the Xoson module into your project. The only globally exported elements are the XosonException class and the [to|from]JSON() functions.


Xoson follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. So for PATCH and MINOR version changes, you can simply replace the old Xoson module in your project with the new one. For MAJOR version changes please consult the release announcements.


Use the exported functions to convert objects and their properties or arrays to and from JSON.

For instance, the example project in this repository contains the Sample class:

Protected Class Sample
    decimalNumber As Double
    message As String
    number As Integer
    test As Boolean
    tm() As Xojo.Core.Date
End Class

An example object might be created as follows:

Dim serializable As New Sample
serializable.decimalNumber = 10.0
serializable.number = 1
serializable.Message = "These violent delights have violent ends"

Dim serialization As Text = serializable.toJSONText()

'prints {"decimalNumber":10.0,"message":"These violent delights have violent ends","number":1,"test":false,"tm":["2019-03-04T10:04:13.000Z"]}


  • Only public properties are considered (feel free to change the code).
  • For de-serialization (fromJSON()), properties must be primitive, dates (Date and Xojo.Core.Date) or of a class with a public trivial constructor (no parameters). Arrays of those types are also supported.
  • Dates are serialized and read as RFC 3339 in UTC (to get millisecond-level precision, use Xojo.Core.Date instead of Date).
  • Multi-dimensional arrays are not supported. Feel free to contribute.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.