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Review Assignment Due Date

Analysis of the Influence of Air Pollution And Other Factors on Human Health


Jupyter Book:

Access to Original Data:kaggle

Project Goal

In this project, we are going to examine the effects of various air pollutants(NO2, PM2.5, black carbon) on human mental health and wellbeing. In addition to air pollutants, we also want to see how other factors, including green space access and education level, affect people's performance in Stroop test. A Stroop test measures a person's cognitive function by assessing their attention capacity and processing abilities. The summary the of analysis can be found in main.ipynb, and more detailed analysis with code was stored in code.

Some Helpful Tips

  • Use command conda env create -f environment.yml to create new environment for this project
  • Install tools packages before running any code in notebooks
  • code/DataCleaning.ipynb: Before doing analysis, perform data cleaning and stored clean version of data in data
  • Use command rm * to remove all output files in outputs if you want to clear all outputs


The project is released under the BSD 3-clause License.