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This SDK is dedicated for handling discovery, connection and two way communication with a Bluetooth LE device. SDK also provides API to make mobile device act like a connectable Bluetooth LE device.


Add Ubudu nexus repository url to your build.gradle file:

repositories {
	maven { url '' }
	// ...

Then add the following dependency:

implementation 'com.ubudu.iot:iot-sdk:1.6.5@aar'

How to use?

Bluetooth LE discovery

Create an object implementing the BleDeviceFilter interface. This interface is used to let the DiscoveryManager class pick the desired device from all devices being detected nearby.:

BleDeviceFilter bleDeviceFilter = new BleDeviceFilter() {
    public boolean isCorrect(BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanResponse) {
    	// example implementation:
    	return device.getName() != null && device.getName().equals("MyDongle");

Then to discover a Bluetooth LE device:, 5000, bleDeviceFilter, new DiscoveryManager.DiscoveryListener() {

	public boolean onBleDeviceFound(BleDevice bleDevice) {
	    // ble device that matches the given bfound
		mBleDevice = bleDevice;
		// Returning true will stop the BLE device scanner immediately.
        // Returning false will make scanning last according to
        // given duration or until stop() is called.
		return true;

	public void onDiscoveryError(Error error) {
		// Bluetooth LE discovery error
   public void onDiscoveryStarted() {
   	// BLE discovery started
   public void onDiscoveryFinished() {
   	// BLE discovery finished

The flow of discovery is as follows:

  • discovery lasts for the amount of milliseconds specified in the argument of method,

  • during this time all detected Bluetooth LE devices matching the given BleDeviceFilter implementation are returned in the onBleDeviceFound callback,

  • if at some point the onBleDeviceFound implementation returns true, the discovery will be stopped immediately.

Bluetooth LE connection

It is possible to negotiate MTU of the connection. To enable negotiation the following must be called bofore connecting:


By default the SDK will try to negotiate maximum MTU of 276 bytes. To ask for specific MTU size the following method must be called:


Note that some Android devices do not work well if you try to force MTU and communication can break of freeze because of that. It depends on the particular device.

Then to connect to the BLE device call the following:

mBleDevice.connect(mContext, new BleDevice.ConnectionListener() {
	public void onConnected() {
		// connected to dongle
	public void onDisconnected() {
		// disconnected from dongle
	public void onConnectionError(Error error) {
		// connection error

To disconnect from the device please call:


Bluetooth LE communication

Before communicating with the device its Bluetooth GATT services have to be discovered:

mBleDevice.discoverServices(new BleDevice.ServicesDiscoveryListener() {
    public void onServicesDiscovered(List<BluetoothGattService> services) {
        // services found
    public void onError(Error error) {
        // error

With the Bluetooth LE services of the device discovered it is possible to establish a 2 way communication channel:

  1. In order to be able to receive data from Bluetooth LE device one of the GATT characteristics available within one of the services should have BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_NOTIFY property.
  2. In order to be able to send data to Bluetooth LE device one of the GATT characteristics available within one of the services should have BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_WRITE or BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE property.

It is possible to use single GATT characteristic for both purposes if device provides such characteristic.

mBleDevice.registerForNotifications(characteristic, new BleDevice.RegisterForNotificationsListener() {
    public void onRegistered(BluetoothGattCharacteristic gattCharacteristic) {
        // success
    public void onError(Error error) {
        // error

Data being received from the Bleutooth LE device is received by the listener interface that has to be set:

mBleDevice.setDataReceivedEventListener(new DataListener() {
    public void onDataReceived(byte[] data) {
        // data received from the device

The DataListener can be set any time before registering for notifications, e.g. right after successful connection.

To send data to the Bleutooth LE device:

String message = "My message.";
mBleDevice.send(message.getBytes(), BluetoothGattCharacteristic.WRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT, gattCharacteristic);

To be notified about the result of sending the data a DataSentListener implementation must be set on the BleDevice instance:

mBleDevice.setDataSentListener(new DataSentListener() {
    public void onDataSent(byte[] data) {
        // data sent successfuly
    public void onError(Error error) {
        // error

Make mobile device act as a connectable Bluetooth LE device

To make that happen the Bluetooth GATT server has to be opened. The following code configures it:

peripheralManager = new PeripheralManager(mContext, new DeviceProfile() {

	public String getServiceUuid() {
		// service UUID to expose characteristics
		return "D9500001-F608-42CD-A37E-92A559491B2B";
	public String getWriteCharacteristicUuid() {
		// write-only characteristic UUID
		return "D9500002-F608-42CD-A37E-92A559491B2B";
	public String getReadCharacteristicUuid() {
		// read-only characteristic UUID
		return "D9500003-F608-42CD-A37E-92A559491B2B";

peripheralManager.setEventListener(new PeripheralManager.PeripheralListener() {

	public void onPeripheralReady() {
		// gatt server is ready to handle connections and communication
	public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothDevice device, String stateDescription) {
		// outside device connection state changed
	public void onCharacteristicWritten(UUID characteristicUUID, String value) {
		// on data received
	public void onCharacteristicRead(UUID characteristicUUID, String value) {
		// on data read
	public void onPeripheralError(Error error) {
		// error event

To open the Bluetooth GATT server:


To stop the device from being a connectable peripheral:


After BluetoothGattServer is active the mobile device must start advertising some Bluetooth LE packets to start being discoverable by other devices nearby. Setting up the advertiser is as follows:

Advertiser  advertiser = new Advertiser(mContext);
advertiser.setListener(new Advertiser.AdvertisingListener() {
        public void onAdvertisingStarted() {
        	// advertising started

        public void onAdvertisingStopped() {
        	// advertising started

        public void onAdvertisingError(Error error) {
        	// advertising error

Start advertising as IBeacon:

advertiser.advertise(IBeacon.getAdvertiseBytes("67D37FC1-BE36-4EF5-A24D-D0ECD8119A7D", "12", "312", -55),true);
  • the end boolean argument determines whether the mobile device is connectable or not. true must be set to allow devices nearby to connect,
  • in the example above the advertisement is an IBeacon advertisement but the advertise method takes any byte array data (this SDK already provides the static method IBeacon.getAdvertiseBytes).

To stop advertising at any time call the following:


Foreign Bluetooth LE device can register for notifications to the read characteristic specified in getReadCharacteristicUuid method being a DeviceProfile implementation. If mobile device acting as peripheral wants to write some data to the foreign device then this read characteristic must be written. It is done when the following method is used:


The data received from the foreign device will trigger a onCharacteristicWritten callback of the given PeripheralManager.PeripheralListener instance.