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Including Smooth Boot in Development Workspace

Steven Cao edited this page Mar 21, 2021 · 6 revisions

If you are a mod developer, you can include Smooth Boot in your workspace. This makes Minecraft launch faster and smoother, which makes mod development more efficient.

To use Smooth Boot, add the following to your build.gradle dependencies. There are two methods:

Jitpack (new)


modRuntime "com.github.ultimateboomer:mc-smoothboot:{smoothboot_version}"

JCenter (legacy)


modRuntime "io.github.ultimateboomer:smoothboot-fabric:{smoothboot_version}"


runtime fg.deobf('io.github.ultimateboomer:smoothboot-forge:{smoothboot_version}')

Replace smoothboot_version to the desired Smooth Boot version. The version should be in the format of {minecraft_version}-{mod_version}. You can find the available versions here.

Note: the latest versions may not be on the Curseforge page if it does not add new features/bugfixes that are relevant for normal use.