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Vivy Component Library

React components used inside of our web apps.

Adding vivy components to your project

To get started just install the package via npm's registry:

npm install @vivy/vivy-components


yarn add @vivy/vivy-components

Contributing to the project (designers and devs)

When adding new components and styles to Vivy components just make sure to keep the PR small and keep it focused in scope while avoiding unrelated commits and changes.

  • Clone the project by running git clone
  • Navigate to the component library cd vivy-components
  • Create a new branch for your feature git checkout -b
  • Install all the projects dependencies npm install
  • Run the project on https://localhost:3006 to preview changes npm run serve
  • Make your changes. The src/ folder is where the components live, stories/ contain all the documentation
  • Add your changes git add myFeature.js and commit them git commit -m "Updated some cool styles"
  • Push your branch git push origin
  • Submit a pull request and add details about your changes
  • Add a reviewer (or ask someone in person) to go over your changes
  • When the PR is approved click the "Squash and Merge" button to close your PR (make sure to clean up and delete your branch)
  • Create a new release by following previous releases format and pick a relevant version according to the change (patch, minor, major)
  • If all goes well you should receive an email from npm that the publish went ok
  • When there is a problem you could check the pipeline:
  • To see your changes live (in both the lib and storybook website) make a new release via github!

Running story book locally

To serve the storybook just run npm run serve which will serve locally on your machine via localhost.


For the most part all designs laid out in this component library are spearheaded by Vivy design - therefore we take a lot of our design cues directly from them. In case a design does not exist, grab a designer and talk over the implementation details with them. You can always create a quick placeholder - but official design must be signed off and accepted by the design team.

You can find all current, updated, and new designs in the Vivy zeplin Web UIs project

Component Development

To get started developing components first read the storybook quickstart.

Essentially all you need is to create your component and link it together with the current stories in stories/index.stories.js.

Automated Deployment

Deployment for the component library is an automated process requiring three separate tasks:

  • Testing: Building, linting, and unit testing code
  • Packaging: Deploying the npm package
  • Website: Deploying storybook static assets to Github pages

All tasks are ran using Circle CI whenever any changes are detected (excluding the master branch). Both the packaging and website steps are only triggered when a new tag is added to the project. To handle releases we use Github's release interface which will automatically run the steps necessary to make new changes available.

To specify a target branch and serve your storybook with rawgit instead of gh-pages:

  1. run the command
npm run storybook:publish -- --branch={{branch-name}}
  1. visit{{branch-name}}/

Tech Used

  • Storybook
  • React
  • Styled components
  • Webpack / Babel