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How to use

Simon Irmancnik edited this page Oct 21, 2022 · 3 revisions

See the best practices here : Example app

The plugin registers a static callback for getting updates even when app is terminated. To use other plugins like path_provider in this callback follow the steps there : (use other plugins in callback)

To update UI, I use Isolate.

More info on Isolate : Isolates and Event Loops - Flutter in Focus

  1. Initialize plugin:
static const String _isolateName = "LocatorIsolate";
ReceivePort port = ReceivePort();

  void initState() {

    IsolateNameServer.registerPortWithName(port.sendPort, _isolateName);
    port.listen((dynamic data) {
      // do something with data
Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
    await BackgroundLocator.initialize();
  1. Create the callback function, also the init- and notification callback if you need it:

Note: The pragma decorator is necessary and without it callbacks will not work with flutter 3.x

static void callback(LocationDto locationDto) async {
    final SendPort send = IsolateNameServer.lookupPortByName(_isolateName);

static void initCallback(dynamic _) {
    print('Plugin initialization');

static void notificationCallback() {
    print('User clicked on the notification');
  1. Start the location service :

Note: Before starting the plugin make sure to have the necessary permissions. See example code for more detail.

//Somewhere in your code

void startLocationService(){
        initCallback: LocationCallbackHandler.initCallback,
        initDataCallback: data,
        disposeCallback: LocationCallbackHandler.disposeCallback,
        autoStop: false,
        iosSettings: IOSSettings(
            accuracy: LocationAccuracy.NAVIGATION, distanceFilter: 0),
        androidSettings: AndroidSettings(
            accuracy: LocationAccuracy.NAVIGATION,
            interval: 5,
            distanceFilter: 0,
            androidNotificationSettings: AndroidNotificationSettings(
                notificationChannelName: 'Location tracking',
                notificationTitle: 'Start Location Tracking',
                notificationMsg: 'Track location in background',
                    'Background location is on to keep the app up-tp-date with your location. This is required for main features to work properly when the app is not running.',
                notificationIcon: '',
                notificationIconColor: Colors.grey,

More detail on LocationSettings

  1. Unregister the service when you are done:
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