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A set of eslint shareable configs for javascript code style which follows my code style.


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Node Version Npm Package Version License NodeJS Package Dependencies

A set of eslint shareable configurations for javascript code style, which follows ADoyle's code style.

The configurations for browser and server development. It supports ES6, and React/JSX.


  • Code style with my best practice
  • Configurations for different environments
  • Optional eslint-plugin configurations
  • Semver-checking with eslint-plugin configuration


# ATTENTION: Use `npm install -E` to install exact version.
npm install -DE eslint-config-adoyle-style
npm install -D eslint@7

# Only for browser
npm install -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-react

# If your project use babel
npm install -D eslint-plugin-babel babel-eslint

# If your project use jest
npm install -D eslint-plugin-jest


Edit your .eslintrc file. Apply different code styles as below:

For NodeJS

It's default for ES6 syntax and ES6 global variables:

root: true
extends: adoyle-style/node

  # This override is optional. You should install eslint-plugin-jest by yourself.
  - files:
      - '**/*.test.js'
      - '**/__mocks__/*.js'
    extends: adoyle-style/node/testing

"adoyle-style/node/testing" includes much appropriate plugins which installed by yourself.

For Browser

It's default for ES5 syntax:

root: true
extends: adoyle-style/browser

If you use ES6 syntax:

root: true
  - adoyle-style/browser
  - adoyle-style/browser/es6

Additional Plugins

Additional React/JSX support:

root: true
  - adoyle-style/browser
  - adoyle-style/browser/es6
  - adoyle-style/plugin/import
  - adoyle-style/plugin/jsx-a11y
  - adoyle-style/plugin/react

Additional Jest support:

root: true
  - adoyle-style/node
  - adoyle-style/plugin/jest

Additional Babel support:

root: true
  - adoyle-style/node
  - adoyle-style/plugin/babel

Additional import support:

root: true
  - adoyle-style/node
  - adoyle-style/plugin/import


You should install each devDependency by yourself when using the adoyle-style/plugin/*. And each package's version should under the optionalDependencies. Such as eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-react.

For Test



Show differences

# install node modules
npm i
# update eslint related deps to latest
# To show all differences between latest and current rules.

Then edit rules by yourself.

Query Rule

# To query rule description
./tools/find_rule $rule_name

# For example
./tools/find_rule default-param-last
#    "type": "suggestion",
#    "docs": {
#        "description": "enforce default parameters to be last",
#        "category": "Best Practices",
#        "recommended": false,
#        "url": ""
#    },
#    "messages": {
#        "shouldBeLast": "Default parameters should be last."
#    }

./tools/find_rule import/imports-first
# {
#     "type": "suggestion",
#     "docs": {
#         "url": ""
#     },
#     "fixable": "code",
#     "deprecated": true
# }


The versioning follows the rules of SemVer 2.0.0.

For more information on SemVer, please visit

Copyright and License

Copyright 2020-2021 ADoyle ( The project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause License.

See the LICENSE file for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.