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Blinky: Bibliography Linker for Typst

This package permits the creation of Typst bibliographies in which paper titles are typeset as hyperlinks. Here's an example (with links typeset in blue):

The bibliography is generated from a Bibtex file, and citations are done with the usual Typst mechanisms. The hyperlinks are specified through DOI or URL fields in the Bibtex entries; if such a field is present, the title of the entry will be automatically typeset as a hyperlink.

See here for a full example.


Adding hyperlinks to your bibliography is a two-step process: (a) use a CSL style with magic symbols (explained below), and (b) enclose the bibliography command with the link-bib-urls function:

#import "@preview/blinky:0.1.0": link-bib-urls

... @cite something ... @cite more ...

#let bibsrc = read("custom.bib")
  #bibliography("custom.bib", style: "./association-for-computational-linguistics-blinky.csl")

Observe that the Bibtex file custom.bib is loaded twice: once to load into link-bib-urls and once in the standard Typst bibliography command. Obviously, this needs to be the same file twice. See under "Alternative solutions" below why this can't be simplified further at the moment.

If a Bibtex entry contains a DOI field, the title will become a hyperlink to the DOI. Otherwise, if the Bibtex entry contains a URL field, the title will become a hyperlink to this URL. Otherwise, the title will be shown as normal, without a link.

CSL with magic symbols

Blinky generates the hyperlinked titles through a regex show rule that replaces a "magic symbol" with a link command. This "magic symbol" is a string of the form !!BIBENTRY!<key>!!, where <key> is the Bibtex citation key of the reference.

You will therefore need to tweak your CSL style to use it with Blinky. Specifically, in every place where you would usually have the paper title, i.e.

<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix=". "/>

or similar, your CSL file now instead needs to print a decorated version of the paper's citation-key (= Bibtex key):

<text variable="citation-key" prefix=" !!BIBENTRY!" suffix="!!. " />

You can have more prefix before and suffix after the !!BIBENTRY! and !!, as in the example, but these magic symbols need to be there so Blinky can find the places in the document where the hyperlinked title needs to be inserted.

You can check the example CSL file to see what this looks like in practice; compare to the unmodified original.

Alternative solutions

The current mechanism in Blinky is somewhat heavy-handed: a Typst plugin uses the biblatex crate to parse the Bibtex file (independently of the normal operations of the bibliography command), and then all occurrences of the magic symbol in the Typst bibliography are replaced by the hyperlinked titles.

It would be great to replace this mechanism by something simpler, but it is actually remarkably tricky to make bibliography titles hyperlinks with the current version of Typst (0.11.1). All the alternatives that I could think of don't work. Here are some of them:

  • Print the URL/DOI using the CSL style, and then use a regex show rule to convert it into a link around the title somehow. This does not work because most URLs contain a colon character (:), and these cause trouble with Typst regexes.
  • Make the CSL style output text of the form #link(url)[title]. This does not work because the content generated by CSL is not evaluated further by Typst. Also, Typst does not support show rules for the individual bibliography items, which makes it tricky to call eval on them.
  • Create a show rule for link. Some CSL styles already generate link elements if a URL/DOI is present in the bib entry - one could consider replacing it with a link whose URL is the same as before, but the text is a link symbol or some such. However, a show rule for a link that generates another link runs into an infinite recursion; Typst made the deliberate decision to handle such recursions only for text show rules.
  • The best solution would be to simply use an unmodified CSL file, but it is not clear to me how one would pick out the paper title from the bibliography in a general way. I'm afraid that any solution that hyperlinks titles will require modifications to the CSL style.

It would furthermore be desirable to hide the fact that we are reading the same Bibtex file twice behind a single function call. However, code in a Typst package resolves all filenames relative to the package directory, which means that the package cannot access a bibliography file outside of the package directory. We may be able to simplify this once #971 gets addressed.


Creates bibliographies in Typst with URL/DOI links







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