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Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Discovery

Nacos is an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.

With Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Discovery, you can quickly access the Nacos service registration feature based on Spring Cloud’s programming model.

Service Registration/Discovery: Nacos Discovery

Service discovery is one of the key components in the microservices architecture. In such a architecture, configuring a service list for every client manually could be a daunting task, and makes dynamic scaling extremely difficult. Nacos Discovery helps you to register your service to the Nacos server automatically, and the Nacos server keeps track of the services and refreshes the service list dynamically. In addition, Nacos Discovery registers some of the metadata of the service instance, such as host, port, health check URL, homepage to Nacos. For details about how to download and start Nacos, refer to the Nacos Website.

How to Introduce Nacos Discovery for service registration/discovery

please use the starter with the group ID as and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery.


An example of using Nacos Discovery for service registration/discovery and call

Nacos Discovery integrate with the Netflix Ribbon, RestTemplate or OpenFeign can be used for service-to-service calls.

Nacos Server Startup

For details about how to download and start Nacos, refer to the Nacos Website.

After Nacos Server starts, go to http://ip:8848 to view the console (default account name/password is nacos/nacos):

TB1XEfwbQH0gK0jSZPiXXavapXa 2790 1060
Figure 1. Nacos Dashboard

For more Nacos Server versions, you can download the latest version from release page.

Start a Provider Application

The following sample illustrates how to register a service to Nacos.

  • Configuration of pom.xml The following is a complete example of pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""








  • Configuration of Some of the basic configurations of Nacos must be included in application.yaml), as shown below:

If you do not want to use Nacos for service registration and discovery, you can set to false.
  • The following is a sample for starting Provider:

public class NacosProviderDemoApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public class EchoController {
        @GetMapping(value = "/echo/{string}")
        public String echo(@PathVariable String string) {
            return "Hello Nacos Discovery " + string;

Now you can see the registered services on the Nacos console.

Before you start the provider application, please start Nacos first. Refer to Naco Website for more details.

Start a Consumer Application

It might not be as easy as starting a provider application, because the consumer needs to call the RESTful service of the provider. In this example, we will use the most primitive way, that is, combining the LoadBalanceClient and RestTemolate explicitly to access the RESTful service. You can refer to section 1.2 for pom.xml and configurations. The following is the sample code for starting a consumer application.

You can also access the service by using RestTemplate and FeignClient with load balancing.
public class NacosConsumerApp {

    public class NacosController{

        private LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient;
        private RestTemplate restTemplate;

        private String appName;

        public String echoAppName(){
            //Access through the combination of LoadBalanceClient and RestTemolate
            ServiceInstance serviceInstance = loadBalancerClient.choose("nacos-provider");
            String path = String.format("http://%s:%s/echo/%s",serviceInstance.getHost(),serviceInstance.getPort(),appName);
            System.out.println("request path:" +path);
            return restTemplate.getForObject(path,String.class);


    //Instantiate RestTemplate Instance
    public RestTemplate restTemplate(){

        return new RestTemplate();

    public static void main(String[] args) {,args);

In this example, we injected a LoadBalancerClient instance, and instantiated a RestTemplate manually. At the same time, we injected the configuration value of into the application, so that the current application name can be displayed when calling the service of the provider.

Please start Nacos before you start the consumer application. For details, please refer to Nacos Website.

Next, access the http://ip:port/echo/app-name interface provided by the consumer. Here we started the port of 8082. The access result is shown below:

Access result: Hello Nacos Discovery nacos-consumer

Nacos Discovery Endpoint

Nacos Discovery provides an Endpoint internally with a corresponding endpoint id of nacos-discovery.

Endpoint exposed json contains two properties:

  1. subscribe: Shows the current service subscribers

  2. NacosDiscoveryProperties: Shows the current basic Nacos configurations of the current service

The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:

  "subscribe": [
      "jsonFromServer": "",
      "name": "nacos-provider",
      "clusters": "",
      "cacheMillis": 10000,
      "hosts": [
          "instanceId": "",
          "ip": "",
          "port": 8081,
          "weight": 1.0,
          "healthy": true,
          "enabled": true,
          "cluster": {
            "serviceName": null,
            "name": null,
            "healthChecker": {
              "type": "TCP"
            "defaultPort": 80,
            "defaultCheckPort": 80,
            "useIPPort4Check": true,
            "metadata": {

          "service": null,
          "metadata": {

      "lastRefTime": 1541755293119,
      "checksum": "e5a699c9201f5328241c178e804657e11541755293119",
      "allIPs": false,
      "key": "nacos-producer",
      "valid": true
  "NacosDiscoveryProperties": {
    "serverAddr": "",
    "endpoint": "",
    "namespace": "",
    "logName": "",
    "service": "nacos-provider",
    "weight": 1.0,
    "clusterName": "DEFAULT",
    "metadata": {

    "registerEnabled": true,
    "ip": "",
    "networkInterface": "",
    "port": 8082,
    "secure": false,
    "accessKey": "",
    "secretKey": ""

More Information about Nacos Discovery Starter Configurations

The following shows the other configurations of the starter of Nacos Discovery:

Configuration Key Default Value Description

Server address

IP and port of the Nacos Server listener

Service name


Name the current service



Value range: 1 to 100. The bigger the value, the greater the weight

Network card name

If the IP address is not specified, the registered IP address is the IP address of the network card. If this is not specified either, the IP address of the first network card will be used by default.

Registered IP address

Highest priority

Registered port


Will be detected automatically by default. Do not need to be configured.


A typical scenario is to isolate the service registration for different environment, such as resource (configurations, services etc.) isolation between testing and production environment


Alibaba Cloud account accesskey


Alibaba Cloud account secretkey


You can define some of the metadata for your services in the Map format

Log file name


The domain name of a certain service in a specific region. You can retrieve the server address dynamically with this domain name

Integrate Ribbon or not



Set to true in most cases

Enable Nacos Watch


set to false to close watch

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