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Reference library for AMO client for javascript. This document is available in Korean also(not yet).


AMO Labs provides a client software library as a reference implementation. This library or package intereact with AMO blockchain nodes over HTTP(S) using AMO client RPC specification.

Using this package


npm install amo-client or yarn add amo-client


// commonjs
const {AMO} = require('amo-client')
// es6
import {AMO} from "amo-client"

// Create client
const client = new AMO();

(async () => {
  const result = await client.query.balance('0035B04B9F62B8FEAFC3500BC16E31EAF96E8361')

Remote servers

Since every AMO client is a client program, it needs remote server addresses to perform user requests. That is AMO blockchain RPC node.

AMO blockchain RPC node is any AMO blockchain node which is connected to AMO blockchain network and provides an RPC service. You can connect to any publicly available nodes or run your own dedicated node for your clients. An RPC node address is composed of an IP address and a port number. The default port number is 26657. Make sure the firewall of your network does not block this port number.

TBA: Public RPC node addresses provided by AMO Labs

About user keys

NOTE: This issue is not relevant when you want to use this library in purely read-only opertions. However, if you want to use this library for web-based wallet or similar kind of software which emits transactions signed with the user private key, you must be cautious dealing with seeds and keys.

This client library or package does not provide a feature handling private keys store in local disk or some kind of permanent memory. This library or package provides 3 methods to handle user private key:

  • generate private key and public key pair from user-supplied seed bytes
  • generate public key from user-supplied private key bytes
  • no generation of anything, just use the user-supplied public key

The third option is relevant when you are planning to implement read-only inspection features.

amo-client API

Requests can be made by AMO or Parcel

  • AMO is blockchain related RPC call client

  • Parcel is parcel storage related RPC call client


AMO(endpoint = DEFAULT_AMO_ENDPOINT[, keypair])
// Create client without ec.KeyPair
// You can't make Tx requests
const EC = require('elliptic')

// AMO blockchain uses p256
const ec = new EC('p256');

// Generate key or use existed key
const key = ec.genKeyPair();

// Create client with ec.KeyPair
AMO("http://localhost:26657", key)

AMO client composed with other three clients. Tendermint, Query and Transaction

Tendermint methods

You can access Tendermint client by tm

const amo = new AMO()
// Fetch last block from network

AMO blockchain is based on Tendermint. Tendermint client provides basic Tendermint RPCs.

As mentioned above, some return types are parsed from RPC response format. If you want to see actual response format of AMO blockchain, check out RPC document.

  • fetchLastBlock()

  • fetchBlock(height)

  • fetchBlockHeaders(maxHeight, count)

  • fetchTx(hash)

  • fetchValidators()

  • fetchTxsBySender(senderAddress)

  • fetchTxsByParcel(parcelId)

Query methods

You can access Query client by query

const amo = new AMO()
// Query balance of account

Query indexed or stored data from AMO Blockchain.

Return types of query are defined in AMO Blockchain protocol document

  • config()

  • balance(address)

  • stake(address)

  • delegate(address)

  • validator(validatorAddress)

  • draft(draftId)

  • storage(storageId)

  • parcel(parcelId)

  • request(buyerAddress, targetParcelId)

  • usage(buyerAddress, targetParcelId)

  • incBlock(height)

  • incAddress(address)

  • inc(height, address)


You can access Transaction client by tx

const amo = new AMO("http://localhost:26657", keypair)
// Send 1000 mote to another account
amo.tx.transfer("<ADDRESS>", "1000")

Signing transaction needs elliptic package.

Information about transactions is in AMO blockchain document.

Response schema (TxResult)

    "check_tx": {
        "code": 0, // O
        "data": "...",
        "info": "...",
        "tags": {
            "...": "..."
    "deliver_tx": {
        // same as check_tx
    "hash": "E5683994A2498CDBC12C129C8FB31068845952E67964152052DFA1E49DD5BFA9",
    "height": "1234"

Parcel schema

    "id": "<HexEncodedParcelId>",
    "custody": Buffer.from("<Custody key>", "hex") // Optional
  • transfer(recipientAddress, amount)

  • stake(validatorAddress, amount)

  • withdraw(amount)

  • delegate(delegateeAddress, amount)

  • retract(amount)

  • propose(draftId, config[, desc])

  • vote(draftId, approve)

  • setup(storageId, url, registrationFee, hostingFee)

  • close(storageId)

  • register(parcel)

  • discard(targetParcelId)

  • request(payment, targetParcelId)

  • cancel(targetParcelId)

  • grant(parcel, granteeAddress)

  • revoke(parcel, granteeAddress)

  • issue(udcId, operatorsAddress, amount[, desc])

  • lock(udcId, holderAddress, amount)

  • burn(udcId, amount)


Parcel(endpoint, keypair)

Parcel methods

  • uploadParcel(content)

  • downloadParcel(parcelId)

  • inspectParcel(parcelId)

  • removeParcel(parcelId)