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Updates many comments. And creates some functions.
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ax-6 committed Apr 5, 2024
1 parent 999ff17 commit 45ef84d
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Showing 21 changed files with 654 additions and 477 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/ast/
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#include "compiler/ast/ast.h"

/// \todo AST
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/
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namespace Aq {
Compiler::Compiler(const char* filename) {
/// TODO(Aq::Compiler): For testing purposes only, modifications will be made
/// \todo Aq::Compiler: For testing purposes only, modifications will be made
/// after other components have been developed.
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::ifstream file;
Expand All @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Compiler::Compiler(const char* filename) {
Token token;
while (true) {
if (token.type == Token::Type::NONE || lexer.IsReadEnd()) {
if (lexer.IsReadEnd()) {
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174 changes: 170 additions & 4 deletions compiler/compiler.h
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#include <cstddef>

namespace Aq {
/// \class Compiler
/// \brief Compile the file to bytecode
class Compiler {
/// \fn Compiler
/// \brief compile the file
/// \param filename const char* Type
Compiler(const char* filename);

/// \brief The source code to be analyzed.
char* buffer_ptr_;

/// \class Lexer
/// \brief The `Lexer` class performs the first stage of a compiler's
/// processing pipeline: lexical analysis. It takes raw source code as input
/// and transforms it into a sequence of meaningful tokens, which serve as the
/// input for subsequent stages, such as parsing.
/// \details
/// - **Input**: The lexer accepts source code written in a specific
/// programming language, usually provided as a character stream or an input
/// file.
/// - **Tokenization**: It scans the input character-by-character, identifying
/// and categorizing lexemes (sequences of characters with a distinct meaning)
/// according to the language's syntax rules. These lexemes are then converted
/// into discrete tokens, each consisting of a token type (e.g., identifier,
/// keyword, operator, literal) and an optional associated value.
class Lexer;

/// \class Parser
/// \brief The `Parser` class constitutes the second phase of a compiler or
/// interpreter's processing pipeline, following lexical analysis. Its primary
/// responsibility is to construct an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from the
/// token stream produced by the `Lexer`.
/// \details
/// - **Input**: The parser receives a well-formed sequence of tokens,
/// typically generated by a `Lexer` instance, representing the analyzed
/// source code.
/// - **Syntax Analysis**: It applies context-free grammar rules defined for
/// the target programming language to validate the token sequence's
/// structural correctness. This involves recognizing higher-level language
/// constructs (such as expressions, statements, blocks, and declarations),
/// ensuring they adhere to the prescribed syntactic organization.
class Parser;

/// \class Pair
/// \brief The `Pair` template class encapsulates two heterogeneous objects,
/// `T1` and `T2`, into a single entity. It serves as a convenient way to
/// associate and manipulate two related values together, especially when
/// there is no inherent hierarchical relationship between them.
/// \details
/// - **Template Parameters**:
/// - `T1`: The type of the first component (or "first" value) of the pair.
/// - `T2`: The type of the second component (or "second" value) of the
/// pair.
/// - **Member Variables**:
/// - `first`: An instance of type `T1`, representing the first component of
/// the pair.
/// - `second`: An instance of type `T2`, representing the second component
/// of the pair.
/// - **Construction**: Pairs can be constructed explicitly by specifying both
/// `T1` and `T2` values, or implicitly through type inference when
/// initializing with an initializer list or brace-enclosed values.
/// - **Accessors**: The individual components of the pair can be accessed
/// directly via the public `first` and `second` members.
/// \tparam T1 The type of the first value stored in the pair.
/// \tparam T2 The type of the second value stored in the pair.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct Pair;

/// \class HashMap
/// \brief Stores ValueType in hash map
/// \details
/// - **Key Type**: The key is of type `std::string`, allowing string-based
/// lookup for stored elements.
/// - **Value Type**: The value associated with each key is of the template
/// parameter type `ValueType`.
/// Users can instantiate `HashMap` with any desired value type to suit
/// their specific use case.
/// - **Hash-Based Storage**: Internally, the class employs a hash map
/// implementation (e.g., `std::unordered_map`)
/// to store and organize key-value pairs. Hashing ensures constant-time
/// average complexity for most operations, making `HashMap` particularly
/// suitable for large datasets where fast access is crucial.
/// - **Operations**:
/// - **Insertion**: New key-value pairs can be inserted into the map using
/// appropriate member functions.
/// - **Retrieval**: Given a key, users can efficiently retrieve the
/// corresponding value.
/// - **Deletion**: Individual entries or entire ranges of entries can be
/// removed from the map.
/// - **Iteration**: The container supports iteration over its elements,
/// enabling traversal or modification of all stored key-value pairs.
/// \tparam ValueType
template <typename ValueType>
class HashMap;

/// \class LinkedList
/// \brief The `LinkedList` template class implements a linear collection of
/// nodes, where each node contains a value of type `DataType` and one or two
/// pointers to adjacent nodes. Linked lists offer dynamic size, efficient
/// insertion/deletion at arbitrary positions, and sequential access to
/// elements.
/// \details
/// - **Template Parameter**:
/// - `DataType`: The type of the data stored in each node of the list.
/// - **Node Structure**:
/// - Depending on whether the list is singly or doubly linked, nodes
/// contain a `DataType` value and either one (`next`) or two (`next` and
/// `prev`) pointers to other nodes.
/// - **Methods**:
/// - **Construction/Destruction**: The list can be created empty or
/// initialized with a range of elements. Destruction recursively frees all
/// nodes in the list.
/// - **Element Access**:
/// - `Size()`: Returns the number of elements in the list.
/// - **Modifiers**:
/// - `Insert()`, `Remove()`: Inserts/Removes elements at arbitrary
/// positions.
/// - `Clear()`: Removes all elements from the list.
/// - **Traversal/Iteration**: Supports forward iteration over elements
/// using iterators or ranged-for loops.
/// - **Performance Characteristics**:
/// - **Time Complexity**:
/// - Accessing an element by index: O(n)
/// - Insertion/Deletion at beginning/end: O(1) (amortized)
/// - Insertion/Deletion at arbitrary position: O(n)
/// - Traversal: O(n)
/// \tparam DataType The type of the data stored in each node of the linked
/// list.
template <typename DataType>
class LinkedList;

/// \class DynArray
/// \brief The `DynArray` template class provides a contiguous memory buffer
/// capable of holding elements of type `ArrayType`. It combines the
/// performance benefits of traditional arrays (constant-time random access)
/// with the flexibility of dynamically resizing to accommodate varying
/// numbers of elements.
/// \details
/// - **Template Parameter**:
/// - `ArrayType`: The type of the data stored in the dynamic array.
/// - **Memory Management**:
/// - The array internally manages its own memory, automatically growing or
/// shrinking as needed to accommodate changes in the number of stored
/// elements.
/// - **Methods**:
/// - **Construction/Destruction**: The array can be created with an initial
/// capacity or default-constructed with zero elements. Destruction releases
/// the underlying memory.
/// - **Size**:
/// - `Size()`: Returns the current number of elements in the array.
/// - **Element Access**:
/// - `operator[]`: Allows direct read/write access to elements by index
/// (bounds-checked in debug builds).
/// - **Modifiers**:
/// - `Insert()`, `Remove()`: Inserts/Removes elements at arbitrary
/// positions, shifting subsequent elements as needed.
/// - `Resize()`: Explicitly sets the number of elements in the array,
/// either truncating or appending default-constructed elements.
/// - `Clear()`: Removes all elements from the array, resetting its size
/// to zero.
/// - **Iterators**: Supports bidirectional iteration over elements using
/// iterator or ranged-for loops.
/// - **Performance Characteristics**:
/// - **Time Complexity**:
/// - Accessing an element by index: O(1)
/// - Insertion/Deletion at end: amortized O(1)
/// - Insertion/Deletion at arbitrary position: O(n)
/// - Traversal: O(n)
/// \tparam ArrayType The type of the data stored in the dynamic array.
template <typename ArrayType>
class DynArray;

/// \class TokenMap
/// \brief The `TokenMap` class serves as an efficient data structure for
/// associating unique tokens, typically strings or integer values
/// representing lexemes in the source code,
/// with their corresponding token kinds. This mapping is crucial for
/// compilers, interpreters, and other language processing tools that require
/// quick lookups of token types during lexical analysis or parsing stages.
class TokenMap;

/// \class Token
/// \brief Stores token information
class Token;
class Ast;

/// Will be replaced by HashMap.
template <typename T>
class LexMap;
/// \class Ast
/// \brief Stores ast information
class Ast;
} // namespace Aq

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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions compiler/dyn_array/
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Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,22 @@ std::size_t Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Size() const {
return size_;

template <typename ArrayType>
void Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Remove(std::size_t index) {
for (std::size_t i = index; i < size_ - 1; ++i) {
data_[i] = data_[i + 1];

template <typename ArrayType>
void Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Clear() {
delete[] data_;
data_ = nullptr;
capacity_ = 0;
size_ = 0;

template <typename ArrayType>
Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Iterator::Iterator(DynArray<ArrayType>* array,
std::size_t index)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,4 +229,15 @@ bool Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Iterator::operator>=(
return index_ >= other.index_;

template <typename ArrayType>
typename Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Iterator
Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Begin() {
return Iterator(this, 0);

template <typename ArrayType>
typename Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::Iterator
Compiler::DynArray<ArrayType>::End() {
return Iterator(this, size_);
} // namespace Aq
76 changes: 59 additions & 17 deletions compiler/dyn_array/dyn_array.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,39 +14,56 @@ namespace Aq {
template <typename ArrayType>
class Compiler::DynArray {
/// \brief Creates and initialize a dynamic array. The default capacity is 1.
/// \param InitCapacity
DynArray(std::size_t InitCapacity = 1);

/// \bug These functions have many bugs when called.
/// \todo Fix these bugs.
DynArray(const DynArray&) = default;
DynArray(DynArray&&) noexcept = default;
DynArray& operator=(const DynArray&) = default;
DynArray& operator=(DynArray&&) noexcept = default;

/// Returns the data reference of the corresponding index.
/// \fn operator[]
/// \brief Returns the data reference of the corresponding index.
/// \return The data reference of the corresponding index.
ArrayType& operator[](std::size_t index);

/// Adds an element to the end of the container. No return value.
/// \fn Insert
/// \brief Adds an element to the end of the dynamic array.
void Insert(ArrayType data);

/// Increase the container capacity.
/// If |new_capacity| is 0, it is increased to 2 times |capacity_|. If
/// greater than 0, the container capacity is increased to |new_capacity|.
/// A return of 0 indicates a successful allocation, a return of -1 indicates
/// an error in the allocation.
/// \fn Remove
/// \brief Removes an element from the end of the dynamic array.
/// \param index std::size_t Type
void Remove(std::size_t index);

/// \fn Resize
/// \brief Increase the dynamaic array capacity.
/// \details If `new_capacity` is `0`, `capacity_` is increased to `1`. If
/// greater than `0`, the container capacity is increased to `new_capacity`.
/// \param new_capacity
/// \return A return of `0` indicates a successful allocation.
/// A return of `-1` indicates an error in the allocation.
int Resize(std::size_t new_capacity = 0);

/// Returns the number of elements in the container.
/// \fn Size
/// \brief Returns the number of elements in the container.
/// \return the number of elements in the container.
std::size_t Size() const;

/// The iterator of the container.
/// \fn Clear
/// \brief Clears the contents of the dynamic array.
void Clear();

/// \class Iterator
/// \brief The iterator of the dynamic array.
class Iterator {
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;

Iterator(DynArray<ArrayType>* array, std::size_t index = 0);


Iterator operator+(std::size_t size) const;
Iterator& operator++();
Iterator operator++(int);
Expand All @@ -66,19 +83,44 @@ class Compiler::DynArray {
bool operator>=(const Iterator& other) const;

/// \fn Iterator
/// \brief Creates and initialize a dynamic array iterator.
/// \param array DynArray<ArrayType>* Type
/// \param index std::size_t Type, optional, default value is 0
/// \note Generally, it is created by the Begin and End functions. It should
/// not be created by others.
Iterator(DynArray<ArrayType>* array, std::size_t index = 0);

/// \fn ~Iterator
/// \brief Destroys the iterator.
/// \note Generally, it is called by the system.

/// \brief The dynamic array pointer.
DynArray<ArrayType>* array_;

/// @brief The index of the iterator.
std::size_t index_;

/// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the container.
Iterator Begin() { return Iterator(this, 0); }
/// \fn Begin
/// \brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of the container.
/// \return an iterator to the beginning of the container.
Iterator Begin();

/// Returns an iterator to the end of the container.
Iterator End() { return Iterator(this, size_); }
/// \fn End
/// \brief Returns an iterator to the end of the container.
/// \return an iterator to the end of the container.
Iterator End();

/// @brief The data of the dynamic array.
ArrayType* data_;

/// @brief The capacity of the dynamic array.
std::size_t capacity_;

/// @brief The size of the dynamic array.
std::size_t size_;
} // namespace Aq
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