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Customizing Columns

Valentin Plyasinov edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 8 revisions

Plugin supports adding custom columns to visualize some properties of subsystem.

To create a custom column type that has an icon to visualize if subsystem is a tickable:

  1. Add SubsystemBrowser module dependency in Build.cs

Since Subsystem Browser is an editor module it is recommended to access it only from other editor modules

When using a regular game module dependency has to be guarded with if (Target.bBuildEditor)

  1. Declare function for column registration in your module

Since Subsystem Browser is an editor module it is recommended to access it only from other editor modules

When using a regular game module access to editor-only types and headers has to be guarded with #if WITH_EDITOR

// Include module and common types
#include "SubsystemBrowserModule.h"

struct FMyEditorModule : public IModuleInterface
       virtual void StartupModule() override
           RegisterCustomColumns();// Call it on startup

       void RegisterCustomColumns();
  1. Implement column functionality inheriting FSubsystemDynamicColumn
// Include module and common types
#include "SubsystemBrowserModule.h"

// All columns inherit FSubsystemDynamicColumn
struct FSubsystemDynamicColumn_Tick : public FSubsystemDynamicColumn
        // Its your typical constructor
		// Configure name and header title
		Name = TEXT("IsTickable");
		TableLabel = INVTEXT("");
		ConfigLabel = INVTEXT("Tickable");
		PreferredWidthRatio = 0.05f;

        // Define how you want to visualize the column with Slate
	virtual TSharedPtr<SWidget> GenerateColumnWidget(TSharedRef<const ISubsystemTreeItem> Item, TSharedRef<SSubsystemTableItem> TableRow) const override
		// Build a widget to represent value
		return SNew(SHorizontalBox)
			+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
				.Visibility(this, &FSubsystemDynamicColumn_Tick::ExtractIsTickable, Item)
	EVisibility ExtractIsTickable(TSharedRef<const ISubsystemTreeItem> Item) const
		auto* Subsystem = Item->GetAsSubsystemDescriptor();
		return Subsystem && Subsystem->Class.IsValid() && Subsystem->Class->IsChildOf(UTickableWorldSubsystem::StaticClass())
			? EVisibility::Visible : EVisibility::Hidden;
  1. Define a function that will create and register column
void FMyEditorModule::RegisterCategoryExample()
	// Get a reference to Subsystem Browser module instance or load it
	FSubsystemBrowserModule& Module = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FSubsystemBrowserModule>(TEXT("SubsystemBrowser"));
	// Construct and register new column
  1. Enjoy working with subsystems
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