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Interview Questions from LeetCode

Questions based on Data Structures and Algorithm, which are frequently asked in Interviews. Ranging from Easy, Medium and Hard, these LeetCode questions covers roughly most of the DSA Topics, solve these to get a good grasp on your DSA knowledge.



Problems Links
Two Sum Link
Roman to Integer Link
Longest Common Prefix Link
Valid Parentheses Link
Merge Two Sorted Lists Link
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Link
Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String Link
Plus One Link
Sqrt(x) Link
Climbing Stairs Link
Merge Sorted Array Link
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Link
Symmetric Tree Link
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Link
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Link
Pascal's Triangle Link
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Link
Valid Palindrome Link
Single Number Link
Linked List Cycle Link
Intersection of Two Linked Lists Link
Majority Element Link
Excel Sheet Column Number Link
Reverse Bits Link
Number of 1 Bits Link
Happy Number Link
Reverse Linked List Link
Contains Duplicate Link
Palindrome Linked List Link
Valid Anagram Link
Missing Number Link
Move Zeroes Link
Power of Three Link
Reverse String Link
Intersection of Two Arrays II Link
First Unique Character in a String Link
Fizz Buzz Link
Remove Letter to Equalize Frequency Link
Distribute Money to Maximum Children Link
Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing Link
Longest Even-Odd Subarray with Threshold Link
Number of Valid Words in a Sentence Link
Can Place Flowers Link
X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards Link
Buddy Strings Link
Prime in Diagonal Link
Longest Alternating Subarray Link
Valid Mountain Array Link
Determine the Winner of a Bowling Game Link
Third Maximum Number Link


Problems Links
Add Two Numbers Link
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Link
Longest Palindromic Substring Link
Reverse Integer Link
String to Integer (atoi) Link
Container With Most Water Link
3Sum Link
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Link
Remove Nth Node From End of List Link
Generate Parentheses Link
Divide Two Integers Link
Search in Rotated Sorted Array Link
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Link
Valid Sudoku Link
Count and Say Link
Permutations Link
Rotate Image Link
Group Anagrams Link
Pow(x, n) Link
Maximum Subarray Link
Spiral Matrix Link
Jump Game Link
Merge Intervals Link
Unique Paths Link
Set Matrix Zeroes Link
Sort Colors Link
Subsets Link
Word Search Link
Decode Ways Link
Validate Binary Search Tree Link
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Link
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Link
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Link
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Link
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Link
Longest Consecutive Sequence Link
Surrounded Regions Link
Palindrome Partitioning Link
Gas Station Link
Copy List with Random Pointer Link
Word Break Link
LRU Cache Link
Sort List Link
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Link
Maximum Product Subarray Link
Min Stack Link
Find Peak Element Link
Fraction to Recurring Decimal Link
Factorial Trailing Zeroes Link
Largest Number Link
Rotate Array Link
House Robber Link
Number of Islands Link
Count Primes Link
Course Schedule Link
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Link
Course Schedule II Link
Kth Largest Element in an Array Link
Basic Calculator II Link
Kth Smallest Element in a BST Link
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Link
Delete Node in a Linked List Link
Product of Array Except Self Link
Search a 2D Matrix II Link
Perfect Squares Link
Find the Duplicate Number Link
Game of Life Link
Longest Increasing Subsequence Link
Coin Change Link
Wiggle Sort II Link
Odd Even Linked List Link
Increasing Triplet Subsequence Link
Flatten Nested List Iterator Link
Top K Frequent Elements Link
Sum of Two Integers Link
Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix Link
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Link
Shuffle an Array Link
Longest Substring with at Least K Repeating Characters Link
4Sum II Link
Minimum Cost to Make Array Equalindromic Link
Minimum Array Length After Pair Removals Link
Steps to Make Array Non-Decreasing Link
Count the Number of Square-Free Subsets Link
Maximize the Topmost Element After K Moves Link
Maximum Strength of a Group Link
K-Concatenation Maximum Sum Link
Maximum XOR Product Link
Walking Robot Simulation II Link
Non-Decreasing Array Link
Fraction to Recurring Decimal Link
Minimum Number of Groups to Create a Valid Assignment Link
Jump Game VII Link
Minimum Lines to Represent a Line Chart Link
Append K Integers with Minimal Sum Link
Apply Operations to Make Two Strings Equal Link
Minimum Sum of Squared Difference Link
Decremental String Concatenation Link
Minimum Seconds to Equalize a Circular Array Link


Problems Links
Median of Two Sorted Arrays Link
Regular Expression Matching Link
Merge k Sorted Lists Link
First Missing Positive Link
Trapping Rain Water Link
Wildcard Matching Link
Minimum Window Substring Link
Largest Rectangle in Histogram Link
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Link
Word Ladder Link
Word Break II Link
Max Points on a Line Link
Word Search II Link
The Skyline Problem Link
Sliding Window Maximum Link
Alien Dictionary Link
Find Median from Data Stream Link
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Link
Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable Link
Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Link
Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Link
Strong Password Checker Link
Find Maximum Non-Decreasing Array Length Link
Minimum Reverse Operations Link
Booking Concert Tickets in Groups Link
Subarrays Distinct Element Sum of Squares II Link
Fancy Sequence Link
Number of Beautiful Integers in the Range Link
Maximum Number of Groups with Increasing Length Link
Valid Number Link
Count of Sub Multisets with Bounded Sum Link
Number of Ways to Separate Numbers Link
Find the Closest Palindrome Link
Maximum Balanced Subsequence Sum Link
Split the Array to Make Coprime Products Link
Modify Graph Edge Weights Link
Contains Duplicate III Link
Longest Increasing Subsequence II Link
Greatest Common Divisor Traversal Link
Find Substring with Given Hash Value Link
Minimum Time to Make Array Sum at Most X Link
Count Beautiful Substrings II Link
Count Complete Substrings Link
Minimum Number of Visited Cells in a Grid Link
Make Array Empty Link
Split Array with Same Average Link
Groups of Strings Link
Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K Link
Max Points on a Line Link
Count the Number of Ideal Arrays Link
Count Stepping Numbers in Range Link
Abbreviating the Product of a Range Link
Handling Sum Queries After Update Link
Maximum Sum Queries Link
Word Ladder II Link
Wildcard Matching Link
Super Egg Drop Link
Sum of Total Strength of Wizards Link
Longest Common Subpath Link
String Transformation Link
Regular Expression Matching Link
Count K Subsequences of a String with Maximum Beauty Link
Maximum Strong Pair XOR II Link
Kth Smallest Product of Two Sorted Arrays Link
Sum of Floored Pairs Link
Maximum Total Beauty of the Gardens Link
Count Array Pair