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This page gives a brief overview of implementing a REST API using Taffy. For an index of available documentation or for a high level explanation of Taffy, see the Home page. For in-depth explanations see the our documentation.

For the most part, Taffy uses convention over configuration, but there are a few configuration details that can't be pragmatically solved with conventions. In those cases, configuration is kept to a minimum using metadata wherever possible.

Step 0: Installing Taffy

Taffy is tested and supported on Adobe ColdFusion 7, 8, and 9; as well as Railo 3.2+.

Simply unzip the taffy folder into your web-root. An application-specific mapping to a non-web-accessible folder is not sufficient; however a global mapping in your ColdFusion Administrator will work -- in which case you should map /taffy to the location of your unzipped taffy folder. If a global mapping is not an option, or you need to support multiple versions of taffy running on the same server, instead of placing taffy in the web root, you may also make it a subfolder of your API.

The code examples below use the ColdFusion 9 script component syntax for its terseness, but this is not a requirement. If you are more comfortable with <cfml tags> then you are free to use them instead.

Step 1: Application.cfc

Much like a FW/1 application, Taffy implements a majority of its logic in Application.cfc, as a base class that the Application.cfc of your API will extend. At a minimum, your API's Application.cfc needs the following:


	//the name can be anything you like = 'Your_API_App_Name_Here';

	function onApplicationStart()
		return super.onApplicationStart();

	function onRequestStart()
		return super.onRequestStart();


What's going on here?

  • Application.cfc extends taffy.core.api -- this is most of what makes Taffy work.

  • In older versions of Taffy, it was strongly recommended that you NOT implement the onApplicationStart, onRequestStart, onRequest, or onError methods (preferring applicationStartEvent, and requestStartEvent instead), but as of Taffy 2.0.0 it is now the preferred approach: you should override onApplicationStart and call super.onApplicationStart(). These methods are all implemented by the framework, so it is required that you call super.onApplicationStart() from your onApplicationStart() method, if you choose to add one; and the same for onError and onRequestStart.

The documentation lists all methods available in Application.cfc, what they do, and where you can use them.

Step 2: Implement API Resources as CFCs

Each Resource in your API (eg. Person, Product) should be defined as its own CFC. In a Taffy API, you implement Collections and Members as separate CFCs (eg. personCollection.cfc and personMember.cfc, productCollection.cfc and productMember.cfc). Taffy won't expose them by name, so you can name them whatever you like -- I just happen to like naming them fooCollection vs fooMember to make it easy to determine which CFC handles individual records (member) and which handles sets of records (collection).

When using the default bean factory (the default configuration), your resource CFCs are required to be in the /resources folder. You can use an application-specific mapping, or a server-wide mapping to point /resources to the folder containing your resource CFCs, or simply store them in the physical /resources path. It can be in the web root, or even the same folder as your Application.cfc (if in a sub-folder of the web root), but it must be named resources.

Here is an example resource implementation:


	public function get(string eyeColor = ""){
		//query the database for matches, making use of optional parameter "eyeColor" if provided
		return representationOf(someCollectionObject).withStatus(200); //collection might be query, array, etc

This resource will respond for, as well as When the query string parameters are provided, they will be passed to the function by name.

And here's a similar implementation of a member for the same data type (person):


	public function get(string personName){
		//find the requested person, by name
		return representationOf(someMemberObject).withStatus(200); //member might be a structure, ORM entity, etc

This resource will respond for For a member GET, the identifying information --name, in this case-- is usually unique (enforced by your database indexes and app logic), so there is rarely a reason to include query string parameters as optional arguments. That said, it is supported.

  • Every Resource CFC -- both member and collection types -- extend taffy.core.resource.

  • Every Resource CFC should implement at least 1 of 5 methods. As you may have guessed, these map directly to the HTTP verb used by the API consumer in their request.

    • get
    • post
    • put
    • patch
    • delete

  • If the consumer uses the POST verb, it runs the POST method in the corresponding CFC.

    • Since the POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods are not implemented in the example above, usage of each of the corresponding verbs against the example resource will be refused, with HTTP status code 405 Not Allowed.

  • Tokens from the component metadata attribute taffy:uri (or taffy_uri), defined as {token_name} (including the curly braces, see example above) will be extracted from the URI and passed by name to the requested method. In addition, all query string parameters (except those defined for framework specific things like debugging and reloading) will also be included in the argument collection sent to the method.

    For example: GET /product/44?color=Blue will result in the GET method being called on the Product collection, with the arguments: { productId: 44, color: "Blue" }.

    The productId parameter is defined by the taffy:uri attribute (set at the component level, not the function level), and the color parameter is defined as an optional argument to the function, and was provided in the query string. It is not possible to put optional parameters in the URI -- they need to be in the query string.

  • The representationOf method -- a special method provided by the taffy.core.resource parent class -- creates a new object instance capable of serializing your data into the appropriate format. A class capable of serializing as JSON using ColdFusion's native serialization functionality is included with the framework and used by default. You can override the global default representation class by using variables.framework.representationClass. See Using a Custom Representation Class for more details on that.

    • In some cases, you might not want to return any data and a status code is sufficient (for example, indicating a successful delete). In this case, use noData() instead of representationOf().

    • With either representationOf or noData, you may optionally chain the withStatus() method to set the HTTP status code, and/or the withHeaders() method to add additional headers to the response. If you do not include withStatus(...), a default status of 200 will be returned. Chaining looks like this: return noData().withStatus(...).withHeaders(...); You should familiarize yourself with Common API HTTP Status Codes.

A quick Aside

Note: The namespacing of Taffy's metadata attributes, such as taffy_uri is supported using two formats: underscores ("taffy_uri"), and colons ("taffy:uri"). The latter is my preferred style, but not supported in CF9.01 script component syntax (ColdFusion Bug #3043656), which is why the former was added. However, if you're writing your components with tags, the colon-syntax is supported.

Step 3: Accessing Your API

Now that you've got a working API, you and your consumers need to know how to access it. This is extremely simple.

The folder containing your API should contain, at a minimum, the Application.cfc from Step 1, and an empty index.cfm. (index.cfm's contents, if any, will be ignored, but it must exist to allow ColdFusion to handle the request.) To compose a complete URL, append the URI to the location of index.cfm.

Assuming your API is located at, and you've implemented the resource with URI /products and the GET method, then you could open up the URL: in your browser and the data would be returned, serialized using the default mime type (JSON unless otherwise defined).

Some people would prefer to remove the /index.cfm portion of the URL (I am one of them). To do so, you must use URL-rewriting. The good news is that you should only need one simple rule. With Apache you can use mod_rewrite, or with IIS 6 you can use IIRF (free) or ISAPI Rewrite (paid). IIS 7 has url rewriting sort of built-in. For specific rewriting rule examples for each engine, see URL Rewrite Rule Examples. There are also various Java Servlet Filters to accomplish URL Rewriting, should that be more to your liking.

Special requirements for running on Tomcat

From what I can tell, most people that use Railo run it on Tomcat. This is not a requirement for Railo compatibility, but it is a requirement for vanilla Tomcat compatibility. The version of Tomcat that ships with ColdFusion 10 has been modified to support what's called "multiple-wildcard filters", but this modification has not yet made its way back to the Tomcat project. This means that if you're using Tomcat, unless it's the version that ships with CF10, you will need to modify Web.xml to add a servlet mapping for every Taffy-powered API that you're running. (Not every resource, just one per API.) Find more information on this topic, and directions, here.

Step 4: Tools and Debugging

Not that you'd ever make a typo or have to make a fix to your code, but should that happen you can reinitialize Taffy by simply hitting You can disable this and/or set a stronger password for it in your Application.cfc file. See the API Docs for more details.

Taffy also ships with an awesome(ly helpful) dashboard that contains a mock client and an instant documentation generator. To access it, simply hit As of Taffy 1.3, ?dashboard is deprecated and you should just hit the root of your API: Don't forget to shut this off in a production environment - all of the configuration options are available in the API Docs

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