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Quick update to Angular 7+.

Old version at (ATTENTION: many packages are not updated and unsecures)

Refactoring of the code of 'Autocomplete Search With Angular4 and Firebase' at for AngularFire 2 ( version 5.+

Default project generated with:

  • Angular CLI: 7.1.1
  • Node: 10.12.0
  • Angular: 7.1.0
  • typescript: 3.1.6
  • @angular/fire (angularfire2): 5.1.1
  • firebase: 5.6.0
  • rxjs: 6.3.3

Do not forget to add your Firebase Credentials in the file at .\src\app\firebase.credentials.ts

I tried to follow the original code the best i could, but some things had to be changed nonetheless.

  • movies.service.ts:

    • Added start.switchMap to get the string value of the BehaviorSubject. I had some problems if used directly.
    • Used snapshotChanges() instead of valueChanges() to keep the firebase key in the data by adding an extra map that return a new object { key: c.payload.key, ...c.payload.val() }; Refer to for more info.
    • Added .debounceTime(200) and .distinctUntilChanged() operators.
      • debounceTime(200) to avoid to hit the database after every keypress, replacing the code in the chapter 'Preventing Multiple Queries to Firebase' of the article mentioned earlier.
      • distinctUntilChanged() for the cases when, for ex, one type 'mov' wait for the observable to resolve then type 'movi' followed rapidly by deleting the last keypress getting 'mov' and avoiding another hit to firebase.
    • Used the RxJs operator BehaviorSubject instead of Subject to initialize the query on first load.
    • Corrected getMovies method to use only one argument start since end is directly dependent of start. One can avoid having 2 BehaviorSubject and having to use alternatively the RxJs operator zip to synchronize them (See the answers in the article for an example of the use of the zip operator).
  • movie-search.component.html (including also the changes in movie-search.component.ts):

    • Changed the input to #searchInput (keyup)="search(searchInput.value)
      • Added #searchInput following best practices from Get user input from a template reference variable (
      • (keyup) instead of (keydown) because it was giving me some weird synchronization problems.
      • In this simple example, one could further simplify the code by replacing (keyup)="search(searchInput.value)" with (keyup)="" and deleting the search() method.
    • Converted the movies array to an observable movies$ and used the async pipe to follow some Reactive Programming best practices, simplifying the code and handling the unsubscription automatically

Autogenerated by Angular CLI:


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.1.1.

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Code scaffolding

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Running unit tests

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Running end-to-end tests

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Further help

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