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a smart account solution for CosmWasm-enabled chains

How does this work

Our goal is to make the SCA can be considered as the EOA with some extra features

In order to achieve this, the SCA must implement execute methods, after_execute and pre_execute:

// execute method
pub struct AfterExecute {
    pub msgs: Vec<MsgData>

// execute method
pub struct PreExecute { 
    pub msgs: Vec<MsgData>

The state machine will call pre_execute right before a tx is about going to mempool. And after_execute will be called by the validate message which is requested to include in the tx, this message will be final and executed after all other messages have finished executing.

  • In pre_execute, the SCA is provided with details of the tx. It can perform checking logic, updating account state, etc. And determine if the transaction is allowed to enter the mempool or not?

  • In after_execute, The SCA is provided with detailed information about the tx and can access the results of the tx execution. It can perform checking logic, updating account state, etc. And finally determine if the transaction is successful or not?

Optional sudo method recover that activate the smart account recovery function

// sudo method
pub struct Recover {
    pub caller: String,
    pub pub_key: Binary,
    pub credentials: Binary,

The state machine will call the recover method when the recover message is processed in the SmartAccountModule, then update the pubkey of account if the recovery check is successful.


This repository contains three SCAs for demo purpose. Note, they are not considered ready for production use:

Contract Description
account-base base account with required methods
account-recovery account with recovery enabled
account-spend-limit account with spend limit checking

I. Build Project

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

This command will generate 3 file base.wasm, spend_limit.wasm and recovery.wasm in artifacts folder

II. Run a LocalNet


  • Go 1.19
  • Ignite v0.22.1

git clone --branch serenity

cd aura

// change "whitelist_code_id" genesis state in config.yml file (test only)
// whitelist_code_id: [
//  {
//      "code_id": "1",
//      "status": true    
//  },
//  {
//      "code_id": "2",
//      "status": true
//  }

make build

ignite chain serve -v

Setup test env

cd ./test

// change 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' in .npmrc file using github access token with read package privilege

npm install

Generate a new mnemonic. For example:

MNEMONIC `"deputy cousin control dentist cost rich mention stomach rabbit amazing glove gain lend sign bronze mushroom task wedding captain add script wrestle repair camp"`

change .env file with that mnemonic

III. Create a Smart-Account

Store code

export PATH_TO_WASM_FILE="./smart-account-sample/artifacts/spend_limit.wasm"
export SIGNER=Cantho
export CHAIN_ID=aura-testnet

aurad tx wasm store \
    --from $SIGNER \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --gas=auto \
    --gas-adjustment 1.4  \
    --gas-prices 0.025uaura \

Submit whitelist proposal to Serenity testnet (optional)

In case you want to deploy smart account contract to Aura Serenity testnet, please create a proposal file with content:

    "title": "SmartAccount Param Change",
    "description": "Update whitelist code_id",
    "changes": [
        "subspace": "smartaccount",
        "key": "WhitelistCodeID",
        "value": [
                "code_id": "<your-code-id>",
                "status": true
    "deposit": "1000000uaura"

and run bellow command to submit it:

aurad tx gov submit-proposal param-change <your-proposal-file> --from <your-key> --chain-id serenity-testnet-001 --fees 300uaura --yes

After that, please ping our admins so that we can vote for it.

Generate predictable account address

export CODE_ID=1
export INIT_MSG='{"owner":"'$(aurad keys show $SIGNER -a)'"}'
export PUBKEY='{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AnZfdXVALfIcNjpqgzH/4nWsSpP7l5PiCyZAuAWQRBUz"}'
export SALT="account1"

aurad q smartaccount generate-account \
    $CODE_ID \
    $SALT \
    $INIT_MSG \



Send fund to account


aurad tx bank send $(aurad keys show $SIGNER -a) $ACCOUNT_ADDR 10000000uaura \
    --from $SIGNER \
    --fees 200uaura \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

Activate smart account

node activate.js $CODE_ID $SALT $PUBKEY $INIT_MSG

Set spend-limit

aurad tx wasm execute $ACCOUNT_ADDR\
    '{"set_spend_limit":{"denom":"uaura","amount":"10000"}}' \
    --from $SIGNER \
    --gas-prices 0.025uaura \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --gas=auto \
    --gas-adjustment 1.3

IV. Test

Send token from smart-account success

// denom is uaura
export AMOUNT=5000

node send.js $TO_ADDRESS $AMOUNT

Reach spend-limit, transaction fail

export AMOUNT=5001

node send.js $TO_ADDRESS $AMOUNT

V. Recover Test

Create Recovery Account

The creation process is as above with the parameters

export INIT_MSG='{"recover_key":"024ab33b4f0808eba493ac4e3ead798c8339e2fd216b20ca110001fd094784c07f"}'
export PUBKEY='{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AnZfdXVALfIcNjpqgzH/4nWsSpP7l5PiCyZAuAWQRBUz"}'
export SALT="account1"



  • Generate recovery key
    import {Secp256k1, sha256, EnglishMnemonic, Bip39, Slip10, Slip10Curve, stringToPath} from "@cosmjs/crypto"
    const mnemonic = "fat history among correct tribe face armed rough language wonder era ribbon puppy car subject cube provide video math address simple skate swap oval"
    const hdPath = stringToPath("m/44'/118'/0'/0/0")
    const mnemonicChecked = new EnglishMnemonic(mnemonic)
    const seed = await Bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonicChecked, "")
    const { privkey } = Slip10.derivePath(Slip10Curve.Secp256k1, seed, hdPath)
    let { pubkey } = await Secp256k1.makeKeypair(privkey)
    let recover_key = Secp256k1.compressPubkey(pubkey)

Create and send fund to Signer

aurad keys add Signer

aurad tx bank send $(aurad keys show Cantho -a) $(aurad keys show Signer -a) 10000000uaura \
    --from Cantho \
    --fees 200uaura \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

Recover Account Pubkey

export NEW_PUBKEY='{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/2t0ru/iZ4HoiX0DkTuMy9rC2mMeXmiN6luM3pa+IvT"}'

aurad tx smartaccount recover $ACCOUNT_ADDR $NEW_PUBKEY $CREDENTIALS \
    --from Signer \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
    --gas=auto \
    --gas-adjustment 1.4  \
    --gas-prices 0.025uaura \
  • Generate credentials:
    import {Secp256k1, sha256, EnglishMnemonic, Bip39, Slip10, Slip10Curve, stringToPath} from "@cosmjs/crypto"
    import { fromBase64 } from "@cosmjs/encoding"
    const recover_mnemonic = "fat history among correct tribe face armed rough language wonder era ribbon puppy car subject cube provide video math address simple skate swap oval"
    const hdPath = stringToPath("m/44'/118'/0'/0/0")
    const mnemonicChecked = new EnglishMnemonic(recover_mnemonic)
    const seed = await Bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonicChecked, "")
    const { privkey } = Slip10.derivePath(Slip10Curve.Secp256k1, seed, hdPath)
    let { pubkey } = await Secp256k1.makeKeypair(privkey)
    pubkey = Secp256k1.compressPubkey(pubkey)
    let new_pubkey = "A/2t0ru/iZ4HoiX0DkTuMy9rC2mMeXmiN6luM3pa+IvT"
    const hashedPubkey = sha256(fromBase64(new_pubkey))
    const signaturePubkey = await Secp256k1.createSignature(hashedPubkey, privkey)
    const signaturePubkeyBytes = [...signaturePubkey.r(32), ...signaturePubkey.s(32)]
    let credentials = btoa(JSON.stringify({
        signature: signaturePubkeyBytes

change .env file with MNEMONIC "era attitude lucky six physical elite melt industry space motion quit shallow under dust present cross heavy wrist sweet total gravity duck twist wine" then we already to go.