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AWS Batch with a custom Dockerfile

tilne edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 3 revisions


By default, AWS Batch jobs run in a docker image that we've created. That image is based on Amazon Linux 2 and does two things:

  1. Mount shared directories
  2. Create a hostfile, necessary for mpi jobs

Take a look at the Dockerfile for specifics.


  1. Create a AWS Batch Cluster

  2. Go to the ECR Console and find an image with a name similar to paral-docke-t6ayh0ia49nm


  1. Grab that URI, it should look like:

  2. Create a Makefile with the following contents:

# Makefile
uri=[URI from ECR console]

        docker build -f Dockerfile -t pcluster-$(distro) .

        docker tag pcluster-$(distro) $(uri):$(distro)

push: build tag
        docker push $(uri):$(distro)
  1. Now, put the Dockerfile in the same directory as the above Makefile. You can then authenticate with ecr and push:
$ $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region [your_region])
$ make push
  1. On the cluster you can submit a job, which will automatically use the new image from your Dockerfile
$ awsbsub -n 2 hostname 

Adding to existing Dockerfile

If you instead prefer to add to the existing dockerfile, maybe to add packages your application requires, do the following:

$ git clone
$ cd aws-parallelcluster/cli/pcluster/resources/batch/docker/

Create the Makefile shown above and amend the build step to add $(distro)/Dockerfile.

        docker build -f $(distro)/Dockerfile -t pcluster-$(distro) .

Then you can edit the alinux/Dockerfile and scripts/ files before pushing in the same manner as shown above.

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